- 漢韓大字典 李相殷
- 千金要方 漢藥산책 丁海哲
- 中國醫學史 洪元植
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.2 no.1 中風의 病因論 에 관한 文獻的 考察 張仁圭
- 黃帝內經講解 郭仲夫
- 中國醫學史 傅維康
- 千金要方 孫思邈
- 千金方 孫思邈
- 黃帝內經素問譯解 楊維傑
- 黃帝內經靈樞譯解 楊維傑
- 中國醫學百科全書 方劑學 楊醫幷
- 醫宗金鑑 吳謙
- 醫方考 吳崑
- 六科准繩 王肯堂
- 醫學正傳 虞搏
- 醫門法律 喩昌
- 歷代名醫良方注釋 再小峰
- 中醫方劑通釋 宗全和
The study of Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門) by Sonsamak(孫思邈) showed the following results. 1. The cause of Jungpung(中風) in Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門) was quotated from the theory of Naekyung(內經) -Pung(風) evil from the external environment invade on Hu(虛) of human body(外來風邪, 內虛邪中). 2. At Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門), he devided into the four classes of Jungpung(中風)'s symptom-Pyungo, Pungbi, Pungyi, Pungbi(偏枯, 風?, 風懿, 風痺)-, and this classification had a great influence on the next generations. 3. At Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門), he understanded that changes of Jungpung(中風)'s pathology depended on the Eum-Yang-Han-Yul-Hu-Shil(陰陽寒熱虛實) of the patients. 4. At Jungpung(中風)'s section in Chungumyobang (千金要方, 諸風門), he gathered and rearranged various prescription which accumulated the clinical experiences during the period from Naekyung(內經), Sanghan(傷寒) times, to Tang(唐)'s dynasty. There were major Jungpung(中風)'s prescription -Sosokmyungtang(小續命湯), Daesokmyungtang(大續命湯), Jukryuktang(竹瀝湯), Jihwangjun(地黃煎), Dokhwalgisaengtang(獨活寄生湯) etc. And the principle of treatment was the remedy method of removing evil through sweating(發汗祛邪法). 5. Chungumyobang(千金要方) showed the development of quality, quantity in their prescription comparing the fomer ages. And the method of classification of Jungpung(中風)'s symptom had a great influence on the next generation in clinical aspect. But the basic theory in Chungumyobang(千金要方) coudn't get out of the limits of Naekyung(內經), Gumgueyoryak(金?要略).