도시민의 농촌이주 수요모형 분석: 정착자금 지원효과를 중심으로

Modeling Demand for Rural Settlement of Urban Residents

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The objective of this research was to develop a rural settlement demand model to analyze the determinants of settlement demand of urban residents. The point aimed at from model development was deriving stated preference of potential consumers towards rural settlement through setting a hypothetical market, and using settlement subsidy as a surrogate variable for price in the demand model. The adequate demand model deducted from hypothetical market data was derived from the basis of Hanemann's utility difference theory. In the rural settlement demand model, willingness to accept was expressed by a function of settlement subsidy. Data utilized in the analysis was collected from surveys of households nationwide. According to inferred results of the demand model, settlement subsidy had a significant influence on increasing demand for rural settlement. A significant common element was found among variables affecting demand increase through demand curve shift. The majority group of those with high rural settlement demand sought agricultural activity as their main motive, due to harsh urban environments aggravated by unstable job market conditions. Subsequently, restriction of income opportunities in rural areas does not produce an entrance barrier for potential rural settlers. Moreover, this argument could be supported by the common trend of those with high rural settlement demand generally tending to have low incomes. Due to such characteristics of concerned groups of rural settlement demand, they tended to react susceptibly to the subsidy provided by the government and local autonomous entities.



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