Figure 1. Research Flow.
Figure 2. Study area: Suwon.
Figure 3. Land cover of analysis extent (A) and resistance value (B): resistance values according to land cover were resampled into format of 100m grid considering the proportion of land cover within individual grid.
Figure 4. Difference between circuit theory based method (a, b) and least-cost based method (c, d). The path with no alterative is represented as channel in figure 4b.
Figure 5. Moving window for analyzing of sections A-L.
Figure 6. Result of circuitscape (A) and graded connectivity (B).
Figure 7. Land cover and connectivity (Zoom in, referring to Figure 7B).
Figure 8. NDVI distribution and connectivity (referring to Figure 6B).
Table 1. Input dataset
Table 2. Resistance values according to land cover in analysis extent
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