Quality Assessment by MSW Type for High-quality and Low-pollution RDF

고품질·저오염 RDF 생산을 위한 생활폐기물 성분평가

  • 함광준 (강원도자연환경연구공원) ;
  • 오근찬 (강원도보건환경연구원) ;
  • 박영한 (강원도보건환경연구원) ;
  • 김민수 (강원도자연환경연구공원) ;
  • 김준현 (강원대학교 환경공학과)
  • Received : 2009.07.13
  • Accepted : 2009.12.26
  • Published : 2009.12.31


In order to provide fundamental data for developing high-grade(high-quality and low-pollution) Refuse Derived Fuel(RDF), we analyzed caloric value and HCl content by Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) type. The caloric value was analyzed using calorimeter and HCl content was analyzed using mercury(II) thiocyanate method. In case of paper type the caloric value was 3,060~3,608kcal/kg and the HCl content was 239~6,135ppm. In case of vinyl-plastics the caloric value was 5,946~9,888kcal/kg and the HCl content was 429~455,771ppm. According to the result of quality assessment by MSW type, the calroric value of vinyl-plastics type was showed higher than that of paper type and in case of HCl content the paper type was showed lower than vinyl-plastics type. So, We mixed paper and plastic wastes. The caloric value of mixed MSW(paper and plastics) was 5,046~9,125kcal/kg and the HCl content was 239~6,135ppm. Also, The caloric value of packaging waste(film-plastics) was 5,982~8,045kcal/kg. Therefore It is possible to develop high-grade Refuse Derived Fuel through suitable mixing of paper and plastic in municipal solid waste.



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