• Title/Summary/Keyword: the change process of land use

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Analysis of Future Land Use and Climate Change Impact on Stream Discharge (미래토지이용 및 기후변화에 따른 하천유역의 유출특성 분석)

  • Ahn, So Ra;Lee, Yong Jun;Park, Geun Ae;Kim, Seong Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.2B
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2008
  • The effect of streamflow considering future land use change and vegetation index information by climate change scenario was assessed using SLURP (Semi-distributed Land-Use Runoff Process) model. The model was calibrated and verified using 4 years (1999-2002) daily observed streamflow data for the upstream watershed ($260.4km^2$) of Gyeongan water level gauging station. By applying CA-Markov technique, the future land uses (2030, 2060, 2090) were predicted after test the comparison of 2004 Landsat land use and 2004 CA-Markov land use by 1996 and 2000 land use data. The future land use showed a tendency that the forest and paddy decreased while urban, grassland and bareground increased. The future vegetation indices (2030, 2060, 2090) were estimated by the equation of linear regression between monthly NDVI of NOAA AVHRR images and monthly mean temperature of 5 years (1998-2002). Using CCCma CGCM2 simulation result based on SRES A2 and B2 scenario (2030s, 2060s, 2090s) of IPCC and data were downscaled by Stochastic Spatio-Temporal Random Cascade Model (SST-RCM) technique, the model showed that the future runoff ratio was predicted from 13% to 34% while the runoff ratio of 1999-2002 was 59%. On the other hand, the impact on runoff ratio by land use change showed about 0.1% to 1% increase.

A Study on the Grid Land Subdivision of Ancient Local City in Korea (고대 한국 지방도시 격자형 토지구획의 형태특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Chan
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.11 no.4 s.32
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    • pp.45-69
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    • 2002
  • This study aims to find out the genetic characteristics of gridded subdivision area which has its origin from ancient local administrative city-Sangju, Jeonju, Namwon, Kwangju, Chungju. The spatial structure, based on the inter-relationship among gridded subdivision area, city wall, and topographic condition, and the morphological characteristics of gridded subdivision area are analyzed. The points of analysis on morphological characteristics of gridded subdivision area consist of the size of unit block, the organization system of unit block, the orientation of subdivision line. As a result of the analysis, three main characteristics are found. Firstly there can be found no same land subdivision rule among study areas. Secondly, the morphological features of study area were the products of cumulative process of different subdivision areas which were developed in different periods. Thirdly, the original regular gridded land subdivision seems to have been carried out in the object of a farm-land cultivation around 7th century. And there was a change of land-use from farm land to urban land-use during the later 7th century and 8th century.

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A Study on the Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of Using Satellite Image (위성영상정보를 이용한 강우유출 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Kee;Lee, Jeung-Seok;Park, Jeong-Gyu
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2010
  • Urban watershed can be found in the visible changes in technology, the most realistic satellite images is to use the data. Satellite image data on the indicators for progress on the nature of the change of land use is consistent and repetitive information, regular observation makes possible the detailed analysis of space-time. These remote sensing techniques and the type of course and, by using the time series history, the past, the dynamic model and the randomized prediction methodology for the conversion process if the city and river basin cooperation of the space changes effectively will be able to extrapolate. For each of the main changes in river flow, depending on the area of urbanization as determined according to reproduce the duration of the relationship between the urbanization of the area and runoff can be represented as a linear polynomial expression was, if a linear expression in the two fast slew rate of 0.858 to 0.861 showed up, and fast slew rate of 0.934 to 0.974 for the polynomial are reported. Change of land use changes in the watershed of the flow is one of the most affecting elements. Therefore, changes in land use of the correct classification of rivers is a more accurate calculation of the amount of the floodgate. In particular, using the Landsat images through the image of the land use category, land use past data and calculated using the Markov Chain model and predict the future land use plan in the water control project will be used for large likely.

Assessment of the Contribution of Weather, Vegetation, Land Use Change for Agricultural Reservoir and Stream Watershed using the SLURP model (I) - Preparation of Input Data for the Model - (SLURP 모형을 이용한 기후, 식생, 토지이용변화가 농업용 저수지유역과 하천유역에 미치는 기여도 평가(I) - 모형의 입력자료 구축 -)

  • Park, Geun-Ae;Lee, Yong-Jun;Shin, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.2B
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2010
  • The effect of potential future climate change on the inflow of agricultural reservoir and its impact to downstream streamflow by reservoir operation for paddy irrigation water was assessed using the SLURP (semi-distributed land use-based runoff process), a physically based hydrological model. The fundamental input data (elevation, meteorological data, land use, soil, vegetation) was collected to calibrate and validate of the SLURP model for a 366.5 $km^2$ watershed including two agricultural reservoirs (Geumgwang and Gosam) located in Anseongcheon watershed. Then, the CCCma CGCM2 data by SRES (special report on emissions scenarios) A2 and B2 scenarios of the IPCC (intergovernmental panel on climate change) was used to assess the future potential climate change. The future weather data for the year, m ms, m5ms and 2amms was downscaled by Change Factor method through bias-correction using 3m years (1977-2006) weather data of 3 meteorological stations of the watershed. In addition, the future land uses were predicted by modified CA (cellular automata)-Markov technique using the time series land use data fromFactosat images. Also the future vegetation cover information was predicted and considered by the linear regression between monthly NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) from NOAA AVHRR images and monthly mean temperature using eight years (1998-2006) data.

A Land Use Planning Model for Supporting Improvement of Rural Villages ( I ) - Development of Model using GIS, CA and MCE - (농촌마을 개발계획 지원을 위한 토지 이용계획 모형( I ) - GIS, CA 및 MCE 법을 이용한 모형의 개발 -)

  • Chung, Ha-Woo;Choi, Jin-Yong;Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a land use planning model (LUPM) which can be applied to development of rural villages considering their spatial expansion. The LUPM finds out and allocates the new built site required for the improvement of existing villages. in the development of LUPM, CA (cellular automata) and land suitability analysis methods were applied combinedly. The model uses basically numerical data of CIS based on grid data. Agglomerated settlement, as a type of village for simulation, was adopted. Probability of land use change for optimizing development area was calculated by the six criteria: slope. drainage characteristic, direction of slope, as absolute suitability of grid itself, distance from road. distance from stream and distance from the village center, as relative probability by neighborhood cells. Weighting values of these criteria were quantified by AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method, which is one of MCE(multi-criteria evaluation) method. The algorithm of the model was verified by three example villages: an isolation village, a village with horizontal road, and a village with nodal point of cross road

Optimal Spatial Scale for Land Use Change Modelling : A Case Study in a Savanna Landscape in Northern Ghana (지표피복변화 연구에서 최적의 공간스케일의 문제 : 가나 북부지역의 사바나 지역을 사례로)

  • Nick van de Giesen;Paul L. G. Vlek;Park Soo Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.2 s.107
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    • pp.221-241
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    • 2005
  • Land Use and Land Cover Changes (LUCC) occur over a wide range of space and time scales, and involve complex natural, socio-economic, and institutional processes. Therefore, modelling and predicting LUCC demands an understanding of how various measured properties behave when considered at different scales. Understanding spatial and temporal variability of driving forces and constraints on LUCC is central to understanding the scaling issues. This paper aims to 1) assess the heterogeneity of land cover change processes over the landscape in northern Ghana, where intensification of agricultural activities has been the dominant land cover change process during the past 15 years, 2) characterise dominant land cover change mechanisms for various spatial scales, and 3) identify the optimal spatial scale for LUCC modelling in a savanna landscape. A multivariate statistical method was first applied to identify land cover change intensity (LCCI), using four time-sequenced NDVI images derived from LANDSAT scenes. Three proxy land use change predictors: distance from roads, distance from surface water bodies, and a terrain characterisation index, were regressed against the LCCI using a multi-scale hierarchical adaptive model to identify scale dependency and spatial heterogeneity of LUCC processes. High spatial associations between the LCCI and land use change predictors were mostly limited to moving windows smaller than 10$\times$10km. With increasing window size, LUCC processes within the window tend to be too diverse to establish clear trends, because changes in one part of the window are compensated elsewhere. This results in a reduced correlation between LCCI and land use change predictors at a coarser spatial extent. The spatial coverage of 5-l0km is incidentally equivalent to a village or community area in the study region. In order to reduce spatial variability of land use change processes for regional or national level LUCC modelling, we suggest that the village level is the optimal spatial investigation unit in this savanna landscape.

A Morphological Study on the Modern Urbanization and Transformation Type of Urban Tissues in Kunsan (군산의 근대도시발달과정과 도시조직의 변화 유형에 관한 형태학적 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Chan;Huh, Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.6 s.107
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    • pp.36-51
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this thesis is to analyse modem urbanization process and the morphological transformation of the urban tissues in Kunsan between the you 1899 and 2001, The method of this study is to investigate the transformation process of morphological elements such as plot structure, building layout, building facades, land use, exterior space structure and their use, with actual field surveys, the analysis of land registration maps in 1912, and various topological map. Morphological analysis on modern Kunsan is progressed by three steps-typo-morphological analysis of urban tissue in old-town area, interpretation of morphological process, and transformation process, of morphological structure in Japanese concession in view of plots system. As a result, it is found that there is cyclical relationship among the morphological transformation processes of morphological elements, plots, buildings, land-uses, and access space to buildings. From the view of town plan change, the period of restoration of war damage in 1950s and compressive growing period in 1960s have important meaning in the morphological process of old-town area. Particularly the first building plan and layout type together with plot form and structure is acted as the main factor to decide the subsequent plot transformation system, exterior space system and the particular streetscape in Kunsan.

Analysis of Land Conversion Characteristics in Process of Farmland Loss and Urbanization by Distance from Center of City Using Detailed Digital Land Use - With Representative Big Cities and Their Fringe Areas in Japan - (정밀수치정보를 이용한 도시중심에서 거리별 농지손실 및 도시화과정의 토지전용 특성 분석 - 일본의 대표적 도시주변지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.9 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2003
  • As a pre-step research to make land-use planning in the region level, this study aims to analyze some probability pattern representing transition probabilities from farmland to others using the sequential detailed digital land-use maps. Kinki and Chubu regions of Japan, which have Osaka and Nagoya cities as their center places respectively, were selected as test regions in this study. The 10m grid land-use maps for four time series at every 5 year from 1977 to 1992 were used. In this study, the regions were divided into three sub-areas 10km, 20km, and 30km according to distance from center cities, respectively. The correlation coefficient (CC) between sub-areas with same distance in the two regions was calculated to analyze whether or not the two regions have common points in the pattern of land-use conversion probability from farmland to other types. The probability distribution of the converted areas which were moved to the urbanized area (residential, commercial, industrial, road, park and public facility areas) was about $40{\sim}70%$ for both all periods and sub-areas. According to distance from city centers, the probability moved to the urbanized area was about 60% at 10km area, and 40% at the 30km area, which means that the values we decreased gradually, while in the case moved to the forest and the etc areas, the values were increased slightly. The CC analysis from the paddy field and the dry field to the others separately showed that there is high correlation in the probability pattern between the two regions.

Construction of The Land Price Information System for Land Information Systematization (토지정보의 체계화를 위한 지가 정보시스템 구축)

  • Jung, Sung-Hyuk;Park, Kyeong-Sik;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.3 s.21
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2002
  • The aim of this study is the process of developing the information system of individual announced land price that can efficiently manage the land price work, improve public reliability in services and establish systematization of the national land information. The system is adapted to the test area, as a result, it is concluded that can improve the efficiency of management and the accuracy and objectivity of land price. Thus users can easily use it without professional knowledge since it offer convenient user' environment. Furthermore, it can rapidly search character and classification of land, use-zoning, the present condition of land price and so on. And it can find out change of land price and user according to search of history.

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  • Jeong, Soo;Lee, Sun-Gu;Kim, Youn-Soo;Kim, Yong-Seung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.702-705
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    • 2006
  • Change detection is a core function of remote sensing. It can be widely used in public services such as land monitoring, damage assessment from disaster, analysis of city growth, etc. However, it seems that the change detection using satellite imagery has not been fully used in public services. For the person who is in charge of public services, it seems not to be ease to implement the change detection because various functions are combined into it. So, to promote the use of the change detection in public services, the standard, the process and the method for the change detection in public services should be established. And the software which supports that will be very useful. This study aims to promote the use of satellite imagery in public services by building up the change detection process which are suitable for general public services and developing the change detection software to support the process. The software has been developed using ETRI Components for Satellite Image Processing to support the interoperability with other GIS software.

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