Water Quality Modeling and Response Assessment in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea

황해 및 동중국해의 수질예측과 응답성 평가

  • Lee, Dae-In (Marine Environmental Impact Assessment Center, National Fisheries Research & Development)
  • 이대인 (국립수산과학원 해역이용영향평가센터)
  • Received : 2012.04.19
  • Accepted : 2012.05.21
  • Published : 2012.06.30


In order to evaluate and predict the environmental impact of the low-trophic-level ecosystem to environmental changes in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, an ecological modelling study was undertaken. Simulation results of average distribution patterns and concentrations of water quality factors during the summer by the model were acceptable. Phytoplankton and remineralization rate of organic matter were very important parameters by a sensitivity analysis. Water quality factors showed high values in the estuary of the Yangtze River and in the West and South Sea of Korea and low values in the central area of the Yellow Sea. There is a plume of high values, especially nutrients, off the mouth of the Yangtze that expands or contracts with changes in the discharge strength. Characteristics of responses of water quality factors vary for different scenarios of environmental change, such as land-based pollution sources and atmospheric forcing. It is suggested that changes of light intensity, discharges of input sources, and wind play an important role in the marine ecosystem.



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