• Title/Summary/Keyword: temporary employees

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Subjective Mismatch Determinants and Wage Effect of Youth Employees (청년취업자의 주관적 미스매치 결정요인 및 임금효과 분석)

  • Hwang, Kwanghoon
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.181-214
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    • 2018
  • This study uses the youth panel survey (YP2007 2th ~ 9th) data of the Korea Employment Information Service to examine the phenomenon of subjective mismatch arising from the youth labor market and analyzed the determinants and wage effects of subjective mismatch. Overall, the analysis showed that the over-education and over-technology of both educational background and technical skill level in the Miss Match significantly decreased, while the lack of education and technology increased rather gradually. Next, the analysis of the determinants of downward employment(Excess of education and technology) showed that males were less likely to be downwardly employed(Excess of education and technology) than females, and in the status of workers, the probability of downward employment of regular and non-wage workers was lower than that of temporary/daily workers. Finally, as a result of estimating the wage effect of the mismatch based on the pooled OLS model and the Panel Fixed Effect model, the mismatch which has the greatest effect on the wage was found to be excessive education, and it has been estimated that youth employees who are over-educated have an average 6.7% lower wages than those who are not. After controlling for the unobserved individual characteristics, they were found to receive a lower wage of 3.2%, and it is estimated that 2.9% for the technical excess mismatch and 2.3% for the major mismatch receive lower wages than the reference group.

Differences and Determinants of Job Satisfaction by Employment Type (고용형태별 직무만족도 차이 및 결정요인)

  • Moon, Young-man
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.139-175
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzed differences and determinants of job satisfaction by employment type using the Korean Labor and Income Panel Data (KLIPS) (5th~13th) and obtained the following results. First, it was found that the job satisfaction of regular employees was significantly higher than that of non-regular employees and, as a result of analyzing job satisfaction by subdividing various types of employment within the non-regular employment category, 'temporary work' was found to have the highest satisfaction, while 'long-term non-regular work' had the lowest. Further, as a result of analyzing the differences in job satisfaction by the method of career choice, it was found that job satisfaction in the case of choosing a job voluntarily was higher than that in the case of choosing a job involuntarily. Second, as a result of analyzing the determinants of job satisfaction by employment type, all variables in regular employment were found to have statistically significant effects on job satisfaction, which is a dependant variable, whereas non-regular employment was found to have a limited effect only depending on the employment type. In case of the determinants of job satisfaction according to the method of career choice, they were found to have statistically significant effects on all variables except for the career variable in the group that chose employment voluntarily, whereas they were found to have significant effects on some variables only such as gender and wage, etc., in the group that chose employment involuntarily. Therefore, it is more suitable to analyze job satisfaction by subdividing it by employment type rather than dividing it into regular employment and non-regular employment, although the method of career choice (voluntary/involuntary) also needs to be considered.

A Study of Fun Management Introduction on Domestic Construction Industry (Fun Management 기법의 국내 건설산업 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Hyuk-Do;Kim, Yea-Sang;Hwon, Soon-Wook;Chin, Sang-Yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.427-431
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the thoughts of Employees about the concept of workspace changes a job for a whole life time into the temporary job for an own' career development. To solve the problem, it causes the introduction of Fun Management among Domestic Corporations as the research for a fun and good workspace and the interest for the organization performance through it are increasing. However, the introduction possibility based on enough comprehension for various problems such as the strict relationship in the workspace, the rigid situation on construction site, the increase in the safe accident and the social avoidance phenomena for the employment to construction field in case that the fun management is introduced into domestic construction industry in the future is considered. Therefore, this study to propose the possibility and direction regarding the future fun management, when introduced into the domestic construction industry, by surveying and analyzing the common problems between The present state of the fun management method which is introduced and applied to other industries in advance and the performance process of the fun management which introduced and applied to the domestic construction corporations.

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The Impact of New Work Organizational System on Job Strain, and Psychosocial Distress (새로운 작업조직 시스템이 직업성 긴장수준 및 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Chang, Sei-Jin;Sun, Byeong-Hwan;Kang, Dong-Muk;Son, Mi-A;Park, Jong-Ku;Cha, Bong-Suk;Koh, Sang-Baek
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : New organizational work systems, and their impact on the mental health of employees, are considered to beone of the most important topics in the area of industrial health. This study was conducted to compare job characteristics (job demand and decision latitude) levels, and psychosocial distress of workers in acompany introducing to new organizational work systems, to those of workers managed by traditional work systems. Methods ; A study sample of 627 shipbuilding workers (446the new work organizational system and 181 the traditional system) were recruited for this study. A structured-questionnaire was used to assess general characteristics, job characteristics(work demand, decision latitude), and psychosocial distress. Results : The decision latitude was not significantly higher in the new work system compared to the traditional system. However, the job demand was significantly higher in the new work system than in the traditional system. The psychosocial distress was higher within the new work system than the traditional system, but no significant relationships were found. The proportion of increased strain was significantly greater with the new system than the traditional system. Conclusion : These results suggest that increases in the decision latitude did not sufficiently compensate for higher job strain or increased work intensity. If the increase in the decision latitude was temporary, with the typical job demand remaining high, such work can be still be considered to have a job strain Futureresearch should consider psychosocial distress and fatigue as importantproblems caused by new work organizational systems, and should be performed to assess their impact through out industry.

A Study on Food Service Administration and Nutrition Education in Elementary Schools in Inchon (인천시 초등학교의 급식운영 및 관리와 영양교육실태)

  • Chyun, Jong-Hee;Choe, Eun-Ok;Hong, Sung-Ya;Woo, Kyung-Ja;Kim, Young-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.417-429
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    • 1999
  • The status of general food service administration and nutrition education was investigated in 111 elementary schools located in Inchon Metropolitan Area by questionnaires. The results are as follows ; 1. Most schools served 5 lunches per week. Meal cost per capita was 1212.1 won in urban type school and 979.0 won in rural type school. Most schools(91.9%) had 1 regular dietitian and 1 regular cook. With increasing number of students the number of temporary employees increased significantly. Most school dietitians(86.5%) were in their twenties and had 2 year careers. 2. Most dietitians(90.1%) planned the menu based on the RDA with the first consideration in nutritional needs of the students. Many dietitians(81.8%) surveyed on the food preferences of the students at least once a year. About 86% of the schools had the food service committee which was helpful. Dietitians were the first one in charge of food purchasing and checking, and sometimes a manager in general school affairs worked together. One third of the schools used the volunteer parents in food services. 3. Most school dietitians(97.2%) gave the students nutrition education using handouts once a week. However, they could not teach the students through the classroom lecture because they are not the regular teachers. Food garbages were removed by the professional trash collecting company or by using fermentation machines or by giving them to animals as feeds. School events concerning the food and nutrition were mostly drawing pictures and composition. Only 36.4% of the school dietitians had experienced in nutrition counseling for an individual student. Most of them(99.1%) thought that individual counseling is necessary if they have enough time and chances to do.

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Analyses of the Causes that Film Production Staffs Leave Film Sites and Proposals for the Improvement (영화 Production 스태프의 탈 현장 원인 분석과 개선을 위한 제언)

  • Ha, Chul-Seung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.665-673
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    • 2014
  • The Korean film market has revved up against American movies and the movie industry has continued to grow even though Korea is a small country. However, most production staffs who are responsible for practical business of film production get wages that fall short of the inflation rate and minimum wages as temporary employees. And there's the atmosphere that they try to leave film sites on the first opportunity. This study finds that the cause to leave film sites is attributed to perception gaps about the hardworking character and labor which occur in the process that production staffs enter the movie industry and participate in film production as well as poor surroundings. And it should establish staffs' hardworking character and recognition as workers to them by reorganizing the current curriculums which approach movies from the only artistic viewpoint in the departments related to movies and images that hold a large majority in their majors, establishing the concept of work according to participation in film production to potential production staffs, and changing their recognition to improve the elements that they leave the sites.

The Ethnography Research about the Electronics Panopticon Experience of the Temporary Position Man Laborer and Possibility for the Profanazion (비정규직 청년 노동자의 전자 파놉티콘 경험과 세속화 가능성에 대한 문화기술지 연구)

  • Noh, Eun-Cheong;Sung, Dong-Kyoo;Jang, Sung-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.607-625
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    • 2020
  • This research tries to examine the possibility of non-regular workers' electronic panopticon experience and the possibility of secularization, and get which meaning of life through that. Seven participants were selected for this Ethnography Research; Five young workers and two self-employees. The research is as follows. First, the media system and medium such as the smartphone and social media operate as the electronics panopticon device which constantly being watched. Second, this kind of electronics panopticon experience tries to observe the discipline of itself and experiencing de-extermination which lost its diversity by intended to internalize the actions demanded by the employer. Finally, the participants performed secularization by resisting power devices through smart devices and media and seeking workers' rights and interests through the community. Therefore, this research confirms the media could function as electronic panopticons device and as a device for the possibility of secularization.

Analysis of Structural Characteristics of the old-age Population in Korea (우리나라 노령인구의 구조적 특성에 관한 분석)

  • 김경숙
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.62-77
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    • 1979
  • The purpose of this study is to explain the increasing trend of the aged population and its demographic characteristics. This study is based on the data for the aged population above 65 years old published by the Bureau of Statistics, Economic Planning Board. The increasing trend of the aged population has been analyzed and projected from 1955 to the year 2000. Some demographic charicteristics of the aged population including marital status, educational status and status of economic activities have also been analyzed in order to identify the problems associated with aging of population in Korea. The study offers the following conclusion. 1. The aged population index, the proportion of aged population to total population was 3.6 in 1975 and projected to be 6.6 in 2000. There has been steady increase of the aged population is reflected in changes of population structure. The proportional change of the aged population index was 100.0 in 1955, 109.0 in 1975 and 200.0 in 2000 respectively. 2. As for marital status of the aged population 77.6 per cent of male were married while 24.3 per cent of female were married in 1975. 22 per cent of male were widowed while it spouses died declined remarkable the mortality rate declined. 3. As the educational status of the aged, 77 per cent never attended school and 18 per cent attended from a primary school. This is very low and the number of educated men is higher than that of educated women. The rank ordering of schooling is city, Eub and Myeon in that aged. 4. The dependency ratio of the aged population was 5.9 in 1955, 6.1 in 1975 and will be 9.8 in 2000. It is gradually increasing as indicated above 20 per cent of aged population was economically active of these, they are employed in the following occupations as listed in order of the magnitude of the aged population employed. The employment status of the aged workers shows that a greater number of persons are self-employed than workers for another employer. In particular, temporary employees comprise 56.0 per cent of those employed.

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Work Experience of Irregular Clinical Research Nurses (비정규직 임상연구 간호사의 근무경험)

  • Kim, Hae-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.623-634
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    • 2015
  • This research aims to perform an in-depth investigation about meanings and essence of working as clinical research nurses in local general hospitals. In order to interpret and reveal the meanings of role experience, data were collected from objects of 7 participants for 3 months. Data were analyzed by ethnographic research tools of Spradley. Themes conducted from this study were 'new experience about social learning process' and 'joys and sorrows through study participants ', 'lack of specialized learning course in nursing curriculums' and 'roles of general research planner', 'one's own work space' and 'proactive work environment that is relaxing and filled with consideration for others', 'hardship of being temporary employees. Clinical research nurses have experienced expansion of roles through new social learning processes. Conclusively, this study will provide useful basic data to develop new curriculum about clinical research nursing for nursing students and to improve working conditions for clinical research nurses.e purpose of this study is to design and implement a sign language dictionary for the deaf to understand information communication terminologies. When the deafs who have difficulties in communication use the internet, they can get help from this dictionary in accessing various types of information and expressing their intension. In order for the deaf to utilize the internet as efficiently as ordinary people, they must understand information communication terminologies first.

A Study on the Determinants of Employees' Turnover Intention of Emotion Workers -Focused the large accommodation services on the Gangwon Province- (감정노동자의 이직의도 결정요인에 관한 연구 -강원지역 대형숙박서비스업을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Deok-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.154-164
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the determinants of the turnover intention of emotion workers and recent social issues. In particular, this study examined whether the factors that determine the turnover intention affect the quality of service. The job characteristics of emotion workers were set up as an independent variable, and the job environment, organizational culture, such as emotional labor and how it affects the workers' behavior were investigated. How the independent variables influence the turnover of workers was investigated to mediate the emotional job satisfaction. The subjects were primarily targeted by the emotions of the workers engaged in large service accommodation, Kangwon. Among the environmental factors, the job characteristics and job duties are diverse factors and internal and external factors that can affect the compensation turnover intentions. Organizational culture as a factor was the human resources culture, open culture systems, and the hierarchical cultural factors affecting turnover intention. Among the emotional labor practices that also affects the surface of conduct, sincere acts influence the turnover intention. In addition, a one hypothesis testing job satisfaction was mediated by several factors with an impact, such as job diversity. Future empirical research should examined whether temporary full-time is an independent variable factor that can achieve a more fruitful conclusion.