태양광 확보를 위한 국내외 건축법 비교 및 분석

Analysis and Comparison of Sunlight Access Codes in Domestic and Foreign Countries

  • 투고 : 2012.08.12
  • 발행 : 2012.12.25


The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare current zoning regulations for solar access on a global scale. The sun is the essential source for heat and light in human-built environments. In urban planning and architectural design, therefore, access to sunlight has been a primary consideration since human beings have been creating built environments. The sun is also a significant replacement for current restrictive fuels. Since the energy crisis in the 1970s, increasing interest in solar energy has motivated many modern cities in the world to establish different methods for gaining sunlight access in modern building development. Zoning, a regulatory device defining the maximum volume of a building by its relationship with other buildings and with land use, has been applied as the best strategy to achieve this objective. In this study, twelve existing zoning laws and guidelines for solar access throughout the world were analyzed and compared. Case studies were initially classified by sunlight types. Next, the constraints, tools, and other considerations were investigated by type. Lastly, each classification was evaluated by urban development density, energy conversion, and energy savings. The information obtained from this study will be used as the fundamental data for improving zoning guidelines for solar access in Korea.



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