• Title/Summary/Keyword: web-based GIS

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Design of Environmental Information Systems Architecture Based on the Internet : The Building of a Database for Environmental Factors and GIS (인터넷 환경에 기반한 환경정보시스템 아키텍쳐 설계 : 환경요인을 Database 구축과 이를 이용한 GIS 구축)

  • Suh, Eui-Ho;Lee, Dae-Ho;Yu, Sung-Ho
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1998
  • As the management and preservation of the environment become an important social issue, information required to support environmental task is required. So, there is an increasing demand for environmental information and appropriate systems to manage it. The vast volume of environmental data is distributed in different knowledge domains and systems. Environmental data objects have the complex structure containing environmental quality data and attribute data. Environmental information systems must be able to address these properties. This research has aimed at constructing well-defined schema design of environmental data, and making system architecture that environmental data kept by authorities should be made available to the public user. There are 3 major components in environmental information systems architecture ; User interface, Catalog libraries, Communication Provider. Web browsers provide consistent and intuitive user interfaces on Internet. The communication provider is a collection of diverse CGI functions. The main roles of the CGIs are to build interfaces between the Web, databases. Catalog libraries is libraries of various matadata including administration matadata. Administration matadata support the environmental administration and the managerial aspects of environmental data rather than explain a database itself or its properties.

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Establishment of A WebGIS-based Information System for Continuous Observation during Ocean Research Vessel Operation (WebGIS 기반 해양 연구선 상시관측 정보 체계 구축)

  • HAN, Hyeon-Gyeong;LEE, Cholyoung;KIM, Tae-Hoon;HAN, Jae-Rim;CHOI, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2021
  • Research vessels(R/Vs) used for ocean research move to the planned research area and perform ocean observations suitable for the research purpose. The five research vessels of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology(KIOST) are equipped with global positioning system(GPS), water depth, weather, sea surface layer temperature and salinity measurement equipment that can be observed at all times during cruise. An information platform is required to systematically manage and utilize the data produced through such continuous observation equipment. Therefore, the data flow was defined through a series of business analysis ranging from the research vessel operation plan to observation during the operation of the research vessel, data collection, data processing, data storage, display and service. After creating a functional design for each stage of the business process, KIOST Underway Meteorological & Oceanographic Information System(KUMOS), a Web-Geographic information system (Web-GIS) based information platform, was built. Since the data produced during the cruise of the R/Vs have characteristics of temporal and spatial variability, a quality management system was developed that considered these variabilities. For the systematic management and service of data, the KUMOS integrated Database(DB) was established, and functions such as R/V tracking, data display, search and provision were implemented. The dataset provided by KUMOS consists of cruise report, raw data, Quality Control(QC) flagged data, filtered data, cruise track line data, and data report for each cruise of the R/V. The business processing procedure and system of KUMOS for each function developed through this study are expected to serve as a benchmark for domestic ocean-related institutions and universities that have research vessels capable of continuous observations during cruise.

Case Study of UML(Unified Modeling Language) Design for Web-based Forest Fire Hazard Index Presentation System (웹 기반 산불위험지수 표출시스템에서의 UML(Unified Modeling Language) 설계 사례)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Yun-Won;Ahn, Seung-Seup
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.58-68
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    • 2002
  • Recently as recognition to prevent nature disasters is reaching the climax, the most important job of government official is to provide information related to the prevention of nature disasters through the Web and to bring notice to prevent disaster under people. Especially, if the case of daily forest fire hazard index is provided within visualization on Web, people may have more chances to understand about forest fire and less damages by large scale of forest fire. Forest fire hazard index presentation system developed in this paper presents daily forest fire hazard index on map visually also provides the information related to it in text format. In order to develop this system, CBDP(Component Based Development Process) is proposed in this paper. This development process tries to emphasize the view of reusability so that it has lifecycle which starts from requirement and domain analysis and finishes to component generation. Moreover, The concept of this development process tries to reflect component based method, which becomes hot issue in software field nowadays. In the future, the component developed in this paper may be possibly reused in other Web GIS application, which has similar function to it so that it may take less cost and time to develop other similar system.

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Pilot Building for a Participation System on the Basis of WebGIS by the Process of Urban Planning (도시계획과정에 있어서 웹기반 GIS를 이용한 주민참여시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Wuk;Ryu, Ji-Won;Jung, Eung-Ho;Kim, Soobong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2006
  • Considering constantly increasing number of internet users and information-oriented society with high speed internet network, the application of computer technology is considered to be valuable in urban planning. Particularly, since using Geographic Information System (GIS) is expected to be the best method to convey the information related to the urban planning. Therefore, this study aims at the development of participation system by using GIS and Internet. The system consists of Basic Module, Disposal Module and Decision Support Module. Each module is designed for expressing planning information and processing database, opinion statement and convenience of citizens, and the effectiveness of administration process and decision making. These are connected each other in a basic and simple form, i.e. Java Script and HTML, and the system was realized through data process, Map date and PostGIS for Mapping, and PHP. Last but not least, this system has been tested on the internet and the result indicated its convenience and availability in actual use concluding that participation system has enough application value on urban planning process.

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Development of 3D Mapping System for Web Visualization of Geo-spatial Information Collected from Disaster Field Investigation (재난현장조사 공간정보 웹 가시화를 위한 3차원 맵핑시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Seongsam;Nho, Hyunju;Shin, Dongyoon;Lee, Junwoo;Kim, Hyunju
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_4
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    • pp.1195-1207
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    • 2020
  • With the development of GeoWeb technology, 2D/3D spatial information services through the web are also has been used increasingly in the application of disaster management. This paper is suggested to construct a web-based 3D geo-spatial information mapping platform to visualize various spatial information collected at the disaster site in a web environment. This paper is presented a web-based geo-spatial information mapping service plan for the various types of 2D/3D spatial data and large-volume LiDAR point cloud data collected at the disaster accident site using HTML5/WebGL, web development standard technology and open source. Firstly, the collected disaster site survey 2D data is constructed as a spatial DB using GeoServer's WMS service and PostGIS provided an open source and rendered in a web environment. Secondly, in order to efficiently render large-capacity 3D point cloud data in a web environment, a Potree algorithm is applied to simplifies point cloud data into 2D tiles using a multi-resolution octree structure. Lastly, OpenLayers3 based 3D web mapping pilot system is developed for web visualization of 2D/3D spatial information by implementing basic and application functions for controlling and measuring 3D maps with Graphic User Interface (GUI). For the further research, it is expected that various 2D survey data and various spatial image information of a disaster site can be used for scientific investigation and analysis of disaster accidents by overlaying and visualizing them on a built web-based 3D geo-spatial information system.

Manipulation of 3D Surface Data within Web-based 3D Geo-Processing

  • Choe, Seung-Keol;Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.80-83
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    • 1999
  • An efficient modeling and management of a large amount of surface data for a wide rage of geographic information play an important role in determining the functionality of 3D geographic information system. It has been put many efforts to design and manage an effective way to enhence the manipulation of the data by considering geometry type and data structures. Recently, DEM(Data Elevation Model) and TIN(Triangulated Irregular Network) are used for representing surface data. In this paper, we propose a 3D data processing method. The method utilizes the major properties of DEM and TIN, respectively. Furthermore, by approximating DEM with a TIN of an appropriate resolution, we can support a fast and realistic surface modeling. We implement the structure with the following 4 level stages. The first is an optimal resolution of DEM which represent all of wide range of geographic data. The second is the full resolution DEM which is a subarea of original data generated by user's selection in our implemeatation. The third is the TIN approximation of this data with a proper resolution determined by the relative position with the camera. And the last step is multi-resolution TIN data whose resolution is dynamically decided by considering which direction user take notice currently. Specially, the TIN of the last step is designed for realtime camera navigation. By using the structure we implemented realtime surface clipping, efficient approximation of height field and the locally detailed surface LOD(Level of Detail). We used the initial 10-meter sampling DEM data of Seoul, KOREA and implement the structure to the 3D Virtual GIS based on the Internet.

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A Study on the Web-based Map Algebraic Processor (웹 기반 지도대수 처리기에 관한 연구)

  • 박기호
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.147-160
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    • 1997
  • "The "Map Algebra", beeing recognized as a viable theoretical framework for GIS (Geographica Infonnation System), models map layers as "operands" which are the basic unit of geo-processing, and a variety of GIS commands as "operators." In this paper, we attempt at lifting some limitations of map algebras proposed in GIS literature. First, we model map layer as "function" such that we may employ the notion of meta operator (or, higher-order funtion) available in the functional programming paradigm. This approach provides map algebraic language with "programmability" needed in GIS user language. Second, we extend the semantics of, and improve on the sytactic structure of map algebraic language. Mer the data model and language associated with map algebra are formalized, we proceed to design and implement a prototype of map algebraic processor. The parser of the language in our prototype plays the role of transforming the native and heterogeneous user language of current GISs into a canonical map algebraic language. The prototype, named "MapSee" is a proof-of-concept system for the ideas we propsed in this paper. We believe that the uniform interface based on the map algebraic language will make promising infrastructure to support "Internet GIS." This is because the uniform but powerful interface through the Web clients allow access to both geo-data and geo-processing resources distributed over the network.to both geo-data and geo-processing resources distributed over the network.

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Development of Dynamic Traffic Information System based on GPS Technology (GPS 기술기반의 동적 도로소통정보시스템 개발)

  • Jang, Yong-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.14-24
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    • 2006
  • There are many problems and limits in equipments being used for traffic-volume analysis in the country. And traffic-volume information acquired through existing equipments is not provided in real-time. In the case of urban, there are limits on guarantee of trust on comprehending a appropriate road-volume because of difficulty on analyzing traffic-volume density and time series. And it is difficult to applicate in deciding a road policy as existing equipments don't provide the control information of traffic-flow. Therefore, it is necessary to build a road-flow policy rapidly and accurately through the road-flow information that analyze post-processed statistics data using traffic-flow investigation based on real time. In this study, we developed TICS(Traffic Information Collection System) based on GPS which could transmit traffic information transformed from car location information to traffic control center. And we developed TCS(Traffic Control System) based on Web GIS, which could manage and analyze transmitted traffic information, and it could offer handled road-flow information to Web-site in realtime.

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Spatio-Temporal Semantic Sensor Web based on SSNO (SSNO 기반 시공간 시맨틱 센서 웹)

  • Shin, In-Su;Kim, Su-Jeong;Kim, Jeong-Joon;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2014
  • According to the recent development of the ubiquitous computing environment, the use of spatio-temporal data from sensors with GPS is increasing, and studies on the Semantic Sensor Web using spatio-temporal data for providing different kinds of services are being actively conducted. Especially, the W3C developed the SSNO(Semantic Sensor Network Ontology) which uses sensor-related standards such as the SWE(Sensor Web Enablement) of OGC and defines classes and properties for expressing sensor data. Since these studies are available for the query processing about non-spatio-temporal sensor data, it is hard to apply them to spatio-temporal sensor data processing which uses spatio-temporal data types and operators. Therefore, in this paper, we developed the SWE based on SSNO which supports the spatio-temporal sensor data types and operators expanding spatial data types and operators in "OpenGIS Simple Feature Specification for SQL" by OGC. The system receives SensorML(Sensor Model Language) and O&M (Observations and Measurements) Schema and converts the data into SSNO. It also performs the efficient query processing which supports spatio-temporal operators and reasoning rules. In addition, we have proved that this system can be utilized for the web service by applying it to a virtual scenario.

Development of Web-GIS based Topsoil Erosion Prediction System (웹GIS 기반 표토침식 예측 시스템 개발)

  • Kum, Donghyuk;Lee, Dongjun;Sung, Yoonsu;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.323-323
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    • 2016
  • 최근 강우강도 등의 기후변화로 인한 표토침식량이 증가하고 있고, 이에 따른 사회적 환경적 문제가 부각되고 있다. 특히 표토는 인류에게 식량생산의 기반이 되고, 정주공간을 제공할 뿐만 아니라 에너지 생산, 수자원 함양, 기후변화 대응, 생물 다양성 유지, 생태계의 건전성, 자원함양 및 순환, 오염물질 정화 등 소중한 생명자원이다. 이에 환경부에서는 2012월 12월 표토의 침식현황에 관한 고시를 제정하고, 표토 유실 대책 방안을 수립하기 위한 노력을 기울이고 있다. 이에 자원으로서의 표토를 보전하기 위한 단기적 관점의 대책 수립을 위한 웹GIS 기반 단일 강우에 의한 표토침식량을 예측하는 시스템을 개발하였다. 본 연구는 크게 표토침식 예측 모듈 개발과 정확성 평가를 위한 시험포 단위 모니터링 그리고 모듈을 적용한 웹GIS 시스템 개발, 시범적용을 위한 강원도 홍천군 자운리 DB 구축으로 구분된다. 표토침식예측 모듈의 정확성을 검증하기 위하여 가로 4m ${\times}$ 세로 22m, 경사도 3%, 9% 시험포 2개를 조성, 2015년 5월 11일부터 2015년 11월 23일까지 강우량, 유출량, 표토침식량을 조사하였으며, 웹 GIS 시스템은 Open Source Software인 Geoserver, PostGIS, OpenLayers를 활용하여 개발하였다. 마지막으로 개발된 웹GIS 표토침식예측시스템의 시범적용을 위하여 강원도 홍천군 자운리의 농경지 경계, 경사도, 경사장, 작물특성 등에 대한 GIS DB를 구축하였다. 시험포 모니터링 결과 강우발생일수는 총 64일로 관측되었고, 이중 유출은 총 30회가 발생되었다. 이 결과를 활용하여 표토침식 예측 모듈을 검증한 결과 3 % 시험포의 유출량 NSE : 0.88, $R^2$ : 0.91, 표토침식량 NSE : 0.87, $R^2$ : 0.90, 9 % 시험포의 유출량 NSE : 0.76, $R^2$ : 0.82, 표토 침식량 NSE : 0.82, $R^2$ : 0.88로 나타났다. 웹GIS 표토침식 예측 시스템은 Layer 정보, 맵, GIS tool, 경작기 정보, 날씨 정보 등으로 구성되어 있으며, 기상청 Open API와 연동하여 당일의 강수량 예보 데이터와 표토침식량 산정 모듈을 이용하여 예측 표토 침식량 데이터를 제공한다. 하루가 지나면 기상청에서 실측한 강수량 데이터를 이용하여 표토 침식량 산정모듈이 자동적으로 수행된 뒤 실측 강우량에 대한 표토침식량 정보가 제공된다 본 연구에서 개발된 웹GIS기반 표토침식 예측 시스템은 시범 대상 유역인 강원도 홍천군 자운리 유역을 대상으로 구축되었으며, 지속적으로 대상유역을 확대할 계획이다.

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