• Title/Summary/Keyword: vowel perception

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The final stop consonant perception in typically developing children aged 4 to 6 years and adults (4-6세 정상발달아동 및 성인의 종성파열음 지각력 비교)

  • Byeon, Kyeongeun;Ha, Seunghee
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to identify the development pattern of final stop consonant perception using the gating task. Sixty-four subjects participated in the study: 16 children aged 4 years, 16 children aged 5 years, 17 children aged 6 years, and 15 adults. One-syllable words with consonant-vowel-consonant(CVC) structure, mokㄱ-motㄱ and papㄱ-patㄱ were used as stimuli in order to remove the redundancy of acoustic cues in stimulus words, 40ms-length (-40ms) and 60ms-length (-60ms) from the entire duration of the final consonant were deleted. Three conditions (the whole word segment, -40ms, -60ms) were used for this speech perception experiment. 48 tokens (4 stimuli ${\times}3$ conditions ${\times}4$ trials) in total were provided for participants. The results indicated that 5 and 6 year olds showed final consonant perception similar to adults in stimuli, papㄱ-patㄱ and only the 6-year-old children showed perception similar to adults in stimuli, 'mokㄱ-motㄱ. The results suggested that younger typically developing children require more acoustic information to accurately perceive final consonants than older children and adults. Final consonant perception ability may become adult-like around 6 years old. The study provides fundamental data on the development pattern of speech perception in normal developing children, which can be used to compare to those of children with communication disorders.

The Effects of Misalignment between Syllable and Word Onsets on Word Recognition in English (음절의 시작과 단어 시작의 불일치가 영어 단어 인지에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sun-Mi;Nam, Ki-Chun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to investigate whether the misalignment between syllable and word onsets due to the process of resyllabification affects Korean-English late bilinguals perceiving English continuous speech. Two word-spotting experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, misalignment conditions (resyllabified conditions) were created by adding CVC contexts at the beginning of vowel-initial words and alignment conditions (non-resyllabified conditions) were made by putting the same CVC contexts at the beginning of consonant-initial words. The results of Experiment 1 showed that detections of targets in alignment conditions were faster and more correct than in misalignment conditions. Experiment 2 was conducted in order to avoid any possibilities that the results of Experiment 1 were due to consonant-initial words being easier to recognize than vowel-initial words. For this reason, all the experimental stimuli of Experiment 2 were vowel-initial words preceded by CVC contexts or CV contexts. Experiment 2 also showed misalignment cost when recognizing words in resyllabified conditions. These results indicate that Korean listeners are influenced by misalignment between syllable and word onsets triggered by a resyllabification process when recognizing words in English connected speech.

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Effect of Music Training on Categorical Perception of Speech and Music

  • L., Yashaswini;Maruthy, Sandeep
    • Journal of Audiology & Otology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.140-148
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    • 2020
  • Background and Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of music training on the characteristics of auditory perception of speech and music. The perception of speech and music stimuli was assessed across their respective stimulus continuum and the resultant plots were compared between musicians and non-musicians. Subjects and Methods: Thirty musicians with formal music training and twenty-seven non-musicians participated in the study (age: 20 to 30 years). They were assessed for identification of consonant-vowel syllables (/da/ to /ga/), vowels (/u/ to /a/), vocal music note (/ri/ to /ga/), and instrumental music note (/ri/ to /ga/) across their respective stimulus continuum. The continua contained 15 tokens with equal step size between any adjacent tokens. The resultant identification scores were plotted against each token and were analyzed for presence of categorical boundary. If the categorical boundary was found, the plots were analyzed by six parameters of categorical perception; for the point of 50% crossover, lower edge of categorical boundary, upper edge of categorical boundary, phoneme boundary width, slope, and intercepts. Results: Overall, the results showed that both speech and music are perceived differently in musicians and non-musicians. In musicians, both speech and music are categorically perceived, while in non-musicians, only speech is perceived categorically. Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicate that music is perceived categorically by musicians, even if the stimulus is devoid of vocal tract features. The findings support that the categorical perception is strongly influenced by training and results are discussed in light of notions of motor theory of speech perception.

Effect of Music Training on Categorical Perception of Speech and Music

  • L., Yashaswini;Maruthy, Sandeep
    • Korean Journal of Audiology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.140-148
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    • 2020
  • Background and Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of music training on the characteristics of auditory perception of speech and music. The perception of speech and music stimuli was assessed across their respective stimulus continuum and the resultant plots were compared between musicians and non-musicians. Subjects and Methods: Thirty musicians with formal music training and twenty-seven non-musicians participated in the study (age: 20 to 30 years). They were assessed for identification of consonant-vowel syllables (/da/ to /ga/), vowels (/u/ to /a/), vocal music note (/ri/ to /ga/), and instrumental music note (/ri/ to /ga/) across their respective stimulus continuum. The continua contained 15 tokens with equal step size between any adjacent tokens. The resultant identification scores were plotted against each token and were analyzed for presence of categorical boundary. If the categorical boundary was found, the plots were analyzed by six parameters of categorical perception; for the point of 50% crossover, lower edge of categorical boundary, upper edge of categorical boundary, phoneme boundary width, slope, and intercepts. Results: Overall, the results showed that both speech and music are perceived differently in musicians and non-musicians. In musicians, both speech and music are categorically perceived, while in non-musicians, only speech is perceived categorically. Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicate that music is perceived categorically by musicians, even if the stimulus is devoid of vocal tract features. The findings support that the categorical perception is strongly influenced by training and results are discussed in light of notions of motor theory of speech perception.

Acoustic Realization of Metrical Structure in Orally Produced Korean Modern Poetry (한국 현대시 운율의 음향 발현)

  • Kim, Hyun-Gi;Hong, Ki-Hwan;Kim, Sun-Sook
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2004
  • The metrical structures in orally produced the poetry were generally analyzed by accent, metre and syllable. The purpose of this study is to investigate of metrical structures of Korean modem poetry using computer implemented speech analysis system. Two famous poet's poems confidential talk, Miloe and 'A buddhist dance, Sungmu' were selected for prosodic analysis. The informant is 60 years old professor in major of Korean and French poetry. The syllable structures of poems were analyzed primarily by vowel timbers, which can classified compact and diffuse vowels according to the distance of F2-F1. The perception cues of consonants were analyzed by VOT and tensity features of articulation. Rhythm is classified by dactyl, anapest, trochee, spondee and iambic. As a result, syllable structures of Korean modem poetry were mainly CV and CVC and the reading times of each lines were 3-4sec for 12 and 15 syllables. Main metre of Korean modem poems constructed the Imbic and Anapest. The break of each lines were demarcated by grammatical structure or meaning rather than phonetic structures.

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The Initial Voiced Stops in Japanese (한국인 화자에 나타나는 일본어 어두 유성 자음의 경향 분석)

  • Kim, Seon-Hi
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.201-214
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    • 2002
  • In the Japanese language, there is a phonological contrast between not only initial stops, but also non initial in voiced and voiceless sounds. But in the Korean language, voiced sounds do not appear in the initial. Due to this, pronunciation of voiced sounds in the initial will be difficult for Korean. Through this research, I analyzed the minimal pairs by voiced/voiceless sounds of Japanese and Korean, and perception experiment in which Japanese listened to Korean speakers' pronunciations. Japanese pronunciations showed distinct acoustic differences between voiced and voiceless stops, especially in VOT. The duration of vowels after voiced stops was longer than that of voiceless ones. Vowel pitches after voiceless stops were higher. On the other hands, Korean showed three patterns of voiced sounds. There were-VOT values as native speakers, +VOT, and nasal formant tended to occur before prenasalized stops. Koreans pronounced voiceless sounds in strong aspirated, unaspirated, or tense sounds. Finally, Japanese judged sounds with not only -VOT values and prenasalized, but also with +VOT values as voiced. This suggests that we may not consider VOT values as the unique feature of voicing, and that such other phonetic characteristics as the following vowel lengthening should be included here.

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V-to-C Coarticulation Effects in Non-native Speakers of English and Russian: A Locus-equation Analysis

  • Oh, Eun-Jin
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    • no.63
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2007
  • Locus equation scatterplots for [bilabial stop + vowel] syllables were obtained from 16 non-native speakers of English and Russian. The results indicated that both Russian speakers of English and English speakers of Russian exhibited modifications towards respective L2 norms in slopes and y-intercepts. All non-native locus equations generated exhibited linearity. Accordingly, the basic results reported in [17] were reverified by securing a larger subject base. More experienced speakers displayed better approximations to L2 norms than less experienced speakers, indicating the necessity of perception- and articulation-related learning for allophonic variations due to adjacent phonetic environments.

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A Relationship of Tone, Consonant, and Speech Perception in Audiological Diagnosis

  • Han, Woo-Jae;Allen, Jont B.
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.298-308
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    • 2012
  • This study was designed to examine the phoneme recognition errors of hearing-impaired (HI) listeners on a consonant-by-consonant basis, to show (1) how each HI ear perceives individual consonants differently and (2) how standard clinical measurements (i.e., using a tone and word) fail to predict these differences. Sixteen English consonant-vowel (CV) syllables of six signal-to-noise ratios in speech-weighted noise were presented at the most comfortable level for ears with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss. The findings were as follows: (1) individual HI listeners with a symmetrical pure-tone threshold showed different consonant-loss profiles (CLPs) (i.e., over a set of the 16 English consonants, the likelihood of misperceiving each consonant) in right and left ears. (2) A similar result was found across subjects. Paired ears of different HI individuals with identical pure-tone threshold presented different CLPs in one ear to the other. (3) Paired HI ears having the same averaged consonant score demonstrated completely different CLPs. We conclude that the standard clinical measurements are limited in their ability to predict the extent to which speech perception is degraded in HI ears, and thus they are a necessary, but not a sufficient measurement for HI speech perception. This suggests that the CV measurement would be a useful clinical tool.

A Perceptual Study of the Temporal Cues of English Plosives for Leveled Groups of Korean English Learners (다양한 수준의 한국인 영어 학습자의 영어 파열음의 구간 신호 지각 연구)

  • Kang Seok-han;Park Hansang
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    • no.56
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    • pp.49-73
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    • 2005
  • This study explores the most important temporal cues in the perception of the voiced/voiceless distinction of English plosives in terms of newly defined measures of perception: original signal to response agreement, unit signal to response agreement, and robustness. Seven native speakers of English and three leveled groups of Korean English learners participated in the present study. The results showed that both native speakers of English and Korean groups failed to successfully perceive the voiced/voiceless distinction of English plosives, particularly alveolar plosives, in word-medial trochaic positions. The results also showed that in word-initial and word-medial iambic positions both native speakers of English and Korean groups employ the information in the release burst and aspiration in the perception of the voiced/voiceless distinction, of English plosives, and that in word-final positions native speakers of English employ the information in the preceding vowel, while Korean groups employ the information in the closure interval.

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Role of amplitude and pitch in the perception of Japanese stop length contrasts

  • Idemaru, Kaori
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.24
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    • pp.112-119
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    • 2011
  • This study presents experiments which examined the role of amplitude and fundamental frequency (f0) in the phonetic perception of short versus long stop length contrasts in Japanese (e.g., [t] vs. [tt]). Stop length contrasts are normally characterized by differences in the duration of stop closures. However, closure duration can be unreliable as a perceptual cue when one considers variability in the rate at which people speak. Acoustically, the amplitude and f0 of the vowel following stop consonants are known to covary with the length distinction of stops in Japanese. Given this fact, the current study examined amplitude and f0 as potential secondary cues to the distinction. The results indicate that even though both amplitude and f0 are robust correlates, Japanese listeners do not use these cues in categorizing short versus long stops.