• Title/Summary/Keyword: usage standard

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Characteristics of bridge task in Korean coastal large trawler (우리나라 근해 대형트롤 어선의 선교업무 특성)

  • Kim, Min-Son;Shin, Hyeon-Ok;Lee, Ju-Hee;Hwang, Bo-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2013
  • To suggest a standard concerning with the arrangement of bridge equipment, the authors conducted the video observations with 3CCD (charge coupled device) cameras installed on the ceil of the bridge for monitoring the working activities of two bridge teams (the skipper/mate1 and the skipper/mate2) in a Korean coastal large trawler(gross tonnage: 139) for five days from July 30th. 2010 and analyzed of the data. Work elements coded by the work activities were input on the sheet of work analysis by the time unit of 1 sec according to the time occurred. A single work element among the work activities for every 5 minutes was denoted as the number of occurrence. The frequency of equipment usage was limited only in the usage of the equipment. In the case of the navigation and the towing net two ranks were integrated and analyzed. On the other hand, in the case of the casting net and the hauling net, two processes were integrated to as one and then analyzed separately as two ranks. As the results, 15 elements of work was carried out between two bridge teams for the observation; lookout, radar, GPS plotter, fish finder, net monitor, fishing deck, RPM indicator, rudder angle indicator, compass card, for maneuver; steering, ship speed control, trawl winch operation and external communications, paper works and others. It was found that the work load of the skipper per 5 minutes accordance with the navigation, the casting net, the towing net and the hauling net are 20.5 times, 11.9 times, 38.0 times and 9.5 times respectively, the mates are 65.2 times, 66.5 times, 85.7 times and 59.1 times respectively. The radar was shown the highest frequency of the equipment usage and the next was the fish finder, the GPS plotter and the external communications in the case of the navigation. In the case of the towing net the frequency of usage was high the ranking as the radar, the net monitor, the fish finder, the GPS plotter, the steering system and the external communications. In the case of the integrated process both of the casting and hauling net the trawl winch was shown the highest frequency to the skipper and the next was the GPS plotter and the radar, and the steering system was shown the highest frequency to the mate and the next was the radar, the ship speed control system, the GPS plotter, the net monitor and the fish finder.

Fundamental Study on the Application of a Surface Layer using Cold Central-Plant Recycling (플랜트 생산 재활용 상온 혼합물의 도로 표층 적용성에 관한 기초연구)

  • Choi, Jun Seong
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSES : This study determined the optimal usage rate of RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement) using cold central-plant recycling (CCPR) on a road-surface layer. In addition, a mixture-aggregate gradation design and a curing method based on the proposed rate for the surface-layer mix design were proposed. METHODS : First, current research trends were investigated by analyzing the optimum moisture content, mix design, and quality standards for surface layers in Korea and abroad. To analyze the aggregate characteristics of the RAP, its aggregate-size characteristics were analyzed through the combustion asphalt content test and the aggregate sieve analysis test. Moreover, aggregate-segregation experiments were performed to examine the possibility of RAP aggregate segregation from field compaction and vehicle traffic. After confirming the RAP quality standards, coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, aggregate-gradation design and quality tests were conducted for mixtures with 40% and 50% RAP usage. The optimum moisture content of the surface-layer mixture containing RAP was tested, as was the evapotranspiration effect on the surface-layer mixture of the optimum moisture content. RESULTS : After analyzing the RAP recycled aggregate size and extraction aggregate size, 13-8mm aggregate was found to be mostly 8mm aggregate after combustion. After using surface-chipping and mixing methods to examine the possibility of RAP aggregate segregation, it was found that the mixing method contributed very little for 3.32%, and because the surface-chipping method applied compaction energy directly as the maximum assumption the separation ratio was 15.46%. However, the composite aggregate gradation did not change. Using a 40% RAP aggregate rate on the surface-layer mixture for cold central-plant recycling satisfied the Abroad quality standard. The optimum moisture content of the surface-layer mixture was found to be 7.9% using the modified Marshall compaction test. It was found that the mixture was over 90% cured after curing at $60^{\circ}C$ for two days. CONCLUSIONS : To use the cold central-plant recycling mixture on a road-surface layer, a mixture-aggregate gradation design was proposed as the RAP recycled aggregate size without considering aggregate segregation, and the RAP optimal usage rate was 40%. In addition, the modified Marshall compaction test was used to determine the optimum moisture content as a mix-design parameter, and the curing method was adapted using the method recommended by Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA).

A Method to Estimate the Cell Based Sustainable Development Yield of Groundwater (셀기반 지하수 개발가능량 산정기법)

  • Chung, Il-Moon;Kim, Nam Won;Lee, Jeongwoo;Na, Hanna;Kim, Youn-Jung;Park, Seunghyuk
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.635-643
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    • 2014
  • Sustaiable development yield of groundwater in Korea has been determined according to 10 year drought frequency of groundwater recharge in the standard mid-sized watershed or relatively large area of district. Therefore, the evaluation of groundwater impact in a small watershed is hard to apply. Fot this purpose, a novel approach to estimate cell based sustainable development yield of groundwater (SDYG) is suggested and applied to Gyeongju region. Cell based groundwater recharge is computed using hydrological component analysis using the SWAT-MODFLOW which is an integrated surface water-groundwater model. To estimate the potential amount of groundwater development, the existing method which uses 10 year drought frequency rainfall multiplied by recharge coefficient is adopted. Cell based SDYGs are computed and summed for 143 sub-watersheds and administrative districts. When these SDYGs are combined with groundwater usage data, the groundwater usage rate (total usage / SDYG) shows wide local variations (7.1~108.8%) which are unseen when average rate (24%) is only evaluated. Also, it is expected that additional SDYGs in any small district could be estimated.

MMT-based Broadcasting Services Combined with MPEG-DASH (MPEG-DASH 융합형 MMT 기반 방송 서비스)

  • Park, MinKyu;Kim, Yong Han
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.283-299
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose new broadcasting services that combine MMT (MPEG Media Transport) standard with MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) standard. MMT is a next-generation multimedia transport standard that is IP-friendly and provides functionalities appropriate for hybrid broadcasting that uses broadcast physical channels and the Internet simultaneously. MPEG-DASH enables media streaming services that can be dynamically adaptive both to the network traffic conditions of wired and/or wireless Internet and the receiving entity environment. We explain the scenarios of the proposed broadcasting services and demonstrate that various hybrid broadcasting services can be easily realized through the combined usage of MMT and MPEG-DASH. By making the test bitstreams containing contents for the new services and developing the receiver back-end software that performs the function of the receiving entity for the new services on personal computers, we verified that the proposed scenarios can be realized.

The Role of Guidelines on the Judgement of Medical Negligence - Referring to Debates in Japan - (의료과실판단에서의 가이드라인의 역할 -일본에서의 논의를 참고하여-)

  • Song, Young-Min
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.209-235
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    • 2010
  • According to the development of medical technology, new medical treatments have been dramatically increased as an inevitable consequence, however, it is not easy for medical workers to learn the knowledge that is necessary for new medical treatments and their additions in the medical services. Therefore, it could not be helped increasing the guidelines for applying new medical treatments, and then, the problem would come out whether to attribute the medical negligence to the doctors who did not follow the guidelines when the patient became worse because of his non-compliance. Nevertheless, there is no document to review the problem mentioned above and also no definite precedents. Thus, the civil lawful character and obligation of guidelines on the lawsuit against the medical default have been examined in this studies. The medical negligence is defined as usual doctors violate the care obligation which is demanded for them to follow when they treat patients under the proper medical standard in those days. It is resonable to assume that the matter of guidelines is to decide the level of the care obligation, that means the care which is required of the rational doctors under same circumstances, and in general, the experts' testimonies should be needed in this case. In addition, the issue comes out whether the guidelines can be the standard of the judgement of the medical negligence. Finally, I suppose, the evaluation of the issue depends on who makes the guidelines, what materials are based on, and also depends on whether there is another guidelines in the same disease, what the purpose of guidelines is to save the medical costs or to realize the appropriate medical services, in addition, it depends on how often renew the guidelines, and how wide is the usage of guidelines.

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A Study on the Food Labelling System (식품표시(食品表示) 제도(制度)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Young-Lan;Kim, Hyang-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the food labelling system and its regulations based on Food Hygine Law in Korea and to compare them with those of USA and JAPAN. This study was carried out to suggest desirable direction for improvement of food labelling system in Korea by reviewing literatures and regulations related to the subject of this study. The results are as follows: 1. The indication of shelf-life in Korean lavelling system appeared ineffective from the point of view of consumer protection and resource preservation compared with dual system of indicating shelf-life in USA and Japan. 2. The standard of labelling general food in Korea does not give sufficient nutritive information to the consumers, compared with that in USA and Japan. 3. Only five ingredients including additives are to be listed on the food label in Korea whereas all the ingredients and additives are in the USA and Japan. 4. The way of Listing food additives on food label is neither specifically required nor standardized in Korea and, food additives are classified into only 7 groups in Korea while 18 in the USA. Based on the above results of literature review, the followings are suggested to improve food labelling system in Korea. 1. Indication of shelf-life should have dual system, in which perishable food should not be permitted to be sold after its shelf-life while the processed food or dried food to be preserved for a long time should be indicated with more or less flexible term about shelf-life. 2. Standard of labelling general food should include calorie, fat, protein, and the content of major vitamins and minerals. 3. All ingredients and their contents, including food additives should be listed on the food labels. 4. The standard of indication of food additives in Korea should include the name, usage and content of all additives used in foods.

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A Study on Current State in Stitches and Seams Usage for Building Smart Sewing Systems: Focused on Sewing Specification of Cut and Sewn Knit (스마트 봉제 시스템 구축을 위한 스티치 및 솔기 사용 현황에 관한 고찰: 컷 앤 쏘운 니트 의류 봉제사양서를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Suyeon;Ha, Hee Jung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.357-374
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    • 2020
  • This study suggests the use of standardized sewing terms for the construction of smart sewing systems. This study analyzed the use of stitches (ISO 4915) and seams (ISO 4916) for cut and sewn knit garment which are the basic elements of sewing on an ISO basis. The results of the analysis of sewing specifications of cut and sewn knit garments are as follows. First, the use of stitches and seams were analyzed. As a result, both stitches and seams were used as non-standard terms. Second, among 3,263 stitches, ISO 4915 No. 406 followed by 401, 504, 605 were the most frequently used; however, ISO 4915 No. 514 was anticipated the most because the ISO 4915 No. 514 used for joining was not recorded in the sewing specification. Finally, the use of stitch for each seam was analyzed. The most common stitch used for ISO 4916 No. 6.02.07 was ISO 4915 No. 406. In addition, when it was sewing ISO 4916 No. 4.04.01, ISO 4915 No. 504 was used in step 1, and ISO 4915 No. 406, 602, and 605 were used in step 2. It is important to use the international standard sewing terms for the production site based on the results. In addition, the construction of smart sewing systems and the work of international standardization through industry-university cooperation are important for securing global competitiveness. Therefore, the use of international standard terminology and practical training should be conducted with a focus on stitching and seams with high frequency of use.

Investigation on Adhesion Control Standards and Skin Adverse Effects of Skin Attached Formulations (파스제의 점착력 관리기준 및 피부 부작용 조사연구)

  • Kim, Ji Yeon;Kim, Kwang Joon;Park, Sang-Wook;Bang, Joon Seok;Lee, Wonjae
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This paper was aimed to investigate the adhesion control standards of pain relieving patch (PRP) drugs and to survey it's adverse effects on the skin of patients for safe use of PRP drugs. Methods: In this study, the related documents of PRP drugs of Korea pharmacopoeia (KP), United States pharmacopoeia (USP), Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP), European pharmacopoeia (EP), and information web sites of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) were surveyed. Also, the past and current labeling of PRP drugs marketed in the pharmacy was investigated and compared. Results: In KP and JP, the lower limit standard for PRP's adhesion control is established, but the upper limit standard is not designated. In USP and EP, neither the lower nor upper limit standard is established. The main reasons of skin adverse effects are considered as inherent adverse reactions of the applied drugs for PRP. Another reason is involved in patient's medication mistakes related to PRP's adhesion control, respiratory depression of skin according to physical skin closure, and microbial growth, etc. Conclusion: For safe use of PRP drugs, we proposed ensured guidelines like additional instructions of pharmacist's prescription and detailed labeling systems for usage of PRP drugs applied on skin.

Human Resource Metadata Standardization for Managing Science & Technology Personnel (과학기술전문인력 관리를 위한 인력정보 메타데이터 표준화)

  • Kim Kyung-Ok;Song In-Seok;Pyo Sun-Hee;Lee Mi-Wha;Lee Jae-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.48-52
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    • 2005
  • R&D Personnel information is constructed locally based on the needs of each institute and therefore is distributed over different databases. It does not support inter operability which makes it difficult to access and update that leads to the problem of ineffective usage. In this study, we have categorized the lower level information that forms the domestic S&T Personnel and defined the relationship between each type of information to suggest a standard for the data elements that guarantee the access to specific information in order to support inter operability. We have analyzed the human resource information database of domestic and foreign research institutes for the data modeling. We have also made reference to the standard metadata and database of other types that can be linked with the human resource information in designing the data elements. ISO/IEC 11179, the international standard for the metadata registry(MDR), was adopted to apply the object, attribute and expression to be described to the name of the data element.

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WiBro Market Change induced by IMT-2000 Standard Adoption (WiBro의 IMT-2000 표준 채택에 따른 시장의 변화)

  • Jahng, Jae-Hyouk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.649-652
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    • 2007
  • In the world each bureau tries an introduction of Mobile WiMAX frequency in the various band. Particularly, 2.5 GHz band is likely to be used as the future mobile telecommunication using as the IMT-2000 additional band which determined in WRC, and it comes into the spotlight as the band of the global radio broadband service including the Mobile WiMAX. Thus, the activity for including the Mobile WiMAX to the IMT-2000 technical standard is unfolded for the WiBro market development in the ITU-R WP8F conference, and the adoption or rejection will be finally determined in the ITU-R RA-07. Therefore, this paper tried to look for the plan for reaction according to the IMT-2000 standard acceptance of WiBro technology and the foreign usage plan of 2.5 GHZ band.

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