• Title/Summary/Keyword: trend equation

검색결과 302건 처리시간 0.029초

의복 치수 규격 설정을 위한 성장기 여학생의 체형변화에 관한 연구 -비만, 수척의 관점에서- (A study on Body Shape Variation of Female in the Growth Period for the Establishment of the Apparel Sizing system -From the View Point of Obesity/Leanness-)

  • 노희숙;이순원
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.516-524
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the variation of body shape and to. divide growth period into some age groups based on body type. Duncan Test, Heath-Carter's somatotyping method and allottery equation (y=baa) were applied to semiautomatic data concerning obesity/leakiness. The materials were 309 females aged from 12 to 17 years old. The following results were obtained: 1. In the Developmental trend of the human body, the 12-13 age groups belonged to the acceleration stage of adolescent growth spurt. The 14-15 age groups belonged to the latter period of adolescent growth. The 16-17 age groups belonged to the termination stage of adolescent growth. 2. In the Heath-Carter's somatotyping method, the average somatotype changed into M.M- C-C-M-D with age. 3. In the alphamerical analysis, the first critical point appeared at the stature 146 Cm in case of weight, LBM and fat. The second critical point appeared at the stature 154-157 Cm in case of LBM and Fat. All the three measurement showed positive allotmentty.

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위그너-빌 분포함수의 계산시 창문함수의 적용에 의한 바이어스 오차 (The Bias Error due to Windows for the Wigner-Ville Distribution Estimation)

  • 박연규;김양한
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 1995년도 추계학술대회논문집; 한국종합전시장, 24 Nov. 1995
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 1995
  • Too see the effects of finite record on the estimation of WVD in practice, a window which has time varying length is examined. Its length increases linearly with time in the first half of the record, and decreases from the center of the record. The bias error due to this window decreases inversely proportionally to the window length as time increases in the first half. In the second half, the bias error increases and the resolution decreases as time increases. The bias error due to the smoothing of WVD, which is obtained by two-dimensional convolution of the true WVD and the smoothing window, which has fixed lengths along time and frequency axes, is derived for arbitrary smoothing window function. In the case of using a Gaussian window as a smoothing window, the bias error is found to be expressed as an infinite summation of differential operators. It is demonstrated that the derived formula is well applicable to the continuous WVD, but when WVD has some discontinuities, it shows the trend of the error. This is a consequence of the assumption of the derivation, that is the continuity of WVD. For windows other than Gaussian window, the derived equation is shown to be well applicable for the prediction of the bias error.

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알루미늄 합금박판 비등온 성형공정 스프링백 해석용 유한요소 프로그램 개발 (2부 : 이론 및 해석) (Development of Finite Element Program for Analyzing Springback Phenomena of Non-Isothermal Forming Processes for Aluminum Alloy Sheets (Part2 : Theory & Analysis))

  • 금영탁;한병엽
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제12권8호
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    • pp.710-717
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    • 2003
  • The implicit, finite element analysis program for analyzing the springback in the warm forming process of aluminum alloy sheets was developed. For the description of planar anisotropy in warm forming temperatures, Barlat's yield function is employed, and the power law type constitutive equation is used in terms of working temperatures for the depiction of work hardening in high temperatures. Also, Jetture's 4-node shell elements are introduced for reflecting the mechanical behavior of aluminum alloy sheet and the non-steady heat balance equations are solved for considering heat gain and loss during the forming process. For the springback evaluation, Newton-Raphson iteration method is introduced for overcoming the geometric nonlinearlity problem. In order to verify the validity of the FEM program developed, the stretching bending and springback processes are simulated. Though springback analysis results are slightly bigger than experimental ones, they have the same trend of the decreasing springback as the forming temperature increases.

Constructing Athlete Identification and the effectiveness of Athlete Endorsement on Customer's Purchase Intention

  • HA, Nguyen Minh;TUAN, Cao Nhat
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제17권8호
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study focuses on the effectiveness of the athlete endorsement on the purchase intention of customers and investigates the attributes of the athlete identification. The Athlete Identification is defined by the expertise, trustworthiness, attractiveness, toughness and transgression. Athlete identification and athlete endorsement help marketers with a thorough look at the trend of using famous sports player to promote products. Research design and methodology - 450 questionnaires were delivered to respondents in Ho Chi Minh city and 433 were returned completed. Descriptive statistics, reliability, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted to test the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Results - The expertise, trustworthiness, attractiveness and toughness exert positive impacts on athlete identification. Transgression affects negatively athlete identification and athlete endorsement. This research confirmed results of previous studies. Conclusions - The athlete first needs to create their own Identification from a set of attributes in order to be out-standing in the sport and leisure industry before becoming an endorser for a particular product. From the company's perspectives, decision makers should choose an acclaimed sports player to boost the purchase intention of consumers.


  • Choi, Seog-Nam;Yoon, Ki-Seok;Choi, Taek-Sang
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2003년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.616-621
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    • 2003
  • Fluid-elastic instability is believed to be a cause of the large-amplitude vibration and resulting rapid wear of heat exchanger tubes when the flow velocity exceeds a critical value. For sub-critical flow velocities, the random turbulence excitation is the main mechanism to be considered in predicting the long-term wear of steam generator tubes. Since flow-induced interactions of the tubes with tube supports in the sub-critical flow velocity can cause a localized tube wear, tube movement in the clearance between the tube and tube support as well as the normal contact force on the tubes by fluid should be maintained as low as possible. A simplified method is used for predicting fretting-wear damage of the double $90^{\circ}$U-bend tubes. The approach employed is based on the straight single-span tube analytical model proposed by Connors, the linear structural dynamic theory of Appendix N-1300 to ASME Section III and the Archard's equation for adhesive wear. Results from the presented method show a similar trend compared with the field data. This method can be utilized to predict the fretting-wear of the double $90^{\circ}$U-bend tubes in steam generators.

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Effect of Molecular Weight and NaCI Concentration on Dilute Solution Properties of Chitosan

  • Hwang, Jae-Kwan;Hong, Sang-Pill;Kim, Chong-Tai
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1997
  • Solution Properties of polyelectrolytic biopolymers such as chitosen, pectin, alginate and etc. are significantly influenced by molecular weight and salt concentrations. The effect of NaCI concentration on the hydrodynamic properties of chitosan in dilute region was investigated for chitosans of varying molecular weight. Intrinsic vicosity([η]) of citosans with 5 different molecular weight was determined by glass capillary viscometer, and the viscosity average molecular weight was calculated using Mark-Houwink equation. Intrinsic viscosity decreased with increasing NaCI concentration for all chitosan samples, and it was proportional to the logarithmic NaCI concentration, i.e.,[η]∝log{TEX}$(C_{NaCl})^{$\alpha$}${/TEX}. Decreasing trend of[η] with NaCI concentration became more pronounced with increasing molecular weight. It was also found that the a values, indicating {TEX}$C_{NaCl}${/TEX} dependence of[η], were linearly correlated with the logarithmic molecular weight({TEX}$R^{2}${/TEX}=0.980). The chain stiffness parameters(B) were calculated by B=S./{TEX}$([η]_{0.1})^{1.32}${/TEX}, in which S was obtained from slope of [η] va {TEX}$I^{-1/2}${/TEX}. The B values of chitosan samples were determined to be 0.113~0071 with a average of 0.09.

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EVP방법(方法)을 이용한 완경사(緩傾斜) 영역(領域)에서의 파랑변형(波浪變形) 수치모형(數値模型) (EVP Models for Wave Transformation in Regions of Slowly Varying Depth)

  • 오성택;이길성;이철응
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 1992
  • 계산시간(計算時間)의 단축(短縮)을 위하여 EVP(Error Vector Propagation) 방법(方法)을 사용하여 타원형(楕圓形) 완경사방정식(緩傾斜方程式)을 해석(解析)하였다. 수치실험(數値實驗)은 수중(水中)에 타원형(楕圓形) 여울이 존재하는 완경사(緩傾斜) 해역(海域)에서 수행하였으며, 포물선형(抛物線形) 모형(模型) 및 쌍곡선형(雙曲線形) 모형(模型)을 같이 계산하여 각각의 결과(結果)를 수리실험(水理實驗) 결과(結果)와 비교(比較)하였다. 또한 이안제(離岸堤)가 설치된 파랑장(波浪場)의 경우에도 쌍곡선형(雙曲線形) 모형(模型)의 결과(結果) 및 수리실험(水理實驗) 결과(結果)와 비교(比較)하였다. 적용결과(適用結果) 계산시간(計算時間) 면에서는 다른 모형(模型)에 비하여 만족스럽게 단축(短縮)할 수 있었으며, 해(解)의 정확성(正確性)에서는 약간의 진동현상(振動現象)이 나타나지만 그 경향(傾向)은 잘 일치하였다.

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대도시 대기오염 추세 분석을 위한 새로운 박스모델의 유도 (Derivation of New Box Model to Analyze the Air Pollution Trends in a Metropolitan Area)

  • 김석철;조승헌
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.377-397
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    • 2005
  • A new box model is proposed to describe the dynamic trend of the spatially averaged concentrations of pollutants over a large urban area such as metropolitan Seoul. Being averaged temporally and spatially over a thresh-hold scales, the dynamics of the pollutant concentration becomes simple enough that the governing equation can be expressed in an explicit algebraic form as a function of several meteorological factors and the pollutant emission rate. The single most important meteorological factor is the wind speed dominating the daily variations of the pollutant concentrations. Given the meteorological data from the surface station in the metropolitan Seoul, the model concentration shows excellent agreement with observations from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2000: the modeling uncertainty, for example, of $NO_2$ concentrations, defined as mean differences between the model concentrations and observations is $16\%$ of the model concentrations. Even for $PM_{10}$ of which secondary sources are considered to be very important and simple box model is irrelevant to, the model performance turns out good, modeling uncertainty being about $32\%$.

반응표면법을 이용한 실린더 튜브 고탄성체 성형의 형상 정확도 예측 (Prediction of Shape Accuracy in Elastomer-Forming of a Cylindrical Tube by a Response Surface Method)

  • 김경태;이근안;최석우;이형욱;이용신
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2008
  • A recent trend in automotive parts has been an integration of sub-assemblies with unified shapes. Tube structures also have been integrated to one body structure by using a near net shape forming instead of adopting welding. A cylindrical elastomer-forming process can be utilized to form a steel tube compressed in a radial direction. This process has some advantages compared to a hydro-forming or a swaging process in the viewpoint of a lower investment and a higher productivity. In order to predict a feasible specification of products within a work capability of the elastomer-forming equipment developed previously, effects of geometrical parameters of a tube on its shape accuracy are examined. Two characteristic parameters to account for the shape accuracy are chosen. One is the curvature radius at the corner part and the other is the straight ratio of the formed region. Careful examination of two parameters has led that the shape accuracy can be easily predicted by the regression equation obtained from the response surface method.

알루미늄 합금박판 비등온 성형공정 스프링백 해석용 유한요소 프로그램 개발 (2부 : 이론 및 해석) (Development of Finite Element Program for Analyzing Springback Phenomena of Non-isothermal Forming Processes for Aluminum Alloy Sheets (Part II : Theory & Analysis))

  • 금영탁;한병엽
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2003년도 제4회 박판성형 심포지엄
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2003
  • The implicit, finite element analysis program for analyzing the springback in the warm forming process of aluminum alloy sheets was developed. For the description of planar anisotropy in warm forming temperatures, Barlat's yield function is employed, and the power law type constitutive equation is used in terms of working temperatures fur the depiction of work hardening in high temperatures. Also, Jetture's 4-node shell elements are introduced for reflecting the mechanical behavior of aluminum alloy sheet and the non-steady heat balance equations are solved for considering heat gain and loss during the forming process. For the springback evaluation, Newton-Raphson iteration method is introduced for overcoming the geometric nonlinearlity problem. In order to verify the validity of the FEM program developed, the stretching bending and springback processes are simulated. Though springback analysis results are slightly bigger than experimental ones, they have the same trend of the decreasing springback as the forming temperature increases.

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