• Title/Summary/Keyword: transfer of learning

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Building Specialized Language Model for National R&D through Knowledge Transfer Based on Further Pre-training (추가 사전학습 기반 지식 전이를 통한 국가 R&D 전문 언어모델 구축)

  • Yu, Eunji;Seo, Sumin;Kim, Namgyu
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2021
  • With the recent rapid development of deep learning technology, the demand for analyzing huge text documents in the national R&D field from various perspectives is rapidly increasing. In particular, interest in the application of a BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) language model that has pre-trained a large corpus is growing. However, the terminology used frequently in highly specialized fields such as national R&D are often not sufficiently learned in basic BERT. This is pointed out as a limitation of understanding documents in specialized fields through BERT. Therefore, this study proposes a method to build an R&D KoBERT language model that transfers national R&D field knowledge to basic BERT using further pre-training. In addition, in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed model, we performed classification analysis on about 116,000 R&D reports in the health care and information and communication fields. Experimental results showed that our proposed model showed higher performance in terms of accuracy compared to the pure KoBERT model.

Development Study of Capstone Design Matching Platform based on Industry-Academic Cooperation (산학협력 캡스톤디자인 매칭 플랫폼 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Younyoung;Kim, Jaehee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.3-22
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of universities is diversifying, such as education and research for the transfer of knowledge and technology, and training talented people with the competencies required in industrial sites. Therefore, universities are attempting various forms of industry-academic cooperation to maintain organic relations with companies and to conduct research activities, technology sharing, technology development, technology transfer, and human resources training. In particular, in the field of engineering education, various industry-academic cooperation programs such as field training, interns, and start-up support are actively developed and operated. Accordingly, the Engineering Education Innovation Research Information Center developed an online industry-academic cooperation capstone design matching platform for engineering education to enable collaboration between universities and companies nationwide. The industry-academic cooperation matching platform was developed under the theme of capstone design. Capstone design is a project-oriented and problem-based learning method that combines the knowledge and experiences acquired by the undergraduate department and designs and produces them. The subject of the Capstone design project was to solve corporate difficulties and allow companies and universities to collaborate. This study developed an online industry-academic cooperation capstone design matching platform according to analysis, design, development, evaluation, and execution procedures. This study is meaningful in that it has developed a channel through which students and companies, who are the subjects of industry-academic cooperation, can carry out projects and communicate organically through an online matching platform.

Applications of a Deep Neural Network to Illustration Art Style Design of City Architectural

  • Yue Wang;Jia-Wei Zhao;Ming-Yue Zheng;Ming-Yu Li;Xue Sun;Hao Liu;Zhen Liu
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2024
  • With the continuous advancement of computer technology, deep learning models have emerged as innovative tools in shaping various aspects of architectural design. Recognizing the distinctive perspective of children, which differs significantly from that of adults, this paper contends that conventional standards may not always be the most suitable approach in designing urban structures tailored for children. The primary objective of this study is to leverage neural style networks within the design process, specifically adopting the artistic viewpoint found in children's illustrations. By combining the aesthetic paradigm of urban architecture with inspiration drawn from children's aesthetic preferences, the aim is to unearth more creative and subversive aesthetics that challenge traditional norms. The selected context for exploration is the landmark buildings in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China. Employing the neural style network, the study uses architectural elements of the chosen buildings as content images while preserving their inherent characteristics. The process involves artistic stylization inspired by classic children's illustrations and images from children's picture books. Acting as a conduit for deep learning technology, the research delves into the prospect of seamlessly integrating architectural design styles with the imaginative world of children's illustrations. The outcomes aim to provide fresh perspectives and effective support for the artistic design of contemporary urban buildings.

Current status of simulation training in plastic surgery residency programs: A review

  • Thomson, Jennifer E.;Poudrier, Grace;Stranix, John T.;Motosko, Catherine C.;Hazen, Alexes
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 2018
  • Increased emphasis on competency-based learning modules and widespread departure from traditional models of Halstedian apprenticeship have made surgical simulation an increasingly appealing component of medical education. Surgical simulators are available in numerous modalities, including virtual, synthetic, animal, and non-living models. The ideal surgical simulator would facilitate the acquisition and refinement of surgical skills prior to clinical application, by mimicking the size, color, texture, recoil, and environment of the operating room. Simulation training has proven helpful for advancing specific surgical skills and techniques, aiding in early and late resident learning curves. In this review, the current applications and potential benefits of incorporating simulation-based surgical training into residency curriculum are explored in depth, specifically in the context of plastic surgery. Despite the prevalence of simulation-based training models, there is a paucity of research on integration into resident programs. Current curriculums emphasize the ability to identify anatomical landmarks and procedural steps through virtual simulation. Although transfer of these skills to the operating room is promising, careful attention must be paid to mastery versus memorization. In the authors' opinions, curriculums should involve step-wise employment of diverse models in different stages of training to assess milestones. To date, the simulation of tactile experience that is reminiscent of real-time clinical scenarios remains challenging, and a sophisticated model has yet to be established.

A Performance Comparison of Histogram Equalization Algorithms for Cervical Cancer Classification Model (평활화 알고리즘에 따른 자궁경부 분류 모델의 성능 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Youn Ji;Park, Ye Rang;Kim, Young Jae;Ju, Woong;Nam, Kyehyun;Kim, Kwang Gi
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2021
  • We developed a model to classify the absence of cervical cancer using deep learning from the cervical image to which the histogram equalization algorithm was applied, and to compare the performance of each model. A total of 4259 images were used for this study, of which 1852 images were normal and 2407 were abnormal. And this paper applied Image Sharpening(IS), Histogram Equalization(HE), and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization(CLAHE) to the original image. Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio(PSNR) and Structural Similarity index for Measuring image quality(SSIM) were used to assess the quality of images objectively. As a result of assessment, IS showed 81.75dB of PSNR and 0.96 of SSIM, showing the best image quality. CLAHE and HE showed the PSNR of 62.67dB and 62.60dB respectively, while SSIM of CLAHE was shown as 0.86, which is closer to 1 than HE of 0.75. Using ResNet-50 model with transfer learning, digital image-processed images are classified into normal and abnormal each. In conclusion, the classification accuracy of each model is as follows. 90.77% for IS, which shows the highest, 90.26% for CLAHE and 87.60% for HE. As this study shows, applying proper digital image processing which is for cervical images to Computer Aided Diagnosis(CAD) can help both screening and diagnosing.

Synthesis of T2-weighted images from proton density images using a generative adversarial network in a temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance imaging protocol

  • Chena, Lee;Eun-Gyu, Ha;Yoon Joo, Choi;Kug Jin, Jeon;Sang-Sun, Han
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study proposed a generative adversarial network (GAN) model for T2-weighted image (WI) synthesis from proton density (PD)-WI in a temporomandibular joint(TMJ) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol. Materials and Methods: From January to November 2019, MRI scans for TMJ were reviewed and 308 imaging sets were collected. For training, 277 pairs of PD- and T2-WI sagittal TMJ images were used. Transfer learning of the pix2pix GAN model was utilized to generate T2-WI from PD-WI. Model performance was evaluated with the structural similarity index map (SSIM) and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) indices for 31 predicted T2-WI (pT2). The disc position was clinically diagnosed as anterior disc displacement with or without reduction, and joint effusion as present or absent. The true T2-WI-based diagnosis was regarded as the gold standard, to which pT2-based diagnoses were compared using Cohen's ĸ coefficient. Results: The mean SSIM and PSNR values were 0.4781(±0.0522) and 21.30(±1.51) dB, respectively. The pT2 protocol showed almost perfect agreement(ĸ=0.81) with the gold standard for disc position. The number of discordant cases was higher for normal disc position (17%) than for anterior displacement with reduction (2%) or without reduction (10%). The effusion diagnosis also showed almost perfect agreement(ĸ=0.88), with higher concordance for the presence (85%) than for the absence (77%) of effusion. Conclusion: The application of pT2 images for a TMJ MRI protocol useful for diagnosis, although the image quality of pT2 was not fully satisfactory. Further research is expected to enhance pT2 quality.

The effect of adult learners' motivation to participate in hair education and program satisfaction on lifelong learning happiness index (성인학습자의 헤어교육 참여동기와 프로그램 만족도가평생학습 행복지수에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim Soon Ja
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2024
  • It was intended to explore the relationship between motivation for participation in hair education, program satisfaction, and lifelong learning happiness index for adult learners at the Lifelong Education Center, and to provide basic data for revitalizing lifelong education programs. Today, universities have conditions as a comprehensive educational institution with practicality that can meet various and high-quality lifelong educational needs. The university-affiliated Lifelong Education Center plays a role in ensuring the right to learn for all citizens as well as fulfilling the social service function and greatly expanding educational opportunities, which is one of the essential functions of universities, by making good use of the excellent transfer material resources of universities. Adults should now seek professional self-identity through retraining, and respond flexibly to various social situations such as increasing roles, expanding responsibility, and uncertainty in the job and employment structure toward professional socialization in the professional world The subject of the study was to collect data by distributing 90 questionnaires to adult learner hair education subjects in G area, and 85 copies were finally used for SPSS 26.0 for Windows analysis, excluding questionnaires with insufficient responses. The survey period was from November 1 to December 27, 2023. First, it was found that adult learners' motivation to participate in hair education has an effect on the lifelong learning happiness index. Second, it was found that adult learners' satisfaction with the program of hair care workers has an effect on the lifelong learning happiness index. Through this study, it is judged that it is necessary to understand what can maximize the high lifelong learning happiness index, and to meet the learning needs of modern people living in the age of 100, increase their potential, help them design a second life, contribute to self-realization and society, and help them have steady, self-directed lifelong learning opportunities.

Study on Improvement of Student Archivement in Hands-on Computer Education (컴퓨터 실습수업의 학업성취도 향상방안 연구)

  • Yu, Young-Je;Kim, Eui-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.426-430
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    • 2005
  • The computer practicing class advances to reach the ultimate goal of learning through the comprehensive learning of theory. Moreover, the improved function and environment of computer makes it easy for students to access a variety of information. However, students are likely to get into the internet and other things mainly for fun during the computer practicing class, and the multi-tasking may distract the concentration of students and degrade their performance. Computers for practice purpose need to be controlled to minimize such distraction. In this dissertation, we monitor and control computers which are used by students for the purpose of practicing, realize the function of transfer and deletion of file, whole shutdown of computer and screen capture. We also applied the class based on current way and realized program, and assigned the practice work on the basis of what was learned during the class. We intend to understand the relation between the concentration of students and their performance by assigning practice work related to survey after the class, capture file and log file

  • PDF

An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Word Semantic Similarity Measure of Hindi Language

  • Younas, Farah;Nadir, Jumana;Usman, Muhammad;Khan, Muhammad Attique;Khan, Sajid Ali;Kadry, Seifedine;Nam, Yunyoung
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.2049-2068
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    • 2021
  • AI combined with NLP techniques has promoted the use of Virtual Assistants and have made people rely on them for many diverse uses. Conversational Agents are the most promising technique that assists computer users through their operation. An important challenge in developing Conversational Agents globally is transferring the groundbreaking expertise obtained in English to other languages. AI is making it possible to transfer this learning. There is a dire need to develop systems that understand secular languages. One such difficult language is Hindi, which is the fourth most spoken language in the world. Semantic similarity is an important part of Natural Language Processing, which involves applications such as ontology learning and information extraction, for developing conversational agents. Most of the research is concentrated on English and other European languages. This paper presents a Corpus-based word semantic similarity measure for Hindi. An experiment involving the translation of the English benchmark dataset to Hindi is performed, investigating the incorporation of the corpus, with human and machine similarity ratings. A significant correlation to the human intuition and the algorithm ratings has been calculated for analyzing the accuracy of the proposed similarity measures. The method can be adapted in various applications of word semantic similarity or module for any other language.

Humming: Image Based Automatic Music Composition Using DeepJ Architecture (허밍: DeepJ 구조를 이용한 이미지 기반 자동 작곡 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Taehun;Jung, Keechul;Lee, Insung
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.748-756
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    • 2022
  • Thanks to the competition of AlphaGo and Sedol Lee, machine learning has received world-wide attention and huge investments. The performance improvement of computing devices greatly contributed to big data processing and the development of neural networks. Artificial intelligence not only imitates human beings in many fields, but also seems to be better than human capabilities. Although humans' creation is still considered to be better and higher, several artificial intelligences continue to challenge human creativity. The quality of some creative outcomes by AI is as good as the real ones produced by human beings. Sometimes they are not distinguishable, because the neural network has the competence to learn the common features contained in big data and copy them. In order to confirm whether artificial intelligence can express the inherent characteristics of different arts, this paper proposes a new neural network model called Humming. It is an experimental model that combines vgg16, which extracts image features, and DeepJ's architecture, which excels in creating various genres of music. A dataset produced by our experiment shows meaningful and valid results. Different results, however, are produced when the amount of data is increased. The neural network produced a similar pattern of music even though it was a different classification of images, which was not what we were aiming for. However, these new attempts may have explicit significance as a starting point for feature transfer that will be further studied.