Figure 1. Location of study site, and numerical grid system from Chilgok weir to Gangjeong-Goryong weir.
Figure 2. Temporal variations of surface and bottom water temperature along with river discharge from May to November, 2017.
Figure 3. Comparison of observed and simulated water surface elevation.
Figure 4. Comparison of simulated water temperatures with observed high-frequency temperature data at (a) upper layer and (b) lower layer in Gangjeong-Goryong Weir.
Figure 5. Comparison of simulated water temperature and water quality concentration with observed data (ME, K-water).
Figure 6. Comparison of simulated chl-a and cell density of each algae group with observed data (ME, K-water).
Figure 7. Comparison of water temperature and water quality concentration according to operation water level scenario of the weir.
Figure 8. Comparison of chl-a and cell density of each algae group according to operation water level scenario of the weir.
Figure 9. Spatial distribution of cyanobacteria biomass as carbon unit at water surface according to the operation water level scenario of the weir on (a) 2017-06-04 (julian day 155), (b) 2017-08-04 (julian day216), (c) 2017-10-27 (julianday 300).
Figure 10. Temporal variations of cyanobacteria biomass as carbon unit at water surface according to the operation water level scenario of the weir at (a) middle point (A1) and (b) downstream point (A2).
Table 1. Calibrated model parameter values for each algae group
Table 2. Error analysis between simulated results and observed data
Table 3. Basic statistics analysis of simulation results according to operational water level of the weir
Table 3. Continued
Table 4. Normality and Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and median difference of water quality variables
Table 5. Normality and Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and median difference of algae and flow velocity
Table 6. Changes of flow velocity at mid-stream and downstream according to the operation water level scenario
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