Automatic False-Alarm Labeling for Sensor Data

  • Adi, Taufik Nur (Industrial Engineering Department, Pusan National University) ;
  • Bae, Hyerim (Industrial Engineering Department, Pusan National University) ;
  • Wahid, Nur Ahmad (Big Data Department, Pusan National University)
  • Received : 2019.01.28
  • Accepted : 2019.02.19
  • Published : 2019.02.28


A false alarm, which is an incorrect report of an emergency, could trigger an unnecessary action. The predictive maintenance framework developed in our previous work has a feature whereby a machine alarm is triggered based on sensor data evaluation. The sensor data evaluator performs three essential evaluation steps. First, it evaluates each sensor data value based on its threshold (lower and upper bound) and labels the data value as "alarm" when the threshold is exceeded. Second, it calculates the duration of the occurrence of the alarm. Finally, in the third step, a domain expert is required to assess the results from the previous two steps and to determine, thereby, whether the alarm is true or false. There are drawbacks of the current evaluation method. It suffers from a high false-alarm ratio, and moreover, given the vast amount of sensor data to be assessed by the domain expert, the process of evaluation is prolonged and inefficient. In this paper, we propose a method for automatic false-alarm labeling that mimics how the domain expert determines false alarms. The domain expert determines false alarms by evaluating two critical factors, specifically the duration of alarm occurrence and identification of anomalies before or while the alarm occurs. In our proposed method, Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) is utilized to detect anomalies. It is an unsupervised approach that is suitable to our main data characteristic, which is the lack of an example of the normal form of sensor data. The result shows that the technique is effective for automatic labeling of false alarms in sensor data.


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Fig. 1. Layers of protection [4]

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Fig. 2. Architecture of Cloud-based Predictive Maintenance [17]

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Fig. 3. HTM Framework [13]

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Fig. 4. Automatic false-alarm labeling framework

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Fig. 5. Example of alarm detection logs

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Fig. 6. Primary functional steps in HTM algorithm [25]

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Fig. 7. Result of anomaly detection using HTM Algorithm (cut version)

Table 1. Example of anomaly-detection result

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Table 2. System environment of automatic false-alarm labeling

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Table 3. Detailed information on detected anomalies

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