• 제목/요약/키워드: unit pulse

검색결과 333건 처리시간 0.733초

Simultaneous Driving System of Ultrasonic Sensors Using Codes (코드를 이용한 초음파 동시구동 시스템)

  • 김춘승;최병준;이상룡;이연정
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • 제10권11호
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    • pp.1028-1036
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    • 2004
  • Ultrasonic sensors are widely used in mobile robot applications to recognize external environments by virtue that they are cheap, easy to use, and robust under varying lighting conditions. In most cases, a single ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the distance to an object based on time-of-flight (TOF) information, whereas multiple sensors are used to recognize the shape of an object, such as a comer, plane, or edge. However, the conventional sequential driving technique involves a long measurement time. This problem can be resolved by pulse coding of ultrasonic signals, which allows multi-sensors to be emitted simultaneously and adjacent objects to be distinguished. Accordingly, this paper presents a new simultaneous coded driving system for an ultrasonic sensor array for object recognition in autonomous mobile robots. The proposed system is designed and implemented. A micro-controller unit is implemented using a DSP, Polaroid 6500 ranging modules are modified for firing the coded signals, and a 5-channel coded signal generating board is made using a FPGA. To verify the proposed method, experiments were conducted in an environment with overlapping signals, and the flight distances fur each sensor were obtained from the received overlapping signals using correlations and conversion to a bipolar PCM-NRZ signal.

Unbounded Binary Search Method for Fast-tracking Maximum Power Point of Photovoltaic Modules

  • Hong, Yohan;Kim, Yong Sin;Baek, Kwang-Hyun
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • 제5권6호
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    • pp.454-461
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    • 2016
  • A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system with fast-tracked time and high power efficiency is presented in this paper. The proposed MPPT system uses an unbounded binary search (UBS) algorithm that continuously tracks the maximum power point (MPP) with a binary system to follow the MPP under rapid-weather-change conditions. The proposed algorithm can decide the correct direction of the MPPT system while comparing the previous power point with the present power point. And then, by fixing the MPP until finding the next MPP, there is no oscillation of voltage MPP, which maximizes the overall power efficiency of the photovoltaic module. With these advantages, this proposed UBS is able to detect the MPP more effectively. This MPPT system is based on a boost converter with a micro-control unit to control analog-to-digital converters and pulse width modulation. Analysis of this work and experimental results show that the proposed UBS MPPT provides fast, accurate tracking with no oscillation in situations where weather rapidly changes and shadow is caused by all sorts of things. The tracking time is reduced by 87.3% and 66.1% under dynamic-state and steady-state operation, respectively, as compared with the conventional 7-bit perturb and observe technique.

Monitoring of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Nasal Swabs Obtained from Dental Clinic Healthcare Providers and Medical Environment Nurses

  • Han, Seung-Ho;Song, In-Sook;Kim, Jong-Koan;Park, Jum-Gi;Park, Jang-Hwan;Lee, Myeong-Jae;Kim, Shin-Moo;Kim, Kang-Ju
    • International Journal of Oral Biology
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2010
  • The aims of this study were to investigate the nosocomial infection route of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and explore preventative methods for this pathogen that involve blocking its dispersion. We cultured MRSA from nasal cavity swabs collected between June and July 2008 that we obtained from eight dental healthcare providers, 32 nurses and the sputum specimens of two patients from our hospital. In addition, we used VITEK 2 equipment to measure drug sensitivity, and we further performed biochemical testing and pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to isolate MRSA colonies. The incidence of these bacteria on the nasal swabs was 25.0% from dental clinic healthcare providers, 13.6% from the internal medicine ward nurses and 30.0% from intensive care unit nurses. Moreover, MRSA was detectable in sputum specimens of ward patients. The antimicrobial agents resistance and partial PFGE types of MRSA showed a similar pattern. We suggest from these analyses that nasal cavity infection by MRSA could occur by cross contamination between healthcare providers and patients which underscores the importance of stringent MRSA management practices.

High-Efficiency and High-Power-Density 3-Level LLC Resonant Converter (고효율 및 고전력밀도 3-레벨 LLC 공진형 컨버터)

  • Gu, Hyun-Su;Kim, Hyo-Hoon;Han, Sang-Kyoo
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2018
  • Recent trends in high-power-density applications have highlighted the importance of designing power converters with high-frequency operation. However, conventional LLC resonant converters present limitations in terms of high-frequency driving due to switching losses during the turn-off period. Switching losses are caused by the overlap of the voltage and current during this period, and can be decreased by reducing the switch voltage. In turn, the switch voltage can be reduced through a series connection of four switches, and additional circuitry is essential for balancing the voltage of each switch. In this work, a three-level LLC resonant converter that can operate at high frequency is proposed by reducing switch losses and balancing the voltages of all switches with only one capacitor. The voltage-balancing principle of the proposed circuit can be extended to n-level converters, which further reduces the switch voltage stress. As a result, the proposed circuit is applicable to high-input applications. To confirm the validity of the proposed circuit, theoretical analysis and experimental verification results from a 350 W-rated prototype are presented.

The biomedical effect of 655nm Laser Diode irradiation (655nm 레이저 다이오드 조사에 따른 생물학적 특성 평가)

  • Cheon, Min-Woo;Kim, Seong-Hwan;Park, Yong-Pil;Lee, Ho-Shik;Kim, Tae-Gon;Park, No-Bong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 논문집 Vol.21
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    • pp.397-398
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    • 2008
  • This paper performed the basic study for fabricating the low level laser therapy apparatus, and one of the goals of this paper was to make this apparatus used handily. The apparatus has been fabricated using the 655nm laser diode and microprocessor unit. The apparatus used a 655 nm laser diode for laser medical therapy and was designed for a pulse width modulation type to increase stimulation effects. And then, each experiment was performed to irradiation group and non-irradiation group for cells. MTT assay method was chosen to verify the cell increase of two groups and the effect of irradiation on cell proliferation was examined by measuring 590nm transmittance of ELISA reader. As a result, the cell increase of cells was verified in irradiation group as compared to non-irradiation group.

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원격측정명령처리기 릴레이구동 회로 설계 및 구현

  • Kim, Joong-Pyo;Koo, Ja-Chun
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.170-176
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the relay driver circuit which controls the spacecraft configuration change are implemented and validated. First of all, the specification of the relay driver circuit is defined, and then its circuit meeting the specification defined is designed. In order to verify the design of the relay driver circuit, its circuit was simulated, and then it's confirmed that the relay pulse current and voltage level defined in the specification are obtained, and the results obtained through the functional test of the relay driver circuit are compared and well matched with the simulation results. Also the worst case analysis for confirming the stable operation of the relay driver circuit under the tolerance of each component is performed.

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Performance analysis of light guide panel implemented with laser-processed inner and surface patterns (레이저 가공된 내부 및 표면패턴을 가지는 도광판 성능 분석)

  • Choi, Young-Hee;Shin, Yong-Jin;Choi, Eun-Seo
    • Laser Solutions
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2008
  • We proposed new light guide panel (LGP) fabrication method exploiting laser-processed inner scatterers and surface pattern. The proposed method has achieved LGP performance improvement in both brightness and uniformity. The inner scatterers and surface pattern of grid type were fabricated with a 2nd harmonic Nd:YAG pulse laser engraving system and a $CO_2$ laser scanning system, respectively. In the implementation of LGP, inner scatterers was arranged in accordance with linear or curved pattern with changing density and surface pattern was engraved on the surface of an inner-scatterers embedded LGP. The increase of scatterers' density and the use of surface patterns in both linear and curved pattern provided high luminance and uniformity enhancement. While thecurved pattern incorporated with increased scatterers' density and surface patterns yielded brightness improvement with preserving good uniformity, the linear pattern showed highly localized brightness near the light entrance of the LGP. We can also observe that the uniformity was mainly determined by pattern of inner scatterers, and the brightness was improved by the higher density and the utilization of surface patterns. From the results, the use of laser-processed inner and surface patterns can be a potential alternative for efficient and simple LGP fabrication method.

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  • Choi, Chi-Bong;Kim, Hwi-Yool;Kim, Su-Gwan;Bae, Chun-Sik
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.488-491
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    • 2005
  • A 3-year-old female, 5kg, Shih-tzu developed an acute onset of depression, disorientation, hypersalivation, nystagmus after falling down 2 meter height place. In plain skull radiography, there was fracture line in the frontal and parietal bones and next day magnetic resonance imaging examination was performed. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain was performed with 3.0 Tesla unit. Under general anesthesia, the dog was placed in prone with its head positioned in a birdcage coil. Transverse, sagittal and coronal fast spin echo images of the brain were obtained with the following pulse sequences: T1 weighted images (TR = 560 ms and TE = 18.6 ms) and T2 weighted images (TR = 3500 ms and TE = 80 ms). Magnetic resonance imaging showed epidural hematoma in the left frontal area resulting in compression of the adjacent brain parenchyma. Left lateral ventricle was compressed secondarily and the longitudinal fissure shifted to the right, representing mass effect. The lesion was iso-to slightly hyperintense on T1 weighted image and iso-slightly hypointense signal on T2 weighted image. At necropsy, there was a skull fracture and epidural hematoma in the left frontal area. Magnetic resonance imaging of epidural hematoma is reviewed.

Design of Digital Transmultiplexing System for PRS Transmission (PRS 전송 방식을 위한 디지털 변환다중장치의 설계)

  • 오용선;강창언
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.423-434
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    • 1989
  • In this paper, a PRS transmission system using TMRCP as the unit pulse is proposed, which solves the problems occur when the PRS method will be applied to the digital transmultiplexer for each channel. And a design technique which uses this PRS method for the FFT polyphase filter transmultiplexer concept is given. TMRCP-PRS signal require a bandwidth about 2.5KHz(including some guard-band) for a 4-KHz bandlimited voice channel. Therefore, in he 24 channel transmission line, it gives the same advantages as he ordinary PRS system and sloves the inter-channel interference problems. And its good speed-tolerance reduces the time-errors by the environments and the power loss, so it makes the system to be stable. The total system, however, attaces the filters for PCM-PRS, PRS-PCM conversion before and after the transmultiplexer respectively.

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The Decomposition of EMG signals using Template Matiching Method in the frequency domain (주파수 템플릿 정합법을 사용한 EMG 신호 분해)

  • Park, S.H.;Lee, Y.W.;Go, H.W.;Ye, S.Y.;Eom, S.H.;Nam, K.G.;Jun, K.R.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • 대한의용생체공학회 1997년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.55-58
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we study a signal processing method which extracts each MUAP(motor unit action potential) from EMG(Electromyogram) interference pattern or clinical diagnostic purposes. First of all, differential digital filtering is selected or eliminating the spike components of the MUAP's from the background noise. And, the algorithm identifies the spikes over the certanin threshold by template matching in frequency domain. After missing or false firing actor is cut off at the IPI(inter pulse interval) histogram, we averages the MUAP waveforms from the raw signal using the identified spikes as triggers, and Finally, measures their amplitudes, durations, and numbers of phases. Specially, We introduce algorithm performed by template matching in the frequency domain. A typical 3-s signal recorded from the biceps brachii muscle using a conventional needle electrode during a isometric contraction is used. Finally, the method decomposed five simultaneous active MUAP's from original EMG signal.

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