• Title/Summary/Keyword: three-dimensional survey

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Determinants of Multidimensional Outcomes of Patient Satisfaction in Operated Cataract Patients (백내장 환자의 수술후 진료만족도의 다면적 평가와 결정요인)

  • 최윤정;김한중;박은철;손명세;강형곤;이상규
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.16-28
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    • 2001
  • This study was to compare multidimensional outcomes of patient's satisfaction after cataract surgery and to identify factors influencing satisfaction after operation. Patient's satisfaction was measured with three dimensions : interpersonal care, physician explanation and hospital care. Overall satisfaction was measured as means of three dimensional scores. For the study, a prospective study was performed with 389 patients who had undergone cataract surgery for either one eye or both eyes. The surgery was performed by 20 ophthalmologists who were practicing at university hospitals and general hospitals. Patients were interviewed and clinical data (the visual acuity of operated eye, visual function, symptom score and satisfaction with vision) were obtained. The doctors were questioned with self-reported questionnaire forms. Medical records were also examined to understand surgery Process. The survey was conducted before(389) and after operation(327). Alter excluding cases with incomplete data, 3n cases were enrolled In this study. Both the overall satisfaction and the satisfaction with physician explanation increased after the operation whereas the satisfaction with interpersonal care and hospital care did not change significantly. Multiple regression analysis showed that the level of education, baseline satisfaction scores and the degree of vision improvement were statistically significant variables. The preoperative lower level of education, higher level of overall satisfaction (interpersonal care, physician explanation, hospital care scores) and the more the satisfaction with vision improvement were associated with the improvement of postoperative satisfaction scores.

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Analysis of 3D Facial Shapes of Female Adult to Improve Face Mask Fit

  • Choi, Jin;Do, Wol Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.826-833
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    • 2020
  • When it is necessary to wear masks for long periods, such as during the current COVID-19 pandemic, the essential function of masks to prevent contamination (or transmission to others) as well as comfortableness are important. For this study, we used three-dimensional (3D) facial measurements of adult women to compile basic face shape data for designing comfortable and effective masks. This study analyzed the 3D facial data of 127 subjects in their 20s to 30s of the 6th Size Korea. Factor analysis of the survey data produced seven factors that formed the composition of adult female faces. These factors combined to produce three facial types: square (long face and a large lower middle face), oval (smallest central and lower body in the middle), and triangle (short face with a small central and lower large nose). These types reflect that the facial types of adult women show the differences in the nose angle, nose length, bitragion-subnasal arc, bitragion-menton arc. Therefore, properly fitting masks for fine dust particle filtration require 3D customization of a mask's breathing apparatus to fit differently shaped central and lower face parts that interfere with mask fit.

An Application of loop-loop EM Method for Geotechnical Survey (지반조사를 위한 loop-loop 전자탐사 기법의 적용)

  • You Jin-Sang;Song Yoonho;Seo1 Soon-Jee;Song Young-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2001
  • Loop-loop electromagnetic (EM) survey in frequency domain has been carried out in order to provide basic solution to geotechnical applications. Source and receiver configuration may be horizontal co-planar (HCP) and/or vertical co-planar (VCP). Three quadrature components of mutual impedance ratio for each configuration are used to construct the subsurface image. For the purpose of obtaining the model response and validating the reasonable performance of the inversion, we obtained each responses of two-layered and three-layered earth models and two-dimensional (2-D) isolated anomalous body. The response of 2-D isolated anomalous body has been calculated using extended Born approximation for the solution of 2.5-D integral equation describing EM scattering problem. As a result of the least-squares inversion with variable Lagrangian multiplier, we could construct more resolvable image from HCP data than VCP data. Furthermore, joint inversion of HCP and VCP data made better stability and resolution of the inversion. Resistivity values, however, did not exactly match the true ones. Loop-loop EM field data was obtained with EM34-3XL system manufactured by Geonics Ltd. (Canada). Electrical resistivity survey was conducted on the same line for the comparison in advance. Since the constructed image from loop-loop EM data by 2-D inversion algorithm showed almost similar resistivity distribution to that from electrical resistivity one, we expect the developed 2.5-D loop-loop EM inversion program can be applied for the reconnaissance site survey.

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Analysis of the Basement Structure of Noeun Waste Landfill Site Using a Refracted Elastic Wave Tomography Survey (탄성파 굴절법 토모그래피 방법을 이용한 노은 폐기물 매립장의 지반 구조 분석)

  • Kim, Jun-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.425-432
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    • 2006
  • A seismic tomography using refraction waves is applied to provide information on depth of basement rocks and leachate distribution of the Noeun waste landfill site for the stage of preliminary environmental survey. This method is generally applied to civil and environmental areas. Three lines, apparently perpendicular to the potential leachate flow direction in this site, were installed to investigate the waste landfill site in pseudo three dimensional geometry. The results show that the site is composed of 3 layers and depth of basement becomes shallower at the upstream area of the landfill site than that of the downstream area. Moreover, some parts of the second layer and the basement at the down stream area are partially infiltrated by the leachate, probably related to the disturbed distribution of the different velocity materials within the second layer. In Conclusion, refraction wave tomography is found to be one of the most efficient way to investigate waste landfill site.

Investigation of fault in the Kyungju Kaekok-ri area by 2-D Electrical Resistivity Survey (2차원 전기비저항 탐사를 이용한 경주 개곡리 지역의 단층조사)

  • Lee, Chi-Seop;Kim, Hee-Joon;Kong, Young-Sae;Lee, Jung-Mo;Chang, Tae-Woo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2001
  • Electrical resistivity survey has been conducted for delineating geological fault structure in Kaekok-ri near Kyungju. In general, electrical resistivity survey has an advantage of searching buried faults and its traces compared with other geophysical survey methods. Distribution of electrical conductivity in the ground is influenced by the ratio of pores, groundwater and clay minerals. These properties are evidenced indirectly to explain for weathering condition, faults and fracture Bones. Thus the electrical resistivity survey can be an effective method to find buried faults. We have carried out two dimensional (2-D) interpretation by means of smoothness-constrained least-squares and finite element method. Field data used in this paper was acquired at Kaekok-ri, Wuedong-eup, Kyungju-si, where is Ulsan Fault and is close to the region in which debatable quaternary fault traces were found recently. The dipole-dipole array resistivity survey which could show the 2-D subsurface electrical resistivity structure, was carried out in the area with three lines. The results showed good property of fault, fracture zone and fault traces which we estimated were congruous with the results. Through this study, 2-D electrical resistivity survey interpretation for fault is useful to apply.

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Analysis of Environmental Hazard by the Leachate from Disposal Waste (매립장 침출수 환경 재해에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jun-Kyoung;Bae, Hyo-Jun;Choi, Oh-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.3 no.4 s.11
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2003
  • The domestic and the industry wastes which mainly come out of human life activities have been usually processed mainly by the incineration method and/or the method of reclamation. The method of reclamation, specially open dumping, has caused significant environmental pollution problems on the local or regional soil and groundwater system by leachate. Therefore, to investigate the 3-D structure characteristics of environmental pollution area is one of the hot subjects. We applied dipole-dipole method of electrical resistivity survey to investigate 3-D environmental contamination characteristics of the Noeun landfill area. For electrical resistivity survey, the line for measurements was established parallel to the main boundary of the Noeun landfill, for effective investigation of the whole landfill area. The result shows that the uppermost layer of the Noeun landfill is believed to be stabilized completely, based on the result of electrical resistivity values. However, the lowest layer of the Noeun landfill was partially polluted by leachate. Therefore, the electrical resistivity survey method is believed to be the one of the most effective methods to investigate three-dimensional distribution of leachate occurred in the lower part of landfill area.

Fast numerical methods for marine controlled-source electromagnetic (EM) survey data based on multigrid quasi-linear approximation and iterative EM migration (다중격자 준선형 근사 및 반복적 전자탐사 구조보정법에 기초한 해양 인공송신 전자탐사 자료의 빠른 수치해석 기법)

  • Ueda, Takumi;Zhdanov, Michael S.
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2008
  • In this paper we consider an application of the method of electromagnetic (EM) migration to the interpretation of a typical marine controlled-source (MCSEM) survey consisting of a set of sea-bottom receivers and a moving electrical bipole transmitter. Three-dimensional interpretation of MCSEM data is a very challenging problem because of the enormous number of computations required in the case of the multi-transmitter and multi-receiver data acquisition systems used in these surveys. At the same time, we demonstrate that the MCSEM surveys with their dense system of transmitters and receivers are extremely well suited for application of the migration method. In order to speed up the computation of the migration field, we apply a fast form of integral equation (IE) solution based on the multigrid quasi-linear (MGQL) approximation which we have developed. The principles of migration imaging formulated in this paper are tested on a typical model of a sea-bottom petroleum reservoir.

Construction of Street Cleaner Uniform for the Funtional Improvement (기능성 향상을 위한 환경미화원복 설계)

  • Huh, Jin-Kyung;Choi, Hei-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.1178-1187
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to conduct a questionnaire survey on the actual conditions of the working uniform and protective equipment put on by street cleaners, then to identify their inconvenience and problems and to draw solutions to improve them, and finally to design a spring-and-autumn street cleaner uniform which has enhanced functionalities such as motional flexibility, safety and soil proof. The questionnaire survey of this study was done by street cleaners who were in charge of street cleaning and collecting the recyclable waste. The result of this study, easily worn-out parts of the working clothing were the sleeve hems and the front part on the upper uniform, and the trouser hems and zipper on the lower uniform. Easily soiled parts were the sleeve hems, parts of arm on the upper uniform, and the trouser hems and knee parts on the lower uniform. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey, the sample uniforms were designed in consideration of material, design and pattern. A soil-proof material was used for easily soiled parts such as sleeve hems, knee parts and trouser hems. Reflective material was applied to the parts such as chest, back and the side lines of sleeves and trousers to raise visibility in working and to ensure safety. A crease was given to each side of the back. The height of sleeve cap was lowered to lift the motional flexibility of back and arm parts. Darts were applied to elbow and knee parts for a three-dimensional design. Gussets were inserted in the thigh part to give it activity. Then quantitative evaluation and a sensory evaluation, which was composed of outward appearance, motional flexibility and fitness for field operation, were conducted. According to these evaluations, the sample uniform was found to be more satisfactory than current uniform.

Analysis of very close-range photogrammetry by non-metric camera (비측정용 사진기에 의한 초근접 사진해석)

  • 강준묵;오원진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1990
  • Non-metric camera is more profitable than metric camera for geometric analysis of small and elaborate structures, because focal length control of non-metric camera is flexible while generally metric camera has limited focal length. And if the problem of conventional method requiring much time and endeavor to measure three dimensional positions of control points will be solved effectively, it is possible to analyze very close-range photogrammetry more easily and quickly. The purposes of this study are to propose the efficiency of non-metric camera and to reduce difficulty of control survey sharply by introducing self-control survey method. For these, very close-range photographs of the small object were obtained by using non-metric camera calibrated for systematic errors and then bundle adjustment is used for analysis procedure. As a result, the superiority of non-metric camera in analyzing very close-range photographs and the application proptriety of self-control survey were proved, therefore it is expected to be able to apply to precise analysis of small structures or spearhead parts.

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An Analysis of Three-Dimensional Head Anthropometric Data to Select Respirators for Korean Users (호흡보호구 선정을 위한 3차원 머리 인체측정학적 데이터의 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Keun;Kim, Se-Dong;Cho, Hyoun-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.521-530
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This was to examine and explore the elements of Size Korea 6th 3D head anthropometric database and to provide basic information for the selection of respirators in Korea. Methods: This was a pilot study for the first year of work in a two-year-project initiated at KOSHA in 2021. 3D head dimensions data were obtained from the Size Korea Center managing the Size Korea 6th 3D national anthropometry survey databases. The 3D head dimensions data, including 45 dimensions, were used in line with ISO standards (e.g., ISO/TS 16976-2) for examinations, comparisons, statistical analyses, etc. Results: A total of 3,088 subjects were finally determined in this study. The main features were: Male subjects were 52.5%; the highest age group was 15-29 at 36.7%; unhealthy weight group based on BMI was 31.7%; and survey area was the capital region. For the 6th 3D head dimensions data with 45 items, the means and standard deviations for 'Face length' were 115.9±7.5 cm for males and 107.3±6.9 cm for females respectively while those for 'Face width' item were not available since there was no such item in the data. Numerous findings were discussed accordingly. Conclusions: This study showed that there were likely requirements for improvements in the 6th 3D head anthropometric data as follows: Standardization of Korean and English terms; addition of head dimensions items missed in the Size Korea survey; and reliability of generalizability for subjects, suggesting that the study results can be used for further studies or improvement of respirator selection in Korea.