• Title/Summary/Keyword: technology-based education

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Development and Effectiveness Verification of CBT and ACT Group Counseling Programs for Maladjusted Soldiers (부적응 병사를 위한 인지행동치료 및 수용전념치료 집단상담 프로그램 개발 및 효과 검증)

  • Cho, Ju Sung;Choi, Jaegwang;Kang, Yohan;Yu, Han Byeol;Song, Wonyoung
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to develop a group counseling program to solve the problem of maladjustment of military personnel and to verify the effectiveness of the program. The 12 session CBT and ACT program for military soldiers experiencing emotional and behavioral problems was developed and the effectiveness was verified by conducting a program once a week for soldiers in the army units based in South Chungcheong Province. Adult Self Report scale(ASR) was implemented for pre-post test and analysis, and descriptive statistical analysis, cross-analysis, paired sample t-test, and independent sample t-test were performed to analyze the results. The results indicated are as follows: First, the preliminary homogeneity test between groups showed that the two groups had homogeneous demographic characteristics and the characteristics of the variables. Second, as a result of the pre-post test verification, both CBT and ACT groups showed significant changes in problem behavior totals, internalizations, and externalizations. Third, there was no difference between the pre-post-examination of the CBT group and the ACT group. This study is meaningful in that it was involved in the maladjustment problem within the military unit, and compared the effectiveness between the two theories, and proposed the study of control groups and further studies on more diverse and diverse subjects that were not implemented under the circumstances of the unit.

Quality of life and its related factors in patients with Korean chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자의 삶의 질 관련요인)

  • Bang, So Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1349-1360
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the degree of quality of life (QoL) and its related factors in patients with Korean Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). With data collected by Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey in 2013, general and disease-related variables, pulmonary function test, and EuroQol-5Dimension (EQ-5D) were analyzed. The mean of EQ-5D index was 0.916 in patients with COPD and 0.941 in non-COPD. The EQ-5D index and its sub dimensions (mobility, self-care, usual activity, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression) of COPD patients were significantly lower than that of non-COPD. However, difference in COPD patients' airway limitation was significant only for self-care of EQ-5D (${\chi}^2=9.50$, p=.013). The related factors of QoL in COPD patients were age, gender, level of education, quartile of household income, smoking status, and number of comorbid diseases. Based on the results, it is important to pay close attention to COPD patients' QoL as well as comprehensive interventions which possibly improve their QoL.

The Effects of Personality Traits and Social Support on Teacher's Efficacy of Early Childhood Teachers (성격특성, 사회적 지지가 유아 교사효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min-sol
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to find ways to enhance the effectiveness of childhood teachers by recognizing both internal and external variables that affect their efficacy. Based on prior research, personality characteristics were selected as internal variables that affect the sense of teacher efficacy and social support was selected as external variables to set the effect of personality characteristics and social support on the efficacy of childhood teachers as research issues. 285 teachers from kindergartens and daycare centers located in Daegu and Gyeongsang-bukdo Province were selected for the study. The analysis of data was conducted using the SPSS 22.0 program to examine the general characteristics of the study target, and the analysis was conducted stepwise to look at the influence of each of the variables on the teacher's. Personal teacher efficacy is shown to affect Conscientiousness, nervousness, openness to experience, and evaluation support among personality characteristics, and Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and nervousness affect general teacher efficacy. The results of this study suggest that the character characteristics and social support of childhood teachers are among the variables that affect teacher efficacy.

Factors Influencing the Fear of Falling in Elderly in Rural Communities (일부농촌지역 재가 낙상경험노인의 낙상두려움 관련요인)

  • Lee, Sang-Gon;Kim, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.251-263
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the factors associated with fear of falling among the elderly dwelling in rural communities. Methods: From February 1, 2010 to March 31, 2010, a questionnaire-based survey was sent to 2,628 persons 65 years or older dwelling in 1 Myeon and 1 Eup of Gyeongsangnam-do. Among these participants, 735 (27.9%) had fallen more than once in 2009. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and hierarchical multiple regression were performed using SPSS version 12.0. Results: Factors influencing the fear of falling in the elderly according to falls experienced were number of outpatient visits, number of falls, gender, admission, purchasing of health function foods, and activities of daily living. Overall, the study showed significant differences in the score of fear of falling according to gender, age, education, marital status, living arrangement, main means of mobilization, drinking, income, number of falls, admission, number of outpatient visits, experience with outpatient oriental medicine, purchasing of health function foods, medical assistance devices, season, fall location, fall cause, shoe type, injury type, limitation of activity, and activities of daily living. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that programs should be developed specifically for elderly people who have experienced more than one fall because of increased fear due to multiple falls.

Survey on Multifaceted Role of Shipping Industry and Measures to Improve Public Perception (해운산업의 다면적 역할에 대한 인식조사 및 국민인식 제고방안)

  • Lee, DongHyon
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2012
  • A survey showed that the public perception of the shipping industry's overall image and economic role was relatively positive. The survey revealed that public perception was mixed with respect to the multifaceted role of the shipping industry. Based on the results of this survey, this paper proposes three approaches to improving the public perception of the shipping industry. The organization contact approach includes establishing shipping institutes for city people, holding various events targeted at the public, establishing a shipping memorial hall, developing a shipping-related culture and tourism, reinventing the image of the shipping industry through a shipping-culture movement, and creating new views of the shipping industry by conducting formal education. The goods and services contact approach includes building a brand image for shipping services, providing B2C services, utilizing the national image for the shipping industry, and participating in international cooperation projects. The text contact approach includes B2B advertising, advertisements focused on the national economic and multifaceted role of the shipping industry, package advertisements for the shipping industry and related industries, the Internet and high-technology media, government-initiated PR activities regarding the multifaceted role of the shipping industry, and funding for advertising the shipping industry.

Urban Community as a Contested Practice: A Gap between Ordinary Practices and Civic Advocacy Discourse (경합적 실천으로서 도시 공동체: 일상 실천과 시민사회 옹호 담론 간의 간극)

  • Lee, Jae-Youl
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.269-281
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    • 2016
  • This article problematizes and interrogates the idea of 'community' which is increasingly important in Korean urban policy-making. For the purpose, this article scrutinizes, and compares, how ordinary citizen participants and civil society activist organizations in a 'community garden' program of Seoul make sense of, utilize, and practice the policy concept. The neo-Faucauldian perspective of 'governmentality' is employed to understand the association between the community-focused policy program and neoliberalism, but Barnett's( 2005) call for 'bottom-up governmentality' is taken seriously in order to avoid any deterministic interpretation. On the basis of this eclectic perspective on governmentality, this article presents empirical findings that may suggest a contestation over community between ordinary citizens and civil society activists. More specifically, ordinary citizen participants prioritize place-based, on-the-ground community experiences that are built on common cultivation practices, whereas civil society activists tend to consider community garden as a teleological governmental technology generative of particular citizen subjects. Civic community garden advocacy as such aims to address social, economic, and spatial problems that neoliberalsim has produced, but it also appears to be in a close association with neoliberal urban policy. Thus, the community activism's meaningfulness lies in its active intervention to neoliberal urban policy, but a gap between ordinary practical achievements and civic activism can be a potential danger to urban community policy. On the basis of this discussion, this article asks more detailed investigations about the taken-for-granted positivity of urban community (re)vitalization programs, and also examinations on whether and how such projects generates emergent tensions between ordinary achievements and policy prescriptions.

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Spatial Strategies and Locational Behaviour of Korean Auto Parts Firms in China: Focused on Parts Suppliers of Donfeng-Yueda-Kia Car Assembler (대중국 한국 자동차 부품기업의 공간 전략과 입지 특성: 동풍열달기아 완성차 기업의 부품 협력기업을 중심으로)

  • Choe, Ja-Yeong;Lee, Sung-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2016
  • China has been developing a new auto industry growth plan since 2004. In line with this initiative, China actively adopted its policy favoring foreign companies' investment which had a competitive edge over their technologies and manufacturing methodologies. To meet this demand in policy and market change, many foreign auto companies and their parts' manufacturers including Korean auto companies joined this stream. Policy change favoring higher technologies applicable in China requested auto companies' swift adaptation to meet the policy requirements by higher technologies with innovation and introduction of those foreign technologies to China. The spatial (excellence) strategy was followed by the increase in its efficiency and competiveness of each region, which were materialized by or in the form of; Firstly, strategic partnership with China auto companies and encouragement of Korea auto parts manufacturing companies to set up its own factories in China. Secondly, modularization and platform sharing strategy by applying enhanced technologies. Thirdly, strategic utilization of China local government's incentive policies. As production management methodology, JIS was adopted all across the board to meet the on-demand market requirements in the manufacturing processes. Auto part manufacturers had been integrated regionally based on forward linkages and modules. As a result, regional-specific auto industry complexes have been made in the places such as Beijing-Hyundai in the north, Dongfeng-Yueda-Kia in the south, common auto parts at central area like Qingdao, and other parts and raw materials in the vicinity of Shanghai.

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The Effects of Empowerment of the paramedics on Critical Thinking (1급 응급구조사의 임파워먼트가 비판적 사고에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Dae-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This study aimed to examine the effects of empowerment of the paramedics on critical thinking and provide the basic materials for the qualitative improvement of emergency medical service. Methods : This study collected data with the paramedics working at general hospital and hospital emergency room in G metropolitan city, B metropolitan city, U metropolitan city, D metropolitan city and J province from July 1 to 31, 2008. Total 180 questionnaires were collected and 152 were used for final analysis, and the following results were obtained through statistical analysis using SPSS 12.0 program. Results : 1) Average score of empowerment was 4.44 out of 6 and according to average score by areas, significance was 4.94, capacity 4.92, self-determination 4.28, and effective-ness 3.62. 2) Empowerment by general characteristics was statistically significant in age (F = 3.313, p < 0.05), the final scholastic attainments(F = 2.436, p < 0.05), and salary(F = 1.695, p < 0.01). 3) Average score of critical thinking was 3.12 out of 7 and according to scores by areas, maturity was highest as 3.71, followed by no prejudice as 3.70, systemicity as 3.14, pursuit of truth as 3.05, much curiosity as 2.93, critical thinking and self-confidence as 2.92, and analysis as 2.91. 4) Critical thinking by general characteristics was statistically significant in marital status (F = 15.695, p < 0.01) and the final scholastic attainments (F = 2.606, p < 0.05). 5) Correlations between empowerment and critical thinking showed positive correlations as Pearson's correlation coefficient r = 0.400 and positive correlation in all areas including empowerment and critical thinking were found (r = 0.116-0.710). 6) The effect of empowerment on critical thinking was statistically significant in p < 0.01 and was explained as $R^2=0.155$. In the effects of empowerment on critical thinking, significance, capacity and self-determination were statistically significant in p < 0.01, effectiveness in p < 0.05 and were explained as R2 = 0.244. Conclusion : From the above results, it was found that empowerment had the influence on critical thinking, so it was considered that hospital managers and emergency room chiefs must develop and operate education and training program based on the concept of empowerment, maintenance and management strategies.

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High-Tech Cluster Evolution and the Role of the Triple-Helix Actors : The Case of the Research Triangle Park, USA (클러스터 진화와 트리플 힐릭스 주체의 역할 - 미국 리서치트라이앵글파크 사례 -)

  • Lee, Chulwoo;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.256-258
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims at examining the role of university, industry and government, which constitute the triple-helix innovation system in hi-tech cluster, based on the case of the Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. Firstly, the state government has played a catalytic role by building the horizontal governance of triple-helix actors. By doing so, the state government has made it possible for not only growing but also transforming the RTP as an high-tech cluster. Secondly, universities in the triangle area have played to some extent a limited role in sustaining the evolution of cluster. Thirdly, the RTP has long been dominated by a small group of large firms. However, the situation has been changed since 1990s, because new start-ups from universities and local large firms and the technology transfer activities between universities and firms have been increased in the RTP and its surrounding area. Finally, it argues that the continuous evolution of the RTP has been to some or large extent influenced by the transition from the exogenous development model to the endogenous development model.

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Speed Control of Marine Gas Turbine Engine using Nonlinear PID Controller (비선형 PID 제어기를 이용한 선박용 가스터빈 엔진의 속도 제어)

  • Lee, Yun-Hyung;So, Myung-Ok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.457-463
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    • 2015
  • A gas turbine engine plays an important role as a prime mover that is used in the marine transportation field as well as the space/aviation and power plant fields. However, it has a complicated structure and there is a time delay element in the combustion process. Therefore, an elaborate mathematical model needs to be developed to control a gas turbine engine. In this study, a modeling technique for a gas generator, a PLA actuator, and a metering valve, which are major components of a gas turbine engine, is explained. In addition, sub-models are obtained at several operating points in a steady state based on the trial running data of a gas turbine engine, and a method for controlling the engine speed is proposed by designing an NPID controller for each sub-model. The proposed NPID controller uses three kinds of gains that are implemented with a nonlinear function. The parameters of the NPID controller are tuned using real-coded genetic algorithms in terms of minimizing the objective function. The validity of the proposed method is examined by applying to a gas turbine engine and by conducting a simulation.