효소저항성 쌀전분의 첨가가 마들렌의 품질 및 텍스처 특성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Addition of Enzyme-Resistant Rice RS3 on Quality and Textural Characteristics of Madeleine

  • 김완수 (호남대학교 조리과학과)
  • Kim, Wan-Soo (Dept. of Culinary Science, Honam University)
  • 투고 : 2009.12.31
  • 심사 : 2010.01.12
  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


This study attempted to examine the application of retrograded starch (RS3) isolated from rice flour into Madeleine which is easy to make, supply enough energy and micro nutrients with adequate drinks, and prevent an adult disease. This could be a popular food to anyone regardless of age and gender who avoid rice and become high value-added, processed rice foods. For this, control Madeleine was made from wheat flour and an experimental one was made from 5 or 10% rice RS3 addition as well as wheat flour. Four different types of rice were produced from Premium Ho-Pyong Rice, that is, dry milled rice flour(RFD), soaked for 8 hours and milled, followed by air-dried rice flour(RFW), rice starch(RST), and retrograded rice starch or enzyme-resistant starch(RS3). The results found were as follows: Proximate compositions were decreased with soaking to make RFW, RST and RS3, compared to RFD. RS3 had the highest L, +a and ${\Delta}E$ with the lowest +b, changing it to a dark color, explaining the need for heat control during processing. At $80^{\circ}C$, the swelling power was shown in the order of RST>RFW>RFD>RS3 and the solubility of RS3 was the highest. There were significant differences in viscosities of peak, trough, cold, breakdown and total setback of all rice samples using RVA (p<0.001). Due to the pH of RS3, the Madeleine batter became acidic (p<.01) and expanded, resulting in more air cells and open texture. With an increasing RS3 level in Madeleine, several textural attributes among 'fresh' and 'stored at room temperature' Madeleine samples were significantly different by using Texture Analyzer. While the addition of RS3 in Madeleine did not significantly affect the sensory evaluation, indicating RS3 isolated from rice as a beneficial ingredient for processed rice products.



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