Analysis of Corneal Topography in Keratoconus

원추각막의 각막지형도 분석

  • 김덕훈 (마산대학교 안경광학과)
  • Received : 2016.07.05
  • Accepted : 2016.07.30
  • Published : 2016.09.30


The analysis of cornea morphology using corneal topographers is a clinical practice for the diagnosis of keratoconus in contact lens fitting. The recently technique has developed with the possibility of achieving a great number of measuring points of both anterior and posterior corneal surfaces in cornea. Also these data are used to extract a series of topographic valuation indices that permit to offer the most exact clinical diagnosis of keratoconus in contact lens fitting. This study describes the technologies in which current corneal topographers are based on the morphological characteristics that the keratoconus status observe on corneal surface. Therefore, this paper can provide that the analysis of corneal topographers applied for the diagnosis of keratoconus in contact lens fitting.



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