• Title/Summary/Keyword: tree-length

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Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence and Genetic Diversity of Duroc Breed (돼지 Duroc 품종에서 미토콘드리아 유전체 서열의 특성과 집단의 유전적 다양성)

  • Cho, 1.C.;Han, S.H.;Choi, Y.L.;Ko, M.S.;Lee, J.G;Lee, J.H;Jeon, J .T
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.937-946
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    • 2004
  • Duroc is widely used to improve the meat quality and productivity. To elucidate the phylogenetic relation and the sequence specificity for the maternal property, the complete sequence of mitochondrial genome was determined and the population diversity of Duroc was investigated in this study. The length of mtDNA tested is 16,584-bp. There are several insertion/deletion mutations in the control region and coding regions for tRNA and rRNA, respectively, but not in peptide-coding regions. Four peptide-coding genes(COⅡ, COⅢ, ND3 and ND4) showed incomplete termination codon sequences such as T--, and two(ND2 and ND4L) did alternative initiation codons(AIC), respectively. Especially, the initiation codon sequences of ND2 gene were polymorphic in this population. Polymorphisms were detected in 11-bp duplication motif within control region as well as ND2 and CYTB. Variation patterns observed from the tests on three mtDNA regions were linked completely and then two haplotypes obtained from combining the data dividing this population. Duroc mtDNA is observed at the European pig cluster in the phylogenetic tree, however, the results from the population analyses supported previous opinions. This study suggests that the breed Duroc was mainly originated from the European pig lineage, and Asian lineage was also used to form the pig breed Duroc as maternal progenitors.

A phylogenetic analysis of Korean Artemisia L. based on ITS sequences (ITS 염기서열에 의한 한국산 쑥속(Artemisia L.)의 계통분류학적 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hoon;Park, Chung-Berm;Park, Chun-Geon;Moon, Sung-Gi
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 2010
  • Taxa of Artemisia collected in Korea were constructed by molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the internal transcribed spacer(ITS) regions of nrDNA. The length of the ITS sequences aligned using the clustal X program was 636~643 bp, and the lengths of the ITS1 and ITS2 regions were 251~255 bp and 217~222 bp, respectively. The total number of variable sites was 95 for the entire sequence, and a parsimony- informative site represented an efficacious site in ITS1 rather than in ITS2. The maximum parsimony tree as calculated by the MEGA 4 program was clustered into five clades. The taxa(A. capillaris, A. japonica var. japonica, A. japonica var. hallaisanensis, A. japonica subsp. littoricora) degenerated ovary of clade 1 was supported as the subgenus Dracunculus by Ling's classification system. The results show that A. nakaii and A. fukudo were quite similar genetically(Boostrap 99%) and that the scientific name of Korean A. dubia should be reconsidered. A. sp. distributed in Ganghwa province was grouped with A. argyi(Boostrap 89%). These results suggest that the molecular techniques used in this study could be useful for the phylogenetic analysis of Korean Artemisia herbs having variations in their morphological characteristics.

Geographic Variation in Needle Characteristics of Pinus densiflora in Korea (우리나라 자생 소나무의 지역에 따른 침엽특성 변이)

  • Shin, Chang-Ho;Kim, Kyu-Sick;Lee, Cheul-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.336-341
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to investigate geographic variation in needle characteristics of Pinus densiflora, one of the most economically important tree species in Korea. Needles were collected from 35 natural populations and their morphological and anatomical characteristics were studied. ANOVA showed statistically significant differences among populations as well as among individuals within populations in needle length, needle width, number of stomata row, density of stomata in $0.25mm^{2}$, number of serrations in 0.5mm, and number of resin ducts. In all these traits, variance components among individuals within populations were larger than those among populations. The density of stomata in $0.25mm^{2}$ increased as the latitudes and elevations of the populations increased, while the number of serrations in 0.5mm decreased as the decrease of latitudes and elevations. The number of resin ducts was higher in inland populations than in coastal populations. The resin duct index appeared to be higher in western populations than in eastern populations. Cluster analysis based on morphological characteristics divided populations into three groups. The third group was composed of populations selected from the Taebaek mountains. The number of serrations in 0.5mm of this group was lower than that of other two groups, while the density of stomata in $0.25mm^{2}$ was higher.

Phylogenetic Relationships of Genera Coprinus and Psathyrella on the Basis of ITS Region Sequences (먹물버섯속(Coprinus)과 눈물버섯속(Psathyrella)의 ITS 영역 염기서열에 의한 계통학적 유연관계 분석)

  • Park, Dong-Suk;Go, Seung-Joo;Kim, Yang-Sup;Seok, Soon-Ja;Ryu, Jin-Chang;Sung, Jae-Mo
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.27 no.4 s.91
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    • pp.274-279
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    • 1999
  • The internal transcribed spacer regions(ITS) of the ribosomal DNA gene repeat from Coprinus and Psathyrella spp. were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Sequences from 11 species including Coprinus comatus, C. atramentarius, C. micaceus, C. cinereus, C. rhizophorus, C. radians, C. echinosporus, C. disseminatus, Psathyrella candolleana, P. spadiceogrisea and Stropharia rugosoannulata were compared. The spacer region I and II were $258{\sim}301\;bp\;and\;253{\sim}275\;bp$ in length respectively and partially contained 17S, 5.8S and 25S. The reciprocal homologies of ITS sequences among these strains were in the range of $43.9{\sim}96.0%$. According to the analysis of ITS sequences, Coprinus and Psathyrella spp. were classified into three clusters. Cluster I consisted of Coprinus lagopus, C. cinereus, C. echinosporus, C. rhizophorus, and C. atramentarius. Cluster II comprised C. micaceus, C. radians, C. disseminatus, Psathyrella candolleana, and P. spadiceogrisea. On the other hand C. comatus is in Cluster III with Stropharia rugosoannulata even though this species is belonging to the section Coprinus in morphological aspect. These results suggest that taxonomic position of Psathyrella would better be inculded in genus Coprinus. Coprinus comatus, the type species of Coprinus, gives a doubt on monophyletic evolution and is assumed to be paraphyletic or polyphyletic.

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An Analysis on the Situation of Forestry Mechanization in the Production and Supply of Timber (목재생산 및 공급에서 임업기계화의 현황 분석)

  • Kim, Jae-Hwan;Mun, Ho-Seong;Han, Sang-Yoel;Park, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.4
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    • pp.607-614
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to analyze the current status of timber production operation and the effects of the forestry mechanization projects on timber production. In order to increase the domestic timber production, it is necessary to propel forestry mechanization project, improve policy and institution, broaden forest-road network, enlarge the number of forest workers, enhance timber production and supply system, provide forestry machines, establish forest operation system, and train forest workers. In addition, the reestablishment of policy goals, the consistency of policy, and the rearrangement of laws and institution are considered more important. To improve the results and effects of forestry mechanization project, it is necessary to drive of forestry mechanization project, the spread of forestry machines, the cultivation of trainer ability, the development of training materials, and the teaching of field skill. In order to meet timber buyersí preference, timber needs to be produced through whole tree logging operation system. Expanding the proportion of domestic timber among total timber demand in Korea requires price competitiveness, and the supply ability of high quality product from the perspective of length and width.

Molecular Phylogenetic Study of Anemone pendulisepala (Ranunculaceae) (태백바람꽃(Anemone pendulisepala, Ranunculaceae)의 분자계통학적 검토)

  • Lee, Chang Shook;Lee, Nam Sook;Yeau, Sung Hee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.263-277
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    • 2006
  • Anemone pendulisepala, recently described as a new species, is distributed in sympatry with A. reflexa, A. amurensis, and A. raddeana at Mt. taebeark and Mt. Baekdu. Anemone pendulisepala was previously proposed to be a hybrid species between A. reflexa and A. amurensis becaue it displavs overlapping features with them in involucre shape, petiole length, sepal apex and xylem shape, To verify the taxonomic status and to examine the hybridity of A. pendulisepala, sequences of ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the psba-trnH, rps16 and trnLF region of cpDNA from 36 accessions of 5 taxa including outgroup were analyzed. In maximum parsimony tree based on ITS sequences, A. pendulisepala had the same sequences of A. reflexa and was clustered with monophyletic A. amurensis, and then A. raddeana. Anemone pendulisepala was distinguished from the other taxa by having four base insertion in rps16 region, two species-specific bases and insertion in trnLF region. In the phylogenetic trees of combined cpDNA, A. pendulisepala showed monophyly with the bootstrap 100%. Anemone pendulisepala exhibited no polymorphism and shared no sequences with putative parental or related taxa examined in this study. Molecular data suggest that A. pendulisepala should be a distinct species, and no evidence of the hybridization was detectcd.

Cuticle micromorphology of leaves of Quercus L. (Fagaceae) and its taxonomic implications (참나무속(Quercus L.) 식물 잎의 큐티클 미세형태의 분류학적 의미)

  • Cho, Seong-Ho;Kim, Ki-Joong;Park, Chong-Wook;Sun, Byung-Yun;Chung, Myong-Gi;Pak, Jae-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.405-431
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    • 2008
  • Cuticle micromorphology of 22 species of Quercus and outgroup were examined by the SEM. Twenty-two species selected each two or three species in all section of the genus Quercus. The genus Trigonobalanus and Alnus are selected as outgroups. Ten characters of the inner surface and eight characters of the outer surface of the cuticle have been described. Some characters, such as the present of papillae, arrangement of subsidiary cell, shape of anticlinal cell wall are considered important character for infrageneric classification. A parsimony analysis of 18 characters resulted in 72 most parsimonious trees with its lengths of 66 steps. The topology obtained from the analysis showed two major lineages. Subgenus Cyclobalanopsis formed one clade by 75% and subgenus Quercus formed another clade by 57% bootstrap value. Based on the cuticle morphology, the two subgenus delimitation of Camus was supported. However, sect. Erythrobalanus and sect. Cerris formed one group, and sect. Lepidobalanus formed polytomy.

Change in the Bourse Shoot and Fruit Growth due to the Gibberellins Paste in the Young Fruit of Niitaka Pear (유과기 지벨렐린 도포제 처리에 의한 '신고'배의 과대지와 과실생장 변화)

  • Choi, Jin-Ho;Park, Yeon-Ok;Choi, Jang-Jeon;Kim, Myung-Su;Yim, Sun-Hee;Lee, Han-Chan
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.497-501
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    • 2011
  • The object of this study was to evaluate the effect of gibberellins (GA) pasting on the bourse shoot, and not just on the fruit characteristics but also on the quality, of Niitaka pear (Pyrus pyryfolia L). The fruit stalk was treated with GA (control, 25mg/fruit stalk) 35 days after reaching full bloom. In the GA-treated tree, the occurrence of abnormal bourse shoot (52.5%) increased, and the spur bud and flower number decreased. The diameter of the GA-paste-treated fruit increased during the pear growth period with GA treatment. The diameter, length, and weight of the GA-paste-treated fruit increased at harvest time, but the hardness was lower than that of the control. The differences in soluble solid, acidity, and fruit color between the control and the GA-paste-treated fruit were not significant. Post-harvest, during the storage period, the hardness of the GA-paste-treated fruit was lower than that of the control, and its weight loss ratio was higher than that of the control on the $60^{th}$ days of storage.

Phylogeny of Ganoderma Based on the Restriction Enzyme Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA (미토콘드리아 DNA의 제한효소 분석법에 의한 영지의 계통분류)

  • Hong, Soon-Gyu;Jung, Hack-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 1994
  • Ten strains of 7 species from the genus Ganoderma, G. lucidum ATCC 64251, FP-103561-T, and ES70701, G. applanatum ATCC 44053 and FP-57035-T. G. lobatum ATCC 42985, G. resinaceum ATCC 52416, G. subamboinense var. laevisporum ATCC 52420, G. meredithae ATCC 64492, and G. microsporum ATCC 76024, were studied to discuss their phylogenetic relationships by utilizing restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs). Six restriction enzymes, BamHI, BglII, EcoRI, HindIII, PvuII, and XbaI which digested mtDNAs into adequate numbers of restriction fragments for cluster analysis, were used in this study. Restriction profiles of strains for each restriction enzyme were treated as analysis characters to calculate similarity coefficients, which were converted into nucleotide sequence divergence values whose mean values were then arranged in a matrix table. This table was utilized for a phylogenetic analysis using the Neighborjoining method of the PHYLIP package to construct phylogenetic tree. Three strains of G. lucidum and two strains of G. applanatum exhibited different lineages each but one of G. applanatum strains showed a close relationship with G. lobatum, which reflected the species complexity of these species whose strains were phenotypically indistinguishable but genetically distinct. The present results suggest that the natural classification of Ganoderma needs to be considered from the viewpoints of molecular biology-based systematics as well as morphological classifications and cultural identifications for better phylogenetic conclusions.

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A Study on Yongin -Ansung Landslides in 1991 (1991년 용인 -안성 지역 산사태 연구)

  • Park, Yong-Won;Kim, Gam-Rae;Yeo, Un-Gwang
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 1993
  • This paper presents the results of investigation of the rainstorm induced landslides occurred in the districts of Yongin, Ansung and Osan on July 21st 1991. More than two thousand and sirs hundred landsilides took place during or after a 3-t hours heavy rainfall and about 466 ha mountain slopes were affected by slope failures. The result of study on the effect of-iainfall on landslides shows that landslides began to occur where daily and maximum hourly rainfall exceeded 114mm and 40mm respectively, and all districts (myun) where maximum hourly rainfall exceeded 62mm were affected by landslides. The morphological study on landslides on Talbongsan area reveals that, by Walker's classi fication using D IL(failure depth ratio), 50% of the landslides were classified as flows, 20% of them as translational slides, and 30% were between flow and slide and there were few rotational slides. Over 90% of landslides tookplace at slopes of 20$^{\circ}$-40$^{\circ}$ in slope and 50m or shorter in length And more than 50% of the crown of slides locates at higher than 0.7 times of slope hight. Any differences between the kinds of tree in landslide resisting effects are shown in this case.

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