Supported by : 한국연구재단
This study restores onshore paleo-shoreline records and establishes the nature and strain rate of neotectonism by investigating the existence and formative age of paleo-coastal sediments emerged around Sacheon-si in the Southern part of the Korean peninsula. As a result, paleo-sand bars representing 5m of the paleo-shoreline from high tide level are formed in Sacheon-si, and the formation age of these is confirmed as MIS 5c at approximately 100,000 year BP through rock surface luminescence dating to rounded gravels in paleo-sand bars. Although it is difficult to establish the uplift rate of crust precisely due to incomplete restoration of sea level records during the last interglacial stage, the uplift rate along the Southern coast of the peninsula was assumed approximately 0.72 lower than the Eastern coast during the late Quaternary in comparison to the 1st marine terrace along the Eastern coast.
Supported by : 한국연구재단