To complement and develop the treatment of Oriental medicine, I have observed and analysed 11 persons who have undertaken Samhabtang (三合湯) because of the epigastric pain. Considering and analysing the clinical diagnoses, complaints, ages, and so on, I have obtained the conclusion as follows. 1. The main method of treatment is remove obstruction method (通法), because pathogenesis of epigastric pain is obstruction of the flow of ki occurs pain (不通則痛). 2. Chronic epigastric pain is developed by stagnation of ki (氣滯). stagnation of blood (血瘀), deficiency of vital essence (陰虛), pathogenic cold (寒邪). 3. Samhabtang (三合湯) effects on above symptoms, so it may cure chronic epigastric pain. 4. This clinical study of Samhabtang (三合湯) shows 81.8% of effective rate.