20세기 후반 패션에 나타난 절충주의적 경향;Andy Warhol Look을 중심으로

A Study on Eclectic Trend Expressed in the late 20th Century′s Fashion -with the main point of Andy Warhol′s Look-

  • 양희영 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 양숙희 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


A study analyzes the eclectic trend shown in Andy Warhol look to explain the pluralistic aspect which is expressed in the late 20th century's fashion. Eclecticism is a trial to dismantle the barriers between pure art and popular art, high culture and low culture. This pursues harmonious accommodation and coexistence of all areas without being confined in the conventional lofty taste or high art. This thesis studies the characteristic aspects of the eclectic trend by classifying this trend into sell culture, mass media and fashion around the Andy Warhol look. The sexual eclectic trend in Warhol look is bisexual one shown in clubland and the world of modeling and supplies fashion with abundant expression and ambiguity. Warhol established cultural eclecticism by compounding high cultural factors and low cultural factors. broke up the boundary between street fashion and high fashion and escaped from the fixed idea on materials and design. Also he generalized and democratized specialty or nobility conventional paintings had possessed through introducing repetition and mediocrity and fully utilized every kind of mass media, Hollywood movie stars and daily necessaries in producing works. Andy Warhol who asserted‘Business Art’that was the mixed form of artistry and commercialism had creative and futuristic taste and proposed the direction to develop current fashion and art where the concept of economy is importantly brought into relief.



  1. 포스트모더니즘 연구 안홍구
  2. What is Post-Modernism Charles Jenkes
  3. 예술과문화 포스트모더니즘과 미술-건축에 있어서의 다의성과 절충주의 임영방
  4. art in thw Age of Mass Media John A. Walker;정잔국(역)
  5. 한국광고 포스트모던 광고의 이해 서범석
  6. 영화에 나타난 포스트모더니즘 연구 고윤전
  7. TV광고에 반영된 포스트모더니즘 현상에 관한 연구 최숙희
  8. 신세대 시장의 마케팅적 의의와 광고표현 특성에 관한 연구 이화자
  9. 패션에 표현된 포스트모더니즘 연구 정현숙
  10. 포스트모더니즘 시대의 성문화 이야기-AIDS, X-화일 안종주
  11. 1990년대 복식에 나타난 포스트모더니즘적 특성에 관한 연구 허정난
  12. 1980년대 패션에 나타난 포스트모더니즘에 관한 연구 박명희
  13. 20세기 말 패션에 나타난 Crossover에 관한 연구 김영자
  14. The Warhol Look Mark Francis;margery King
  15. The Warhol Glamour style: Fashion Illumination Richard Martin(외 6명)
  16. 패션에 나타난 페티시즘에 관한 연구 이의정
  17. American Art since 1900 Babra Rose
  18. 복식 v.5 no.3 현대 복식에 나타난 그라피티 기법에 관한 연구 김주영;이정후;양숙희
  19. Warhol Museum
  20. Andy warhol 전시 참고 도록집 호암갤러리