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- 中草藥學 (2판) 上海中醫學院
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- Clin Endoclinol. v.9 Sex hormone concen-tration in postmenopausal women. Vermuelen A;Verdonck L.
- Anal biochem. v.20 A multple wavelength selector for a continous spectrophotometric column monitoring system. Sarkar BC;Chauhan UPS.
- J Biol Chem. v.164 A method for the rapid determination of alkaline phosphatase with five cubic millimeters of serum. Bessey OA;Lowry OH;Brock MJ.
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- proceedings of intemational symposium on pharmaceutical sciences commemo Current status of research and development in osteoporosis therapy . Kim IC.
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- Endocrinol. v.123 no.2 Estrogen treatnebt prevents osteopenia and depresses bone turnover in ovariectomized rats Wronski TJ;Cintron M;Doherty AL;Dann LM.
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- J Bonr Joint Surg. v.56 The mechanicai properties of cortical bone. Reilly DT;Burstein AH.
- Calcif Tissue Int. v.59 no.1 The correlation of bone mineral density and biochemical markers to fracture risk. Adachi JD.
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- Br Med J. v.2 Prospective trial of estrogen and calcium in postmenopausal women. Herman A;Gallagher JC;Simpsom M;Nordin BEC.
- J Clin invest. v.64 Regulation of calcitonin secretion in normal man by changes of serum calcium with the physiologic range. Ausrin LA;Health H;Go VLW