• Title/Summary/Keyword: tendon force

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A Study on the Development Length of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tendon by Direct Pullout Test (직접인발실험에 의한 FRP Tendon의 정착 길이 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Joo;Jung, Woo-Tai;Park, Young-Hwan;Hwang, Geum-Sic
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.837-840
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents the experimental results on the development length of FRP tendons by direct pullout test. Two types of FRP tendons, namely, CFCC tendon and KICT tendon, and PS tendon were investigated. The development length defined as the minimum embedment length required to develop the ultimate tensile strength was suggested using the test results. It was found that the development length from the direct pullout test was greater than those of various standards. This may result from the fact that the wedge effect does not exist because there is no prestressing force in the direct pullout test. Further study and experiment are necessary to derive the reasonable development length for FRP tendon.

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Low-Voltage EM(Elasto-Magnetic) Sensing Technique for Tensile Force Management of PSC(Prestressed Concrete) Internal Tendon (PSC 내부 텐던의 긴장력 관리를 위한 저전압 EM 센싱 기법)

  • Park, Jihwan;Kim, Junkyeong;Eum, Ki-Young;Park, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we have verified a low-voltage EM(elasto-magnetic) sensing technique for tensile force management of PSC(prestressed concrete) internal tendon in order to apply the technique to actual construction sites where stable power supply is difficult. From observation of past domestic and overseas PSC structural accident cases, it was found that PS tension is very important to maintain structural stability. In this paper, we have tried to measure the tensile force from a magnetic hysteresis curve through EM sensors according to voltage value by using relation between magnetostriction and stress of ferromagnetic material based on elastic-magnetic theory. For this purpose, EM sensor of double cylindrical coil type was fabricated and tensile force test equipment for PS tendon using hydraulic tensioning device was constructed. The experiment was conducted to confirm relationship between changes of permeability and tensile force from the measurement results of the maximum / minimum voltage amount. The change of magnetic hysteresis curve with magnitude of tensile force was also measured by reducing amount of voltage step by step. As a result, the slope of estimation equation in accordance with magnitude of magnetic field decreases with the voltage reduction. But it was confirmed a similar pattern of change of magnetic permeability for the magnetic hysteresis loop. So, in this study, it is considered that it is possible to manage the tensions of PSC internal tendon using EM sensing technique in low-voltage state.

Nonlinear Analysis of PSC Girders with External Tendons (외부강선으로 긴장된 PSC 거더의 비선형 해석)

  • Choi, Kyu-Chon;Lee, Jae-Seok
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2010
  • A study for the nonlinear analysis method of prestressed concrete(PSC) girders with external tendons is presented. The PSC girders with external tendons show the complex nonlinear behavior due to the slip of external tendons at deviator and the change of eccentricity between the girders and external tendons. The external tendon between anchorage-deviator or deviator-deviator is modeled as an assemblage of the curved elements. The slip effect of the external tendon at deviator is taken into account using the force equilibrium relationship between the friction force and the driving force at each deviator. The finite element model and analysis method of the external tendon suggested herein are integrated in the nonlinear analysis program of segmentally erected PSC frames developed by the authors. The proposed analysis method is verified through the comparison of the analysis and experimental results obtained from other investigators. From the ultimate analysis results of PSC beams with external tendons having different number of deviators, the yielding and ultimate loads of PSC beams found to be increased as the number of deviators are increased. In addition, the ultimate capacity of the PSC beam increases according to the increase of friction coefficient between deviator and external tendon, whereas found to decease over the certain value of friction due to the effect of the moment transmitted to the member by the friction force exerted from the external tendon.

Dynamic Instability of Submerged Floating Tunnels due to Tendon Slack (긴장재 느슨해짐에 따른 해중 터널의 동적 불안정 거동)

  • Won, Deok Hee;Kim, Seungjun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2017
  • This study deals with dynamic instability of a tendon moored submerged floating tunnel (SFT) due to tendon slack. In general, environmental loadings such as wave and current govern SFT design. Especially, the wave force, whose amplitude and direction continuously change, directly induces the dynamic behavior of the SFT. The motion of the floating tube, induced by the wave force, leads dynamic response of the attached tendons and the dynamic change of internal forces of the tendons significantly affects to the fatigue design as well as the structural strength design. When the severe motion of the SFT occurs due to significant waves, tendons might lose their tension and slack so that the floating tube can be transiently instable. In this study, the characteristics of dynamic instability of the SFT due to tendon slack are investigated performing hydrodynamic analysis. In addition, the effects of draft, buoyancy-weight ratio, and tendon inclination on tendon slack and dynamic instability behavior are analytically investigated.

Changes in Corrosion Progress and Ultimate load of Tendon Under 20% and 40% of Ultimate Loading Conditions (파괴하중의 20% 및 40% 인장조건에서 텐던 부식 진행 및 파괴하중 변화)

  • Ryu, Hwa-Sung;An, Gi Hong;Hwang, Chul-Sung;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2017
  • PSC (Prestressed Concrete) structures have been used widely for its engineering advantage with using total concrete area as effective compressive section. However tendon inside is exposed to such a high tensile stress that and more attentions should be paid for corrosion control. This work is for changing corrosion current and ultimate strength in tendon with increasing prestressing force in a constant corrosive condition. With increasing prestressing force, corrosion current, corrosion amount, and ultimate load are changed linearly. When prestressing force increases from 20.0 % to 40.0 %, corrosion current increases to 124.4 % and 168.0 % and ultimate load decreases to 87.8 % and 78.4 %, respectively. With inducing constant electrical potential, increasing corrosion current and reduction of strength are evaluated to be linearly related with increasing prestressing load.

An Analytical Study for Structural Behaviors of Unbonded Precast Rectangular Hollow Section Concrete Piers (비부착 프리캐스트 중공 사각 단면 교각의 구조거동에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Choi, Seung-Won;Kim, Ick-Hyun;Cho, Jae-Yeo;Chang, Sung-Pil
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.1A
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2010
  • Unbonded precast concrete piers have better seismic performances than conventional reinforced concrete piers. In this research, seismic performances of unbonded precast prestressed concrete piers are analyzed using OpenSEES. Main parameters of analysis are concrete strength, jacking force ratio, ratio of tendon, and size of precast segment. In results, as the ratio of tendon and jacking force ratio increase, the flexural strength increases at softening state and ultimate state. Concrete strength and size of precast segment are negligible. But initial jacking force ratio leads to early yielding of prestressing tendon. Since compressive strain in core concrete is much less than ultimate strain, it can be expected that the amount of transverse steel reinforcement is to be reduced in comparison with conventional reinforced concrete column.

Effects of prestressing force on natural frequency of prestressed concrete beams considering self-weight

  • Shin, Soobong;Lee, Hokyoung;Lee, Jong-Han
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.74 no.4
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    • pp.495-502
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the effects of prestressing force on the natural frequency of concrete beams considering changes in the self-weight of the beam. For this, a finite element formulation was derived to account for the increase in the stiffness of a beam-tendon system due to the axial force and deformation induced by prestressing of the tendon. The developed finite element formulation was validated with the data obtained in laboratory experiments. The experimental natural frequencies of the small prestressed concrete (PSC) beam specimens were consistent with those obtained using the proposed method. The first natural frequency increased almost linearly as the prestressing force increased. The proposed method was then applied to four actual PSC bridges typically employed in the field. Different from the laboratory specimens, the first natural frequencies of the actual PSC bridges barely changed or increased with increasing prestressing force. The results of an analytical parametric study showed that the increase in the natural frequency strongly depended on the magnitude of the prestressing force relative to the total weight of the structure. Thus, the variation in the natural frequencies of the actual PSC bridges with high total weight relative to the prestressing force was negligible due to the application of the prestressing force.

Force Display Processing using Multiple DC motors (다중 DC모터를 이용한 역감처리)

  • Kang Won-Chan;Kim Dong-Ok;Kim Won-Bae;Shin Suck-Doo;Kim Young-Dong
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2001.07a
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we have developed a new Force-Display system using tendon-driven method based multiple DC motors. The proposed system is based on the HIR Lab Haptic library, which calculates the real position and renders the reflecting force data to device rapidly. The system is composed of device based tendon- driving method, high-speed controller and Haptic rendering library. The developed system will be used on constructing the dynamical virtual environment. To show the efficiency of our system, we designed simulation program, which an display the moving force (attaching, grabbing, rotating) on two virtual points. As the result of the experiment, our proposed system shows much higher resolution than any others.

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Experimental Study on the Composite Beam Strengthened by External Post Tensioning (외부 후긴장으로 보강한 합성보에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Gi Bong;Chung, Young Soo;Choi, Hyok Chu;Kang, Bo Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.10 no.4 s.37
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    • pp.701-708
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    • 1998
  • The application of additional post-tensioning tendons has recently been widely considered and requires very little interference with the existing structure. Several bridges on the national roadway designed as the second class were strengthened by external post-tensioning for the capacity enhancement purpose, but much of that strengthening work was not verified analytically as well as experimentally. This paper examines experimentally the behavior of simple composite steel-concrete beams designed as the second class(DB-18) When they are strengthened with external post-tensioning tendon. Test results show that external post-tensioning increases the ultimate load and the magnitude of tendon force increases the yield load but not the ultimate load.

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Ultimate Behavior of Steel Beam Strengthened with External Tendonand Cylindrical Anchorage (원통형 정착구를 사용하고 외부 긴장재로 보강된 강재보의 극한거동)

  • Choe, Dong-Ho;Jeong, Sang-Hwan;Jung, Jae-Dong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.102-110
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    • 2006
  • This paper examines experimentally the ultimate behavior of I-type steel beam strengthened with external tendon and cylindrical anchorage and analyzes the strengthening effect on the parameters such as initial tendon force, eccentricity, number of strands, and strand areas. The experiment demonstrated that increasing the number of strands, strand areas and eccentricity is more effective than increasing initial tendon force. The proposed cylindrical anchorage system has advantages in applying these parameters. The results showed that the cylindrical anchorage system is efficient and applicable to strengthen steel beam.