• Title/Summary/Keyword: varieties of low degree

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Studies on the ecological variations of rice plant under the different seasonal cultures -I. Variations of the various agronomic characteristics of rice plant under the different seasonal cultures- (재배시기 이동에 의한 수도의 생태변이에 관한 연구 -I. 재배시기 이동에 의한 수도의 실용제형질의 변이-)

  • Hyun-Ok Choi
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    • v.3
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 1965
  • To measure variations in some of the important agronomic characteristics of rice varieties under shifting of seedling dates, this study has been carried out at the Paddy Crop Division of Crop Experiment Station(then Agricultural Experiment Station) in Suwon for the period of three years 1958 to 1960. The varieties used in this study were Kwansan, Suwon #82, Mojo, Paltal and Chokwang, which have the different agronomic characteristics such as earliness and plant type. Seeds of each variety were sown at 14 different dates in 10-day interval starting on March 2. The seedlings were grown on seed bed for 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 days, respectively. The results of this study are as follows: A. Heading dates. 1. As the seeding date was delayed, the heading dates was almost proportionally delayed. The degree of delay was higher in early varieties and lower in late varieties and the longer the seedling stage, the more delayed the heading date. 2. Number of days to heading was proportionally lessened as seeding was delayed in all the varieties but the magnitude varied depending upon variety. In other words, the required period for heading in case of late planting was much shortened in late variety compared with early one. Within a variety, the number of days to heading was less shortened as the seedling stage was prolonged. Early variety reached earlier than late variety to the marginal date for the maximum shortening of days to heading and the longer the seeding stage, the limitted date came earlier. There was a certain limit in seeding date for shortening of days to heading as seeding was delayed, and days to heading were rather prolonged due to cold weather when seeded later than that date. 3. In linear regression equation, Y=a+bx obtained from the seeding dates and the number of days to heading, the coefficient b(shortening rate of days to heading) was closely correlated with the average number of days to heading. That is, the period from seeding to heading was more shortened in late variety than early one as seeding was delayed. 4. To the extent that the seedling stage is not so long and there is a linear relationship between delay of seeding and shortening of days to heading, it might be possible to predict heading date of a rice variety to be sown any date by using the linear regression obtained from variation of heading dates under the various seeding dates of the same variety. 5. It was found out that there was a close correlation between the numbers of days to heading in ordinary culture and the other ones. When a rice variety was planted during the period from the late part of March to the middle of June and the seedling ages were within 30 to 50 days, it could be possible to estimate heading date of the variety under late or early culture with the related data of ordinary culture. B. Maturing date. 6. Within (he marginal date for maturation of rice variety, maturing date was proportionally delayed as heading was delayed. Of course, the degree of delay depended upon varieties and seedling ages. The average air temperature (Y) during the ripening period of rice variety was getting lower as the heading date. (X) was delayed. Though there was a difference among varieties, in general, a linear regression equation(y=25.53-0.182X) could be obtained as far as heading date were within August 1 to September 13. 7. Depending upon earliness of a rice variety, the average air temperature during the ripening period were greatly different. Early variety underwent under 28$^{\circ}C$ in maximum while late variety matured under as low as 22$^{\circ}C$. 8. There was a highly significant correlation between the average air temperature (X) during the ripening period, and number of day (Y) for the maturation. And the relationship could be expressed as y=82.30-1.55X. When the average air temperature during the period was within the range of 18$^{\circ}C$ to 28$^{\circ}C$, the ripening period was shortened by 1.55 days with increase of 1$^{\circ}C$. Considering varieties, Kwansan was the highest in shortening the maturing period by 2.24 days and Suwon #82 was the lowest showing 0.78 days. It is certain that ripening of rice variety is accelerated at Suwon as the average air temperature increases within the range of 18$^{\circ}C$ to 28$^{\circ}C$. 9. Between number of days to heading (X) related to seeding dates and the accumulated average air temperature (Y) during the ripening period, a positive correlation was obtained. However, there was a little difference in the accumulated average air temperature during the ripening period even seeding dates were shifted to a certain extent. C. Culm- and ear-lengths. 10. In general all the varieties didn't show much variation in their culm-lengths in case of relatively early seeding but they trended to decrease the lengths as seeding was delayed. The magnitude of decreasing varied from young seedlings to old ones. Young seedlings which were seeded during May 21 to June 10 didn't decrease their culm-lengths, while seedlings old as 80 days decreased the length though under ordinary culture. 11. Variation in ear-length of rice varieties show the same trend as the culm-length subjected to the different seeding dates. When rice seedlings aged from 30 to 40 days, the ear-length remained constant but rice plants older than 40 days obviously decreased their ear-lengths. D. Number of panicles per hill. 12. The number of panicles per hill decreased up to a certain dates as seeding was delayed and then again increased the panicles due to the development of numerous tillers at the upper internodes. The seeding date to reach to the least number of panicles of rice variety depended upon the seedling ages. Thirty- to 40-day seedlings which were seeded during May 31 to June 10 developed the lowest number of panicles and 70- to 80-day seedlings sown for the period from April 11 to April 21 reached already to the minimum number of panicles. E. Number of rachillae. 13. To a certain seeding date, the number of rachillae didn't show any variation due to delay of seeding but it decreased remarkably when seeded later than the marginal date. 14. Variation in number of rachillae depended upon seedling ages. For example, 30- to 40-day old seedlings which, were originally seeded after May 31 started to decrease the rachillae. On the other hand, 80-day old seedlings which, were seeded on May 1 showed a tendency to decrease rachillae and the rice plant sown on May 31 could develop narrowly 3 or 4 panicles. F. Defective grain and 1.000-grain weights. 15. Under delay of the seeding dates, weight of the defective grains gradually increased till a certain date and then suddenly increased. These relationships could be expressed with two different linear regressions. 16. If it was assumed that the marginal date for ripening was the cross point of these two lines, the date seemed. closely related with seedling ages. The date was June 10- in 30- to 40-day old seedlings but that of 70- to 80-day old seedlings was May 1. Accordingly, the marginal date for ripening was getting earlier as the seedling stage was prolonged. 17. The 1.000-grain weight in ordinary culture was the heaviest and it decreased in both early and late cultures. G. Straw and rough rice weights. 18. Regardless of earliness of variety, rice plants under early culture which were seeded before March 22 or April 1 did not show much variation in straw weight due to seedling ages but in ordinary culture it gradually decreased and the degree was became greater in late culture. 19. Relationship between seeding dates (X) and grain weight related to varieties and seedling ages, could be expressed as a parabola analogous to a line (Y=77.28-7.44X$_1$-1.00lX$_2$). That is, grain yield didn't vary in early culture but it started to decrease when seeded later than a certain date, as seeding was delayed. The variation was much greater in cases of late planting and prolongation of seedling age. 20. Generally speaking, the relationship between grain yield (Y) and number of days to heading (X) was described with linear regression. However, the early varieties were the highest yielders within the range of 60 to 110, days to heading but the late variety greatly decreased its yield since it grows normally only under late culture. The grain yield, on the whole, didn't increase as number of days to heading exceeded more than 140 days.

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Studies on the productivity of mulberry field in Korea. (우리나라 상전의 생산성에 관한 조사연구)

  • 김문협;임수호
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • no.11
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1970
  • The following results were obtained by surveying the productivity of mulberry fields in Korea. 1. The productivity of mulberry field per 10a in which cocoon can be yield belongs to the range of 9.8∼105kg, and among them the productivity of 20 to 60kg was chiefly distributed. And their average was 50.2kg. 2. In general, the larger the mulberry field in scale per a person is, the lower the productivity of it is, but about 6.6 ares per a person was estimated to be economic scale for high productivity. 3. As far as the texture of soil is concerned, sandy-loam and loam contained a capacity of higher productivity while others like clay and sand that of lower productivity, And the depth of surface soil must be at least 50cm, although 70cm's depth of surface sail could bring about high productivity. 4. Fertilization of 900kg's compost on planting and 1,200kg's that after planting could enhance the productivity, because the use of compost have a positive relation to the productivity. 5. The greater the number of farmer's domestic animals is as a source of organic matter the higher the productivity is. 6. In the case of fertilization of 1,200kg compost, the amount of 20kg's nitrogen per 10 ares as chemical manure was best for high productivity. However, fertilization of 14.7kg's nitrogen as average amount of that, which is far below the standard amount, had been a factor to reduce the productivity of mulberry field. 7. In pruning the low-cut form resulted in high productivity, but as their shape become taller due to the lack of techniques, they were turned out to be non head pruning, thus to produce poor harvest of leaves. 8. The pure mulberry fields showed better productivity than others such as wide and narrow ridge planting and inter-crop planting. 9. As for the degree of planting density, at least 800 trees per 10 ares should be planted to increase the productivity, although the planting of 713 trees per 10 ares could be possible in case of the low stemmed pruning. 10. The hole and tranch in planting must be digged as wider and dipper as possible far the better growth of mulberry tree. 11. On the whole, varieties like NOsang and Y oung-cheun choowoo had a tendency of lower productivity.

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Studies on the Selection for Grain Yield and Components of Yield in Wheat Breeding (소맥육종에 있어서 수량 및 수량구성형질의 선발을 위한 기초적 연구)

  • Dong-Woo Lee
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    • v.15
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 1974
  • A series of experiments were conducted at Crop Experiment Station from 1968 to 1971 to obtain basic information on effects of selection on yield of wheat varieties. Heritability estimates, correlation and path coefficients computed for yield and yield related characters from fixed variety groups-Korean, U.S., and Japan; early and late-$F_2$ and $F_3$ generations were studied. The same estimates for fixed variety groups grown under different fertilizer levels and years were also studied. The results were summarized as follow: 1. Three variety groups classified by their origins as Korea, United States and Japan showed high heritability estimates for heading date, plant height and spike length. The heritability estimates for grain number per spike and 1, 000 grain weight were moderate and those for the number of spikes per plant and grain yield were low. Very low estimates of heritability were obtained for grain number per spike and yield of variety group from the Unites States. 2. High genotypic correlation coefficients between 1, 000 grain weight and yield were obtained for all variety groups originated from Korea, United States and Japan and early variety group, except late variety group. The genotypic correlation coefficients between grain number per spike and yield were also high for all variety groups except variety group originated from the United States. 3. The direct effects of 1, 000 grain weight in terms of path-coefficients to yield were high for all variety groups except late variety group. 4. High genotypic correlation coefficients were obtained between 1, 000 grain weight and yield in $F_2$ from. two crosses. The same degree of genotypic correlation coefficients were obtained between grain number per spike and yield, although slight differences in its magnitude were found depending upon the cross combination. 5. The analysis of path-coefficients in $F_2$ shows that the direct effects of yield components to yield were negligible. 6. The characters that showed high genotypic correlation coefficients with yield in $F_3$ were 1, 000 gnain weight and grain number per spike. These characters showed also high direct effects to yield. 7. No great variations of heritability estimates for heading date, plant height and spike length were obtained for either fertilizer responsive or non responsive variety group due to fertilizer levels applied. 8. Heritability estimates of 1, 000 grain weight in fertilizer responsive group and yield in fertilizer nonresponsive group were high as level of fertilizer increased. 9. Heritability estimates for grain number per spike and 1, 000 grain weight of fertilizer non-responsive-group were higher than those of fertilizer. responsive group. 10. Genotypic corretation coefficients between yield and 1, 000 grain weight in fertilizer responsive group were getting lower as the level of fertilizer increased and those in fertilizer non-responsive group were vice versa. 11. Genotypic correlation coefficient between yield and spike number per plant in fertilizer responsive group was high. However, the genotypic correlation coefficient between yield and spike number per plant in fertilizer non-responsive group was low. 12. The direct effects of 1, 000 grain weight to yield were higher than other yield components either in fertilizer responsive or non-responsive group regardless of levels of fertilizer applied. The spike number per plant, however, was high only when high level of fertilizers were applied to fitilizer responsive group. 13. Slight variations of heritability estimates for heading dates, plant height, spike length, grain number per spike and 1, 000 grain weight were obtained between years. However, the spike number per plant with low heritabilility showed great variation between years. 14. The character that showed high genotypic correlation coefficients with yield in two years was 1, 000 grain weight, and this character was also high in direct effect to yield in terms of path-coefficients. 15. From the above experimental results, it might be concluded that 1, 000 grain weight would be one of the most important characters to increase the effects of selection for yield in wheat breeding in Korea.

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Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula (한반도 풍혈지의 관속식물상과 보전관리 방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Seok;Chung, Jae-Min;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Woong;Lee, Byoung-Yoon;Pak, Jae-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.213-246
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    • 2016
  • Algific talus slopes tend to occur on steep north-facing slopes with bedrock that retains ice and emits cold air throughout the growing season. Algific talus slopes provide a suitable microclimate for disjunct or relict populations of northern plant species at low altitude habitats in temperate zones. The purpose of this study is to suggest a strategy for the comprehensive conservation of the vegetation of algific talus slopes through studies of the floristics and plant species compositions and threat factors at present and in the future of 15 major algific talus slopes in Korea. As a result, the vascular plants surveyed on 15 major algific talus slopes were recorded, with a total of 587 taxa, 109 families, 323 genera, 531 species, 7 subspecies, 47 varieties 1 form and 1 hybrid. Of them, endemic plants numbered 26 taxa, and threatened species according to the IUCN valuation basis numbered 8 taxa. Fourth (IV) and fifth (V) degree indicator species as specified by floristic subregions numbered 31 taxa. Peculiarly, several subalpine-native plant species, in this case Cystopteris fragilis, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Huperzia selago, Rosa koreana, Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Woodsia hancockii, were distributed on algific talus slopes at 100-600 m above sea level. Numerous and diverse biological resources native to algific talus slopes in Korea have been consistently disturbed or damaged by human activities without some form of protection. An all-taxa biodiversity inventory should be surveyed to provide more information about all biological species living on algific talus slopes. In addition, conservation strategies to ensure biodiversity and effective management of algific talus slopes are discussed in detail.

Resistance Resources for the Foxglove Aphid in Soybeans (콩에서 흡즙해충 싸리수염진딧물 저항성 자원의 발굴)

  • Koh, Hong-Min;Park, Sumin;Kim, Kyung Hye;Kim, Ji Min;Lee, Taeklim;Heo, Jinho;Lee, Ju Seok;Jung, Jinkyo;Kang, Sungteag
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2018
  • The recent global climate change induced the drought, flooding, and insect pest outbreaks. These caused the severe damage to crop yield in the domesticated field and occurrence change of insect pest species. The sap-sucking insect pest, aphids are common in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and cause serious yield losses. Thus, developing resistance cultivars is promising and efficient strategy to prevent the significant yield losses by aphid and screening germplasm is the essential procedure to achieve this goal. We tried to establish a resistance test indicator for foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), in soybean and found that plant damage degree or infested plant damage is most suitable one. Also we screened around 1,200 of soybean germplasm including wild and cultivated species for its resistance to foxglove aphid from the various origins, and 67 soybeans, including PI 366121, showed antixenosis resistance, 31 germplasms among 67 antixenosis germplasms were showed antibiosis to foxglove aphid with non-choice test. The identified foxglove aphid resistant soybean resources showed significantly low rate in survival test. Furthermore, resistance type, (i.e., antibiosis or antixenosis) of each candidate were varied. In this research, we established the screening index for foxglove aphid resistance in soybean, and identified the resistance varieties. This result could be useful resources in breeding for new foxglove aphid resistance soybean cultivars, and provide fundamental information to investigate the resistance mechanism in soybean.

Petrography and Geochemistry of the Ultramafic Rocks from the Hongseong and Kwangcheon areas, Chungcheongnam-Do. (충남 홍성 및 광천 지역 초염기성암의 암석 및 지구화학)

  • Song Suckhwan;Choi Seon Gyu;Oh Chang Hwan;Seo Ji Eun;Choi Seongho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.477-497
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    • 2004
  • In the Hongseong and Kwangcheon areas, two ultramafic rocks are exposed as isolated bodies in the Precambrian Kyeonggi gneiss complex. The ultramafic rocks extend for several hundred meters to NNE direction and are contact with adjacent metasediments by steeply dipping faults. The rocks are dunite or harzburgite showing dominantly equigranular-mosaic and protogranular textures with a minor amount of porphyroclastic textures. They contain varying amounts of fosteritic olivine (F$o_{0.91-0.93}$), magnesian pyroxene (E$n_{0.89-0.93}$) and tremolitic to magnesian hornblende with minor amounts of spinel, serpentine, chlorite, magnetite, phlogopite and talc. The rocks are in contrast with adjacent gneiss complex or metabasite (amphibole, biotite, plagioclase, alkali-feldspar and quartz). Geochemically, these ultramafic rocks are characterized by high magnesium number (M$g_#$> 0.88) and transitional element (mainly, Ni>1716 ppm, Cr>1789 ppm), low alkali element (e.g. $K_2$O<0.09 wt.%, Na$_2$O<0.19 wt.%) and depletion of incompatible elements. The calculated correlation coefficients showed good positive correlations among the ferrous (e.g. Sc, V, Zn) elements, incompatible elements (e.g. REE), and among SiO$_2$ or $Al_2$O$_3$ with ferrous elements, whereas negative correlations are appeared between Ni and major elements. These results involve increasing of the ferrous- and $Al_2$O$_3$-bearing minerals(e.g. amphibole and mica) with decreasing of Mg-bearing minerals (e.g. olivine) depending on the degree of alteration. Calculated geothermometries and mineral assemblages suggest that the ultramafic rocks have been metamorphosed through the condition from the greenschist to amphibolite facies. Compared with ultramafic rocks elsewhere, it is thought that those of the Hongseong and Kwangcheon areas are derivatives of the depleted sources since they are depleted in incompatible elements including REE abundances. Moreover overall characteristics of the ultramafic rocks are similar to the those of orogenic related Alpine type ultramafic rocks, especially, shallow mantle slab varieties.

Studies on the Taste of Korean for Cheese (한국인(韓國人)의 치이즈 기호성(嗜好性)에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Woo;Ko, Keun Hag
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 1991
  • This experiment was carried out to examine sensory testing for Mozzarella cheese, process cheese, Cheddar cheese and Cheddar cheese made with red pepper, garlic, ginger and welsh onion to develop new cheese varieties which can be prefered by Korean. The chemical composition and sensory testing of cheese were measured. The results were summarized as follows ; 1. Total nitrogen percentages in Cheddar cheese and spiced Cheddar cheeses were similar but those in process cheese and Mozzarella cheese were low. 5% NaCl soluble nitrogen percentages were highest in Cheddar cheese. 5% NaCl soluble nitrogen percentages in each cheese were different. Ripening degree, water soluble nitrogen, TCA soluble nitrogen and SSA soluble nitrogen percentages in each cheese were similiar level. 2. Spiced Cheddar cheeses were more breakdown than other cheese and ${\alpha}_s$-casein breakdowns faster than $\beta$-casein. 3. In the result of sensory evaluation, color score was high in Mozzarella cheese and process cheese. The color score of Cheddar cheese was high in 30's-40's and 50's- 50's. The color score of 10's and 20's was high in Cheddar cheese made with garlic. 4. Odor score was high in Mozzarella cheese and process cheese, too. The odor score of Spiced Cheddar cheeses was high in 10's. 5. Texture score was high in Mozzarella cheese, process cheese and Cheddar cheese. 6. Teste score was high in Mozzarella cheese, process cheese and Cheddar cheese. The taste score of spiced Cheddar cheese was higher in 10's and 20's than that in 30's-40's and 50's-50's.

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Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Characters of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Diallel Cross (이면교배(二面交配)에 의한 수도량적(水稻量的) 형질(形質)의 유전분석(遺傳分析)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Jo, Jae-seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.254-282
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    • 1977
  • To obtain information on the inheritance of the quantitative characters related with the vegetative and reproductive growth of rice, the $F_1$ seeds were obtained in 1974 from the all possible combinations of the diallel crosses among five leading rice varieties : Nongbaek, Tongil, Palgueng, Mangyeong and Gimmaze. The $F_1$'s including reciprocals and parents were grown under the standard cultivation method at Chungnam Provincial Office of Rural Development in 1975. The arrangement of experimental plots was randomized block design with 3 replications and 12 characters were used for the analysis. Analytical procedure for genetic components was followed the Griffing's and Hayman's methods and the results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. In all $F_1$'s of Tongil crosses, the longer duration to heading was due to dominant effect of Tongil and each $F_1$ showed high heterosis in delaying the heading time. It was assumed that non-allelic gene action besides dominant gene effect might be involed in days to heading character. However, in all $F_1$'s from the crosses among parents excluding Tongil the shorter duration was due to dominant gene action and the degree of dominance was partial, since dominance effects were not greater than the additive effect. The non-allelic gene interaction was not significant. Considering the results mentioned above, it was regarded that there were two kinds of Significantly different genetic systems in the days to heading. 2. The rate of heterosis was significantly different depending upon the parents used in the crosses. For instance, the $F_1$'s from Togil cross showed high rate of heterosis in longer culm. Compared to short culm, longer culm was due to recesive gene action and short culm was due to recesive gene action. The dominant gene effect was greater than the additive gene effect in culm length. The narrow sense of heretability was very low and the maternal effects as well as reciprocal effects were significantly recognized. 3. The lenght of the of the uppermost internode of each $F_1$ plant was a little lorger than these of respective parental means or same as those of parents having long internodes, indicating partial dominance in the direction of lengthening the uppermost internodes. The additive gene effects on the uppermost internode was greater than the dominance gene effect. The narrow as well as broad sense of heritabilities for the character of the uppermost internode were very high. There were significant maternal and reciprocal effect in the uppermost internode. 4. The gene action for the flag leaf angle was rather dominance in a way of getting narrower angle. However, in the Palgueng combinations, heterosis of $F_1$ was observed in both narrow and wide angles of the flag leaf. The dominant effects were greater than the additive effects on the flag leaf angle. There were observed also a great deal of non-allelic gene interacticn on the inheritance of the flag leaf angle. 5. Even though the dominant gene action on the length and width of flag leaf was effective in increasing the length or width of the flag leaf, there were found various degrees of hetercsis depending upon the cross combination. Over-dominant gene effect were observed in the inheritance of length of the flag leaf, while additive gene effects was found in the inheritance of the width of the flag leaf. High degree of heretabilities, either narrow or broad sense, were found in both length and width of the flag leaf. No maternal and reciprocal effect were found in both characters. 6. When Tongil was used as one parent in the cross, the length of panicle of $F_1$'s was remarkedly longer than that of parents. In other cross comination, the length of panicle of $F_1$'s was close to the parental mean values. Rather greater dominent gene effect than additive gene effect was observed in the inheritance of panicle length and the dominant gene was effective in increasing the panicle length. 7. The effect of dominant genes was effective in increasing the number of panicles. The degree of heterosis was largely dependent on the cross combination. The effect of dominant gene in the inheritance of panicle number was a little greater than that of additive genes, and the inheritance of panicle number was assumed to be due to complete dominant gene effects. Significantly high maternal and reciprocal effects were found in the character studied. 8. There were minus and plus values of heterosis in the kernel number per panicle depending upon the cross combination. The mean dominant effect was effective in increasing the kernel number per panicle, the degree of dominant effect varied with cross combination. The dominant gene effect and non-allelic gene interaction were found in the inheritance of the kernel number per panicle. 9. Genetic studies were impossible for the maturing ratio, because of environmental effects such as hazards delaying heads. The dominant gene effect was responsible for improving the maturing ratio in all the cross combinations excluding Tongil 10. The heavier 1000 grain weight was due to dominant gene effects. The additive gene effects were greater than the dominant gene effect in the 1000 grain weight, indicating that partial dominance was responsible for increasing the 1000 grain weight. The heritabilites, either narrow or broad sense of, were high for the grain weight and maternal or reciprocal effects were not recognized. 11. When Tongil was used as parent, the straw weight was showing high heterosis in the direction of increasing the weight. But in other crosses, the straw weight of $F_1$'s was lower than those of parental mean values. The direction of dominant gene effect was plus or minus depending upon the cross combinations. The degree of dominance was also depending on the cross combination, and apparently high nonallelic gene interaction was observed.

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Cultural Practices for Reducing Cold Wind Damage of Rice Plant in Eastern Coastal Area of Korea (동해안지대 도작의 냉조풍피해와 피해경감대책)

  • 이승필;김칠용
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.407-428
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    • 1991
  • The eastern coastal area having variability of climate is located within Taebaek mountain range and the east coast of Korea. It is therefore ease to cause the wind damages in paddy field during rice growing season. The wind damages to rice plant in this area were mainly caused by the Fohn wind (dry and hot wind) blowing over the Taebaek mountain range and the cold humid wind from the coast. The dry wind cause such as the white head, broken leaves, cut-leaves, dried leaves, shattering of grain, glume discolouration and lodging, On the other hand the cold humid wind derived from Ootsuku air mass in summer cause such symptom as the poor rice growth, degeneration of rachis brenches and poor ripening. To minimize the wind damages and utilize as a preparatory data for wind injury of rice in future, several experiments such as the selection of wind resistant variety to wind damage, determination of optimum transplanting date, improvement of fertilizer application methods, improvement of soils and effect of wind break net were carried out for 8 years from 1982 to 1989 in the eastern coastal area. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. According to available statisical data from Korean meteorological services (1954-1989) it is apperent that cold humid winds frequently cause damage to rice fields from August 10th to September 10th, it is therefore advisable to plan rice cultivation in such a way that the heading date should not be later than August 10th. 2. During the rice production season, two winds cause severe damage to the rice fields in eastern coastal area of Korea. One is the Fohn winds blowing over the Taebaek mountain range and the other is the cold humid wind form the coast. The frequency of occurrence of each wind was 25%. 3. To avoid damage caused by typhoon winds three different varieties of rice were planted at various areas. 4. In the eastern coastal area of Korea, the optimum ripening temperature for rice was about 22.2$^{\circ}C$ and the optimum heading date wad August 10th. The optimum transplanting time for the earily maturity variety was June 10th., medium maturity variety was May 20th and that of late maturity was May 10th by means of growing days degree (GDD) from transplanting date to heading date. 5.38% of this coastal area is sandy loamy soil while 28% is high humus soil. These soil types are very poor for rice cultivation. In this coastal area, the water table is high, the drainage is poor and the water temperature is low. The low water temperature makes it difficult for urea to dissolve, as a result rice growth was delayed, and the rice plant became sterile. But over application of urea resulted in blast disease in rice plants. It is therefore advise that Ammonium sulphate is used in this area instead of urea. 6. The low temperature of the soil inhibits activities of microorganism for phosphorus utilization so the rice plant could not easily absorb the phosphorus in the soil. Therefore phosphorus should be applied in splits from transplanting to panicle initiation rather than based application. 7. Wind damage was severe in the sandy loamy soil as compared to clay soils. With the application of silicate. compost and soil from mointain area. the sand loamy soil was improved for rice grain colour and ripening. 8. The use of wind break nets created a mocro-climate such as increased air. soil and water temperature as well as the reduction of wind velocity by 30%. This hastened rice growth, reduced white head and glume discolouration. improved rice quality and increased yield. 9. Two meter high wind break net was used around the rice experimental fields and the top of it. The material was polyethylene sheets. The optimum spacing was 0.5Cm x 0.5Cm. and that of setting up the wind break net was before panicle initiation. With this set up, the field was avoided off th cold humid wind and the Fohn. The yield in the treatment was 20% higher than the control. 10. After typhoon, paddy field was irrigated deeply and water was sprayed to reduce white head, glume discolouration, so rice yield was increased because of increasing ripening ratio and 1, 000 grain weight.

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Physio-Ecological Studies on Stevia(Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) (스테비아(Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)에 관한 생리 생태적 연구)

  • Kwang-He Kang;Eun-Woong Lee
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.69-89
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    • 1981
  • Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) is a perennial herb widely distributed in the mountainous area of Paraguay. It belongs to the family Compositae and contains 6 to 12 percent stevioside in the leaves. Stevioside is a glucoside having similar sweetening character to surgar and the degree of sweetness is approximately 300 times of sugar. Since Korea does not produce any sugar crops, and the synthetic sweetenings are potentially hazardous for health, it is rather urgent to develop an economical new sweetener. Consequently, the current experiments are conducted to establish cultural practices of stevia, a new sweetening herbs, introduced into Korea in 1973 and the results are summarized as followings: 1. Days from transplanting of cuttings to the flower bud formation of 6 stevia lines were similar among daylengths of 8, 10 and 12 hours, but it was much greater at daylengths of 14 or 24 hour and varietal differences were noticable. All lines were photosensitive, but a line, 77013, was the most sensitive and 77067 and Suweon 2 were less sensitive to daylength. 2. Critical daylength of all lines seemed to be approximately 12 hours. Growth of plants was severely retarded at daylengths less than 12 hours. 3. Cutting were responded to short daylength before rooting. Number of days from transplanting to flower bud formation of 40-day old cuttings in the nursery bed was 20 days and it was delayed as duration of nursery were shorter. 4. Number of days from emergence to flower bud formation was shortest at short day treatment from 20 days after emergence. It was became longer as initiation of short day treatment was earlier or later than 20 days. 5. Plant height, number of branches, and top dry weight of stevia were reduced as cutting date was delayed from March 20 to May 20. The highest yield of dry leaf was obtained at nursery duration of 40-50 days in march 20 cutting, 30-40 days in April 20 cutting, and 30 days in May 20 cutting. 6. An asymptotic relationship was observed between plant population and leaf dry weight. Yield of dry leaf increased rapidly as plant population increased from 5,000 to 10,000 plants/10a with a reduced increasing rate from 10,000 to 20,000 plants/l0a, and levelled off at the plant population higher than 20,000 plants/l0a. 7. Stevia was adaptable in Suweon, Chengju, Mokpo and Jeju and drought was one of the main factors reducing yield of dry leaf. Yield of dry leaf was reduced significantly (approximately 30%) at June 20 transplanting compared to optimum transplanting. 8. Yield of dry leaf was higher in a vinyl house compared to unprotected control at long daylength or natural daylength except at short day treatment at March 20. Higher temperature ill a vinyl house does not have benefital effects at April 20 transplanting. 9. The highest content of stevioside was noted at the upper leaves of the plant but the lowest was measured at the plant parts of 20cm above ground. Leaf dry weight and stevioside yield was mainly contributed by the plant parts of 60 to 120cm above ground but the varietal differences were also significant. 10. Delayed harvest by the time of flower bud formation increased leaf dry weight remarkably. However, there were insignificant changes of yield as harvests were made at any time after flower bud formation. Content of stevioside was highest at the time of flower bud formation and earlier or later harvest than this time was low in its content. The optimum harvesting time determined by leaf dry weight and stevioside content was the periods from flower bud formation to right before flowering that would be the period from September 10 to September 15 in Suweon area. 11. Stevioside and rebaudioside content in the leaves of Stevia varieties were ranged from 5.4% to 14.3% and 1.5% to 8.3% respectively. However, no definit relationships between stevioside and rebaudioside were observed in these particular experiments.

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