- IEEE Control Systems Suvey of robust control for rigid robots C. Abdallah;D. Dawson;P. Dorato;M. Jamshidi
- Proc. IEEE Conf. Robotics Automat. Estimation of angular velocity and acceleration from shaft encorder measurements P. R. B'elanger
- IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automat. v.9 no.6 A passivity approach to controller-observer design for robots H. Berghuis;H. Nijmeijer
- IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. v.37 no.8 Adaptive control of robot manipulators via velocity estimated feedback C. Canudas de Wit;N. Fixot
- IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automat. v.8 no.1 Trajectory tracking in robot manipulators via nonlinear estimated state feedback C. Canudas de Wit;N. Fixot;K. J. Astrom
- Automatica v.27 Sliding observer for robot manipulators C. Canudas de Wit;J. J. E. Slotine
- IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. v.36 no.5 Stability analysis of a continuous implementation of variable structure control F. Esfandiari;H. K. Khalil
- Int. J. Contr. v.56 Output feedback stabilization of fully linearizable systems F. Esfandiari;K. H. Khalil
- Amer. Math. Soc. Translations v.42 no.2 Differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side A. F. Filippov
- J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control v.113 A class of transfer functions with non-negative impulse response S. Jayasuriya;M. A. Franchek
- Nonlinear Systems (second edition) H. K. Khalil
- IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. v.35 Robot control by using only joint position measurements S. Nicosia;P. Tomei
- Int. J. Contr. v.62 Output feedback stabilization using variable structure control S. Oh;H. Khalil
- M-matrix characterization v.18 1-non-singular M-matrices linear algebra and its Application B. J. Plemmons
- Int. J. Contr. v.38 Tracking control of nonlinear systems using sliding surfaces, with application to robot manipulators J. J. Slotine;S. S. Sastry
- Robot dynamics and control M. W. Spong;M. Vidyasagar
- IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. v.40 Real time implementation of regressor-based sliding mode control algorithm for robotic manipulators C. Su;T. Leung;Y. Stepanenko