Figure 1. Domain settings for air quality modeling and IMS locations in South Korea.
Figure 2. Time series of simulated (line) and measured (dot) daily mean PM2.5 concentrations for Case 1 period (a: Seoul,b: Daejeon).
Figure 3. Time series of daily mean PM2.5 concentrations at 6 IMS sites during Case1.
Figure 4. Spatial distributions of hourly PM2.5 representing the Case1 period.
Figure 5. Time series of daily mean PM2.5 concentrations at 6 IMS sites during Case2.
Figure 6. Spatial distributions of hourly PM2.5 representing the Case2 period.
Figure 7. Time series of daily mean PM2.5 concentrations at 6 IMS sites during Case3.
Figure 8. Spatial distributions of hourly PM2.5 representing the Case3 period.
Figure 9. Time series of daily mean PM2.5 concentrations at 6 IMS sites during Case4.
Figure 10. Spatial distributions of hourly PM2.5 representing the Case4 period.
Figure 11. Box plot of foreign contributions to PM2.5 by region.
Figure 12. Time series (left) and box-plot (right) of measured PM2.5 concentrations and model bias for meteorological variables (upper: wind speed, lower: middle-low cloud fraction).
Table 1. Seasonal analysis period in this study
Table 2. WRF and CMAQ configurations
Table 3. Results of statistical verification of simulated daily mean PM2.5 for 6 IMSs.
Table 4. Simulated mean PM2.5 concentration with standard deviation (μg/m3) and domestic and foreign contribution (%) by case
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피인용 문헌
- Crop Residue Burning in Northeast China and Its Impact on PM2.5 Concentrations in South Korea vol.12, pp.9, 2021,