A Study on the Fracture Behavior of Tooth Interfacial Layer, DEJ (Dental Enamel Junction)

치아 계면 층 DEJ(Dental Enamel Junction)의 파괴 거동에 관한 수치해석적 연구

  • Received : 2011.05.09
  • Accepted : 2011.05.20
  • Published : 2011.06.15


Numerical experiments on biological interfacial layer, DEJ by finite element software ABAQUS have been conducted to study its fracture behavior including crack bridging / arresting characteristics in the model. Crack growth simulation has been carried out by numerical tool, XFEM, devoted to study cracks and discontinuities. The fracture toughness of DEJ has been estimated before and after crack bridging. The implications of bridging in numerical study of fracture behavior of DEJ-like biological interface have been discussed. It has been observed that the results provided by the numerical studies without proper accommodation of bridging phenomenon can mislead. This study can be helpful for understanding the DEJ-like biological interface in terms of its fracture toughness, an important material characteristics. This property of the material is an important measure that has to be taken care during design and manufacturing processes.



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