Fig. 1. Soil sampling cites for soil properties analysis at P. grandiflorum from 3 fields of Okcheon-gun, Chungbuk province. (A) Soil samples of cultivated for 5 years (non transplanted) collected from Samnam, Okcheon-gun. (B) Soil samples of cultivated for 2 years (non transplanted) and 5 years (transplanted) collected from Gwongchon, Okcheon-gun. (C) Soil samples of cultivated for 6 years (transplanted), 11 years (transplanted) and 15 years (transplanted) collected from Soseo, Okcheon-gun.
Fig. 2. (A) 12 soil samples were collected from the root surface except for the topsoil layer (20 ㎝). Soil analysis was carried out on the basis of the Rural Development Administration soil chemical analysis. (B) Determination of T-N (Total Nitrogen) was performed by nitrogen auto analyzer (K-350, Buchi distillation unit). (C) Soil pH and E.C (Electronic Conductivity) were performed by electrode method (Orion 3 star, Thermo).
Table 1. List of soil samples collected from Okcheon-gun, Chungbuk province
Table 2. Soil properties as cultivated year of P. grandiflorum
Table 3. Soil properties of trans planting for 5 years of cultivation of P. grandiflorum
Table 4. Soil properties affected by root rot disease of P. grandiflorum
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