A Development of Unified and Consistent BIM Database for Integrated Use of BIM-based Quantities, Process, and Construction Costs in Civil Engineering

  • Received : 2019.01.29
  • Accepted : 2019.02.22
  • Published : 2019.02.28


In this study, we have developed a calculation system for BIM-based quantities, 4D process, and 5D construction costs, by integrating object shape attributes and the standard classification system which consist of Cost Breakdown System(CBS), Object Breakdown System(OBS) and Work Breakdown System(WBS) in order to use for the 4 dimensional process control of roads and rivers. First, a new BIM library database connected with the BIM library shape objects was built according to the CBS/OBS/WBS standard classification system of the civil engineering field, and a integrated database system of BIM-based quantities, process(4D), and construction costs(5D) for roads and rivers was constructed. Nextly, the process classification system and the cost classification system were automatically disassembled to the BIM objects consisting of the Revit-family style elements. Finally, we added functions for automatically generating four dimensional activities and generating a automatic cost statement according to the combination of WBS and CBS classification system The ultimate goal of this study was to extend the integrated quantities, process(4D), and construction costs(5D) system for new roads and rivers, enabling the integrated use of process(4D) and construction costs(5D) in the design and construction stage, based on the tasks described above.


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Fig. 1. Civil BIM library in CALS web site (

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Fig. 2. Revit family element type property of Civil BIM library

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Fig. 3. Integrated quantity of Civil BIM library

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Fig. 4. BIM library structure integrated standard breakdown structure

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Fig. 5. System flowchart connection with road and river BIM-based quantity-schedule(4D)-cost(5D)

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Fig. 6. BIM-based library database flowchart integrated CBS/OBS/WBS standard breakdown structure

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Fig. 7. System process connection with road and river quantity-schedule(4D)-cost(5D)

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Fig. 8. System sample display connection with road and river quantity-schedule(4D)-cost(5D)

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Fig. 9. Quantity-Cost(5D) connection with BIM-based library DB

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Fig. 10. Cost Breakdown Structure Sample data

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Fig. 11. BIM-based quantity-schedule(4D)-cost(5D) system sample display integrated Cost breakdown system information

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Fig. 12. Object Breakdown Structure Sample data

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Fig. 13. The process of BIM-based library property and Object breakdown structure property information

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Fig. 14. BIM-based quantity-schedule(4D)-cost(5D) system sample display integrated Object breakdown system information

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Fig. 15. Work Breakdown Structure Sample data

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Fig. 16. The process of BIM-based library property and Work breakdown structure property information

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Fig. 17. BIM-based quantity-schedule(4D)-cost(5D) system sample display integrated Work breakdown system information

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Fig. 18. The flowchart of Schedule(4D)-Cost(5D) Integrated module connection with matrix function module in quantity-schedule(4D)-cost(5D) system

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Fig. 19. The sample system display connection withquantity-cost(5D) by matrix cell unit

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Fig. 20. The activity automatically create by matrix combine CBS and WBS breakdown structure

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Fig. 21. The statement automatically create by matrix function combine with CBS and WBS breakdown structure

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Fig. 22. Export of excel file format statement automatically create by matrix function


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