• Title/Summary/Keyword: tricuspid valve regurgitation

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Prognostic Implication of Right Ventricle Parameters Measured on Preoperative Cardiac MRI in Patients with Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation

  • Yura Ahn;Hyun Jung Koo;Joon-Won Kang;Won Jin Choi;Dae-Hee Kim;Jong-Min Song;Duk-Hyun Kang;Jae-Kwan Song;Joon Bum Kim;Sung-Ho Jung;Suk Jung Choo;Cheol Hyun Chung;Jae Won Lee;Dong Hyun Yang
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.1253-1265
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    • 2021
  • Objective: To investigate the prognostic value of preoperative cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for long-term major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCEs) in patients undergoing tricuspid valve (TV) surgery for functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR). Materials and Methods: The preoperative cardiac MR images, New York Heart Association functional class, comorbidities, and clinical events of 78 patients (median [interquartile range], 59 [51-66.3] years, 28.2% male) who underwent TV surgery for functional TR were comprehensively reviewed. Cox proportional hazards analyses were performed to assess the associations of clinical and imaging parameters with MACCEs and all-cause mortality. Results: For the median follow-up duration of 5.4 years (interquartile range, 1.2-6.6), MACCEs and all-cause mortality were 51.3% and 23.1%, respectively. The right ventricular (RV) end-systolic volume index (ESVI) and the systolic RV mass index (RVMI) were higher in patients with MACCEs than those without them (77 vs. 68 mL/m2, p = 0.048; 23.5 vs. 18.0%, p = 0.011, respectively). A high RV ESVI was associated with all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR] per value of 10 higher ESVI = 1.10, p = 0.03). A high RVMI was also associated with all-cause mortality (HR per increase of 5 mL/m2 RVMI = 1.75, p < 0.001). After adjusting for age and sex, only RVMI remained a significant predictor of MACCEs and all-cause mortality (p < 0.05 for both). After adjusting for multiple clinical variables, RVMI remained significantly associated with all-cause mortality (p = 0.005). Conclusion: RVMI measured on preoperative cardiac MRI was an independent predictor of long-term outcomes in patients who underwent TV surgery for functional TR.

Early Clinical Outcomes of Tricuspid Valve Repair with a Tri-Ad Annuloplasty Ring in Comparison with the Outcomes Using an MC3 Ring

  • Jung, Woohyun;Choi, Jae Woong;Hwang, Ho Young;Kim, Kyung Hwan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2018
  • Background: We evaluated the early clinical outcomes of tricuspid valve annuloplasty (TAP) with the Tri-Ad annuloplasty ring for functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR). Methods: From January 2015 to March 2017, 36 patients underwent TAP with a Tri-Ad ring for functional TR. To evaluate the early clinical outcomes of TAP with the Tri-Ad ring, we conducted a propensity score-matched analysis comparing the Tri-Ad and $MC^3$ tricuspid annuloplasty rings (n=34 in each group). The follow-up duration was $11.0{\pm}7.07$ months. Results: There was 1 case of operative mortality (2.8%) and no cases of late mortality. Postoperative complications occurred in 15 patients (41%), including acute kidney injury in 6 patients (16%), bleeding requiring reoperation in 4 patients (11%), and low cardiac output syndrome in 4 patients (11%). There were no ring-related complications, such as atrioventricular block or ring dehiscence. The TR grade decreased significantly (from $2.03{\pm}1.06$ to $1.18{\pm}0.92$, p<0.01), as did the systolic pulmonary artery pressure (from $43.53{\pm}13.84$ to $38.00{\pm}9.72mm\;Hg$, p=0.03). There were no cases of severe residual TR, but moderate TR was observed in 3 patients, all of whom had severe TR preoperatively. Severe preoperative TR was also associated with moderate in the univariate analysis (p<0.01). In the propensity score-matched analysis comparing the Tri-Ad and $MC^3$ rings, there was no significant difference in early clinical outcomes. Conclusion: TAP with the Tri-Ad ring corrected functional TR effectively and provided good early clinical and echocardiographic results without ring-related complications. However, severe preoperative TR was associated with moderate or severe residual TR in the immediate postoperative period. A follow-up study is necessary to confirm the stability of this procedure.

Epidemiologic Profile of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease in Korea: A Nationwide Hospital-Based Registry Study

  • You-Jung Choi;Jung-Woo Son;Eun Kyoung Kim;In-Cheol Kim;Hyung Yoon Kim;Jeong-Sook Seo;Byung Joo Sun;Chi Young Shim;Se-Jung Yoon;Sahmin Lee;Sun Hwa Lee;Jun-Bean Park;Duk-Hyun Kang
    • Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2023
  • BACKGROUND: Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a common cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide; however, its epidemiological profile in Korea requires elucidation. METHODS: In this nationwide retrospective cohort study from the Korean valve survey, which collected clinical and echocardiographic data on VHD from 45 medical centers, we identified 4,089 patients with VHD between September and October 2019. RESULTS: The aortic valve was the most commonly affected valve (n = 1,956 [47.8%]), followed by the mitral valve (n = 1,598 [39.1%]) and tricuspid valve (n = 1,172 [28.6%]). There were 1,188 cases of aortic stenosis (AS) and 926 cases of aortic regurgitation. The most common etiology of AS was degenerative disease (78.9%). The proportion of AS increased with age and accounted for the largest proportion of VHD in patients aged 80-89 years. There were 1,384 cases of mitral regurgitation (MR) and 244 cases of mitral stenosis (MS). The most common etiologies for primary and secondary MR were degenerative disease (44.3%) and non-ischemic heart disease (63.0%), respectively, whereas rheumatic disease (74.6%) was the predominant cause of MS. There were 1,172 tricuspid regurgitation (TR) cases, of which 46.9% were isolated and 53.1% were associated with other valvular diseases, most commonly with MR. The most common type of TR was secondary (90.2%), while primary accounted for 6.1%. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates the current epidemiological status of VHD in Korea. The results of this study can be used as fundamental data for developing Korean guidelines for VHD.

Early and Late Results after Mitral Valve Replacement (승모판막 치환후 조기및 장기추적결과)

  • 김명인
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 1992
  • Total 145 cases mitral vlave replacement were performed in Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Chungnam National University Hospital during the period from May 1983 to July 1991. Sixty-one patients were male and 84 patients were female and the range of age was from 12 to 66 years old with the mean of 37.9[$\pm$11.6] years. Valvular lesions were 49 cases of mitral stenosis, 18 cases of regurgitation and 78 cases of combined lesion. Used valve were Ionescu-Shiley[42 cases], Bjork-Shiley[49 cases], Inact[6 cases], St. Jude Medical[11 cases] and CarboMedics[37 cases]. Mean size of valve was 29.8$\pm$1.68mm. Early morality was 13.8%[20 cases] and low output syndrome was most common cause[9 cases]. Age, functional classification and biventricular hypertrophy were risk factors. All survived cases were followed up without missing. Mean follow up period were 3 years and 3 months. Total 14 cases of death[9.7%] were observed and heart failure, unexplained sudden death and bleeding were the causes in that order. Common late complications were heart failure and bleeding related with anticoagulation. Actuarial survival rate at 5 years was 83$\pm$5.4% in overall, 78$\pm$7.2% in tissue valve group, 87$\pm$6.8% in mechanical valve group. The actuarial freedom rate from thromboembolism at 7 years was 89$\pm$8.3% in overall, 86$\pm$9.9% in tissue valve group and 97$\pm$1.9% in mechanical valve group. Actuarial freedom rate from bleeding at 5 years with anticoagulation was 88.9$\pm$4.2% in overall, 96$\pm$3.9% in tissue valve group, 86$\pm$4.6% in mechanical valve group. Reoperation was done in 3 cases with heart failure with tricuspid regurgitation and thromboembolism in 2 cases. The functional status of survived cases was I or II.

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Intermediate-term Result of Tricuspid Annuloplasty for Tricuspid Regurgitation Associated with Congenital Heart Disease in Adult (성인 선천성 심기형에 동반된 삼첨판막 폐쇄부전의 판막륜 성형술 후 중기성적)

  • Yun, Tae-Jin;Kim, Sang-Hwa;Lee, Jun-Wan;Park, Jeong-Jun;Song, Hyun;Lee, Jae-Won;Seo, Dong-Man;Song, Meong-Gun;Song, Jong-Min;Kang, Duck-Hyun;Song, Jae-Kwan;Jang, Wan-Sook;Kim, Young-Hwue;Ko, Jae-Kon;Park, In-Sook
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 2003
  • We assessed the intermediate-term result of tricuspid annuloplasty (TAP) for tricuspid valve regurgitation (TR) associated with congenital heart disease in adults. Risk factors for residual TR were also analysed. Material and Method: From August 1989 to June 2001, seventy three adult patients, 51 females and 22 males, underwent TAP for TR associated with various congenital heart disease. Their age ranged from 46 years to 73 years (mean:43). Associated heart anomalies were atrial septal defect (55), ventricular septal defect (6), partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (4) and others (8). Preoperative and post-operative TR velocities were 3.25 m/sec and 2.56 m/sec respectively, and the types of TAP were De Vega in 43, Kay in 18 and Ring annuloplasty in 12. Postoperative follow-up duration was 2,347 patient-month (mean: 32.6 months), and 134 two-dimensional echocardiographic examinations were done during this period. Residual TR greater than III/IV was considered as TAP failure. Result: TAP failure was observed in 7 patients (9.6%), and one patient among them underwent tricuspid valve replacement. Risk factors for TAP failure were diagnosis other than atrial septal defect (p=0.001), preoperative (p=0.038) and postoperative (p=0.028) high TR velocity. There was no statistical significance in terms of TAP methods. Conclusion: Careful evaluation of valve morphology and aggressive surgical intervention are mandatory for the repair of TR with preoperative or residual RV pressure overload.

Surgical Repair of Ebstein's anomaly by Modified Carpentier's Method - 2 cases report - (변형적 Carpentier 방법에 의한 Ebstein 기형의 수술적 교정 -1 례 보고-)

  • Lee, Gun;Kim, Woong-Han;Lee, Chang-Ha;Na, Chan-Young;Jeong, Yoon-Seop;Jeong, Do-Hyun;Kim, Soo-Cheol;Lee, Young-Tak;Kim, Chong-Whan;Kim, Sung-Nok;Park, Young-Kwan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.216-219
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    • 1998
  • Ebstein's anomaly is a complex malformation that can be treated by various surgical techniques, either repair or replacement of the abnormal tricuspid valve, with variable results. The essence of the malformation is the downward displacement of the septal and posterior leaflets into the ventricle, resulting in the formation of an atrialized portion of the right ventricle. The aim of surgical repair is to correct the tricuspid valve dysfunction and to plicate the atrialized portion of the right ventricle A 12-months old female was admitted with the diagnosis of Carpentier type A of Ebstein's anomaly with severe tricuspid regurgitation. She successfully underwent operation with vertical plication of right ventricle and reimplantation of tricuspid leaflets. Postoperatively cardiac size was significantly reduced and tricuspid regurgitation was trivial in echocardiography. She was diacharged the 14th postoperative day.

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Cor Triatriatum A Case Report (삼중방심 치험 1례)

  • No, Jung-Gi;Lee, Gil-No
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1985
  • Cortriatriatum is rare congenital heart disease characterized by the presence of a fibromuscular diaphragm that subdivides the left atrium into a proximal or "accessory" and a distal or "true" left atrial chamber. A 15 year old girl with cortriatriatum underwent surgical correction at the department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Soonchunhyang College in November, 1984. This case was preoperatively diagnosed as a single atrium with functional tricuspid regurgitation But on operation, we found that there were transverse septum in the left atrium through large ASD, low chamber receives the pulmonary veins, and the upper chamber gives rise to the left atrial appendage and leads to the mitral valve. And the anomalous membrane has no fenestrations. We excised completely the anomalous septum, reconstructed atrial septal defect with dacron patch and performed the tricuspid annuloplasty with DeVega method. Postoperative course was uneventful during follow up, during follow up.

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Surgical Experiences of Single Atrium - Report of 3 cases - (Common Atrium 에 대한 외과적 치험)

  • 이강식
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.448-455
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    • 1989
  • Till June 1988, We experienced 3 cases of single atrium at Dept. of Thoracic k Cardiovascular Surgery of National Medical Center. Case 1 was 26 years old female, and had single atrium associated with partial cleft in mitral anterior leaflet and PAPVC. Atrial septation with Dacron patch and MVR [I-S, 31 mm] were done, followed by TAP, De Vega. Postoperative course was good, OPD follow-up for about 4 years with normal physical activity and ordinary working. Case 2 was 4 years old female with single atrium alone. Atrial septation with pericardial patch. Good postoperative course and OPD follow-up for about 2 years with appropriate physical growth. Case 3 was 22 years old female, single atrium with complete cleft in the anterior and posterior mitral leaflet, and septal tricuspid cleft were identified. Atrial septation with polystan bovine pericardial patch and repair of mitral anterior cleft. Postoperatively, residual regurgitation of mitral and tricuspid valve, but tolerable in some limitation of physical activity.

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Implantation of a permanent pacemaker through the coronary sinus in a patient who underwent mechanical valve replacement for infective endocarditis with a complete atrioventricular block (완전방실차단을 동반한 감염성 심내막염 환자에서 판막치환술 후 관정맥동을 통해 좌심실을 조율하는 심박조율기 시술)

  • Jo, Kwan Hoon;Kim, Inho;Ann, Soe Hee;Oh, Yong Seog
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 2014
  • A 52-year-old man was referred to our hospital due to fever and myalgia that occurred 2 weeks earlier. He showed a complete atrioventricular block on his electrocardiogram, and his vital signs were unstable. On his transthoracic echocardiograph, the 1.5 cm vegetation in the aortic valve with severe aortic regurgitation suggested infective endocarditis. His transesophageal enchocardiograph showed abscess in his mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa and vegetation was suspected on his anterior mitral valve leaflet. The patient underwent an emergent operation for valve replacement with temporary epicardial pacing. Intraoperatively, the septal leaflet of his tricuspid valve was injured during the debridement of the abscess pocket that was extended to the membranous septum. The aortic, mitral, and tricuspid mechanical valves were replaced with annular reconstruction without complications. After 14 days of intravenous antibiotics, we successfully changed the epicardial pacemaker into a transvenous DDD-type permanent pacemaker by placing a left ventricular lead via the coronary sinus and an atrial lead in the right atrium appendage. The patient was discharged in a tolerable state and was examined uneventfully in our hospital's outpatient clinic for 8 months.

A Case Report of Left Ventricular Remodeling Surgery on End-Stage Dilated Cardiomyopatty (말기 심부전 환자의 좌심실 개조수술 1례보고)

  • 임창영;기주이
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.613-616
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    • 1997
  • We present a case of 58-year-old (tamale with dilated cardiomyopathy(DCMP) in whom we performed left ventricular(LV) remodeling surgery(Batista operation) to reduce the left ventricle diameter and improve left ventricular unction. The patient was admitted September 1996 with heart failure NYHA class IV. There was severe orthopnea and peripheral edema. 2-D echocardiography(Echo) showed DCMP with the ejection fraction(EF) I5%, LV end diastolic dimension(LVEDD) 80mm, mitral regurgitation(MR) grade IV, tricuspid regurgitation ('m) grade ll. Preoperative cardiac output(CO) was 1.5/L/min and cardiac index(Cl) was 1.0 L/min/m2. We proceeded with LV remodeling surgery by resection a part of LV lateral wall between both papillary muscle, from the mitral annulus to the LV apex. Size of resected LV wall was 90 $\times$ 100 $\times$ 15 mm. At the mean time, mitral valve and tricuspid valve were repaired. Postoperative 2-D Echo showed the EF 37%, LVEDD 50 mna, trivial MR, no TR. CO was 3.SL/min and Cl was 2.3 L/min/m2. Her fuctional NYHA class was 1.

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