- 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植
- 精校黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植
- 國譯編註醫學入門 李挻
- 東醫生理學 金完熙(외)
- 國譯醫方集解 汪昻
- 中醫方劑病證圖解 高山宏世
- 臨床配合本草學 康秉秀;金永坂
- 本草學 李尙仁
- 毒物學 高錫太(외)
- 기초독성학 조맹행
- 이우주의 약리학강의 홍사석
- Clin. Chim. Acta. v.43 A keinetic determination of ammonia in plasma Jacobs, H. A. M.;Olthuis, F. M. K. G.
- Am. Clin. Lab. Science v.14 Enzymatic assay for creatinine with fixed-time keinetics on a centrifugal analyzer Margrey, M.;Margrey, K.;Bruns, D.E.;Boyd, J.C.;Fortier, G.A.;Renoe, B.W.;Savory, J.
- Anal. Biochem. v.95 Assay for lipid peroxide in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction Ohkawa, H.;Ohishi, N.;Yaki, K.
- Arch. Biochem. Biophys. v.255 Negative and positive assays of superoxide dismutase based on hematoxylin autooxidation Martin, J.P.;Dailey, M.;Sugarman, E.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Protein measurement with folin phenol reagent Lowry, O.H.;Rosebrough, N.J.;Farr, A.L.;Randall, R.J.
- 傷寒論譯詮 蔡仁植
- Clinical Biochemistry, Marshall, W.J.;Bangert, S.K.
- Clin. Nephrol. v.40 no.6 The effects of cyclosporin on renal microsomal cytochrome P-450 systems Yoshimura, R.;Yoshimura, N.;Nakatani, T.;Kusunose, E.;Yamaguchi, T.;Oka, T.;Kishimoto, T.
- J. Surg. Res. v.57 no.4 Effect of a 21-aminosteroid, U74006F, on lipid peroxidation and glomerulotubular function following experimental renal ischemia Shackleton, C.R.;Ettinger, S.L.;Scudamore, C.H.;Toleikis, P.F.;Keown, P.A.
- Arch. Biochem. Biophys. v.235 Lipid peroxidation increases the molecular order of microsomal membranes Curtis, M.T.;Gilfor, D.;Farber, J.L.
- J. Pharm. v.41 Mechanistic toxicology:A radical perspective David, R.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.21 Lipid peroxide formation in experimental inflammation Sharma, S.C.;Mukhtar, H.;Sharma, S.K.;Krishna-Murt, C.R.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.31 Activation of pharmacologic agents to radical intermediates:Implications for the role of free radicals in drug action and toxicity Trush, A.M.;Mimnaugh, E.G.;Gram, T.E.
- 생화학 Lehininger, A.L.
- 한국생화학회지 v.22 no.2 Prednlsone투여에 의한 흰쥐 위 점막 손상과 Liposomal Superoxide Dismutase의 보호효과 백광진;이희성
- J. Biol. Chem. v.244 Superoxide dismutase, An enzymatic function for erythrocuprein(hemocuperin) McCord, J.M.;Fridovich, I.
- Science v.185 Free radical and inflammation;Protection of synovial fluid by superoxide dismutase McCord, J.M.
- Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. v.68 no.2 Cyclosporine A induced lipid peroxidation and influence on glucose-6-phosphatase in rat hepatic and renal microsomes Inselmann, G.;Hannemann, J.;Baumann, K.
- 동국대학교 대학원 박사학위 補中益氣湯이 Cycrosporin A를 投與한 흰쥐의 肝 및 腎損傷에 미치는 影響 朴宰賢
- Drug. Chem. Toxicol. v.18 no.2-3 Diethyldithiocarbamate protection against cisplatin nephrotoxicity:Antioxidant system Somani, S.M.;Ravi, R.;Rybak, L.P.
- Lab. Invest. v.47 Biology of disease;Free radicals and tissue injury Freemann, B.A.;Crapo, J.D.
- Free radicals, aging and degenerative disease Larry, W.O.;Terry, B.O.
- Jpn. J. Anesthesiol. v.43 no.1 Alteration of lipid peroxidation and the activity of peroxide metabolism enzymes in the liver, kidney and lung following the administration of paraquat in mice Takenaka, T.;Goto, F.
- Clin. Nephrol. v.44 no.1 Frythrocyte glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase acitvities in different stages of chronic renal failure Mimic, O.J.;Simic, T.;Ekmescic, V.;Dragicevic, P.
- Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Occup. Physiol. v.72 no.3 Superoxide dismutase derivative prevents oxidative damage in liver and kidney of rats induced by exhausting exercise Radak, Z.;Asano, K.;Inoue, M.;Kizaki, T.;Suzuki, K.;Ohno, H.;Taniguchi, N.