Gastric cancer shows the most high friquency in cancers that occurs in Korea. The western medicine treatment for gastric cancer has radiation and surgery, chemical treatment. While, oriental medicine cures the gastric cancer by herb-drugs, acupunture , moxa and srigma. With just one way of treating gastric cancer can't be effective remedy. Because each medicine has a strength and weakness. Thus, it is effective treatment when two medicine combins and supplement each other. We got the following result about a trend of oriental and westernal combination treatment for gastric cancer through studing records. 1. The western medicine treats gastric cancer patient with surgery first and right after surgery. They need on assembly treatent such as chemical and immune treatment. In oriental medicine, they treats gastric cancer patients with differentiation of symptone and signs and treatment(辨證施治)[for example:incoordination between liver and stomach(肝胃不和), insufficiency of spleen and stomach(脾胃虛弱), stagnation of blood stasis and toxic agent(瘀毒內阻), deficiency of yin by stomach heat(胃熱傷陰), reinforcing both qi and blood(氣血雙虧), stagnation of damp-phlegm(痰濕凝結)] and cure for them by acupuncture and stigma, too. 2. In combination with oriental and western medical treatment principle of gastric cancer by each stage is as follows. First stage and second stage gastric cancer is cured with radical surgery mainly. After operation, the herb of invigoration of the spleen(健脾), coordination of the stomach(和胃), and smoothing the liver and regurating the circulation of qi(疏肝理氣), is used for good gastroenteric condition. The second stage patients can be concidered using in combination with chimical treatment. The third stage gastric cancer is treated with radical surgery or with temporizing surgery. After those surgery, herb-drugs treatment is used jointly. The fourth stage patients who have no extensively metastasis or local contraindication can undergo temporizing and curcuit surgical operation. Herb-drugs and chemical treatments are used together for patients after operating. If he has operating contraindication, he would be treated with herb-drugs and chemical treatment. 3. In case of using in combination with oriental and western medical treatment as follows. As for herb-drugs with chemical treatment, reinforcing both qi and blood(補益氣血), invigorate the spleen and the stomach(健脾和胃), reinforcing liver and kidney(滋補脾腎), clear out the heat and relieve the toxic agent(淸熱解毒), can be used and with radiation treatment, clear out the heat and relieve the toxic agent(淸熱解毒), promoting the production body fluid and moisturizing the vicera(生津潤燥), reinforcing both qi and blood(補益氣血), invigorate the spleen and the stomach (健脾和胃), reinforcing liver and kidney(滋補肝腎) etc, can be used. 4. According to the research of oriental and western medical combination treatment are the 5-year-survival degree with oriental and western medicine combination treatment was for better than that just with oriental or western medical treatment. Especially, it has good effect on the third, fourth stage gastric cancer. That is, the middle and the end of stage gastric cancer. 5. The merits of oriental and western medicine combination treatment are lengthers one's life and diminish the bad effect of chemical treatment and radiation treatment be near completion, prevent from relapsing, maintain the balance in their eveirenment of body and improve immunity.