• Title/Summary/Keyword: teaching conditions

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The Effects of Academic Achievement and Learning Satisfaction According to the Presentation Method of the Multimedia Materials for 'Transportation Technology' Unit of Technology.Home Economics Subject (기술.가정 교과 '수송기술' 단원에서 수업 자료의 제시 방법에 따른 학업 성취도와 학습 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seong-Il
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.147-160
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects on the academic achievement and learning satisfaction according to the presentation method of the multimedia materials for 'transportation technology' units of technology home economics subject. The subjects were assigned in third conditions; Text type explanation class, multimedia class and multimedia video class with narration. The data of six evaluation questions obtained from the survey of 93 high school girl were analyzed using SPSS program. The results of the study were as follows : First, in the learning satisfaction average level(M) of the students' overall responses to the questions, multimedia teaching learning class(experimental group 1) is the first(M=4.14), multimedia video class with narration(experimental group 2) is the second(M=3.16), and instructor-led class(control group) is the third (M=2.63). Therefore, the teaching learning multimedia class(experimental group 1) was most effective. Second, looking at the correlations between the students' responses to the questions, in an interesting class, the students have a retentive memory and comprehension, but a lower concentration can not a retentive memory. Third, multimedia teaching learning class(experimental group 1) has the best degree at the level of academic achievement, but instructor-led class(control group) and multimedia video class with narration(experimental group 2) have similar degree in the second place. To increase academic achievement, an instructor-led class is important to arouse interest and a multimedia video class with narration is required ways to improve level of concentration.

Evaluation of Teachers and Students on VR/AR Contents in the Science Digital Textbook: Focus on the Earth and Universe Area for the 8th Grade (과학 디지털 교과서 실감형 콘텐츠에 대한 교사와 학생의 평가 -중학교 2학년 지구와 우주 영역 콘텐츠를 중심으로-)

  • Hyun-Jung Cha;Seok-Hyun Ga;Hye-Gyoung Yoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed a group interview with six earth science teachers and eight middle school students to find out the evaluations and criteria they use to evaluate VR/AR contents (two virtual reality content and two augmented reality contents) in middle school science digital textbook. The study found the VR/AR contents were evaluated on four criteria as follows: VR/AR media characteristics; technical operation; user interface; and teaching-learning design. The evaluations can be summarized by each criterion. First, regarding VR/AR media characteristics, interesting features of VR/AR contents were considered relatively advantageous compared to other media like videos. However, its shortage of visual presence and inconvenience of using markers were mentioned as shortcomings. Second, in the technical operation criteria, teachers and students found the following conditions as technically challenging: failing to properly operate on a particular OS; huge volumes of contents in the application; and frequent freezing when using the application. Third, poor intuitiveness and lack of flexibility were found as negative aspects in user interface. Fourth, regarding teaching-learning design, the teachers evaluated whether the VR/AR contents delivered scientifically accurate information; whether they incorporated class goals set by teachers; and whether they can help students' inquiry. It turned out teachers gave negative feedbacks on VR/AR contents. The students evaluated VR/AR contents by assessing whether they help them with learning science but concluded they did not regard them necessary in science learning at school. Based on the findings, this study discusses which development direction VR/AR contents should take to be useful in teaching and learning science.

The Realities and Problems of Master Teacher System in China (중국 특급교사제(特級敎師制) 운영실태 분석 및 시사점)

  • Kim, Ee-Gyeong;LI, Jia-Yi
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.163-185
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    • 2014
  • Along with concerns about deteriorating social and economic status of teachers around the world, Master Teacher System(MTS) has been considered as one of the alternatives to transform teaching profession into a more attractive job. In this study, the conditions and problems associated with the MTS in China is analyzed to draw implications for South Korea, which recently legalized the MTS. Research framework including four research questions is developed based on the controversies surrounding MTS of South Korea. The main findings show that the MTS in China was introduced to improve teachers' social and economic status along with the quality of prospective teachers. A very small number of master teachers are selected through rigorous standards including longer service period. They are given additional monetary and non-monetary compensations in return for their teaching-learning leadership and responsibilities. As highly respected educators, they enjoy the lifelong benefits, although they are annually evaluated. It is evident that the MTS has contributed to improving the attractiveness of teaching profession in China. Nevertheless, there are many problems associated with selection standards and methods of master teachers, their roles, compensation, evaluation and terms of service. Recent criticism due to changing circumstances surrounding education in China makes the MTS more questionable. Based on the findings, major implications for future directions of MTS of South Korea are drawn and suggested.

Analysis of Differences in Indoor Environment and Fatigue Response According to Ventilation in Lecture Hall (대형강의실의 환기여부에 따른 실내환경과 피로감 반응의 차이분석)

  • Oh, Ye-Seul;Hwang, Jin-A;Choi, Yoon-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze differences of the indoor environment and student's fatigue response according to ventilation in university lecture hall. The experiments consisted of measuring the indoor environmental parameters and a survey of student's responses. The experiments were in the lecture hall that the actual lecture was conducted in on the $25^{th}$ of May 2009 (not opening windows and door- A) and the $1^{st}$ of June 2009 (opening windows and door- B). The experimental variable was ventilation by opening the windows and door, and the controlled conditions were indoor temperature by air conditioner, volume of the microphone and VTR, lighting conditions and teaching method. The results are as follows: 1) The indoor temperature was maintained in controlling A, B but the $CO_2$ and relative humidity of A (average 3579ppm, 62.6%) was higher than B (average 1697ppm, 48.1%). 2) There were differences in the student's subjective responses and student's fatigue responses between A and B. 3) Therefore, it was found that ventilation by opening the windows and door was a valid way to improve the relative humidity and to reduce $CO_2$ in the lecture hall.

A Study on Students' Conjecturing of Geometric Properties in Dynamic Geometry Environments Using GSP (GSP를 활용한 역동적 기하 환경에서 기하적 성질의 추측)

  • Son, Hong-Chan
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.107-125
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we investigated how the GSP environments impact students' conjecturing of geometric properties. And we wanted to draw some implication in teaching and learning geometry in dynamic geometric environments. As results, we conclude that when students were given the problem situations which almost has no condition, they were not successful, and rather when the problem situations had appropriate conditions students were able to generate many conditions which were not given in the original problem situations, and consequently they were more successful in conjecturing geometric properties. And the geometric properties conjectured in GSP environments are more complex and difficult to prove than those in paper and pencil environments. Also the function of moving screen with 'Alt' key is frequently used in conjecturing geometric properties with functions of measurement and calculation of GSP. And students felt happier when they discovered geometric properties than when they could prove geometric properties.

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The Production of TiCl4 from Titaniferrous Magnetite Slag by the Chlorination in a Fluidized Bed Reactor (함티탄자철광 Slag의 유동층 염소화에 의한 TiCl4의 제조)

  • Song, Ki-Young;Lee, Sang-Soon;Lee, Chul-Tae
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 1993
  • The chlorination of the titanium slag from titaniferrous magnetite by the arc-smelting in a fluidized bed reactor was investigated to produce $TiCl_4$ from domestic titaniferrous magnetite. The optimum conditions are as follows : reaction temperature; $950^{\circ}C$, reaction time; 90min, $Cl_2$ gas velocity; 3cm/sec, and petroleum coke-to-titanium slag weight ratio; 0.18. Also the mean diameter of titanium slag and petroleum coke was $44.6{\mu}m$ and $67.9{\mu}m$ respectively. Under these conditions 97.07% of Ti component in the titanium slag was chlorinated and the purity of $TiCl_4$ from this chlorination was 96.2%.

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The Present Conditions and Future Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatrics (중의아과학현장여전망(中醫兒科學現狀與展望))

  • Wang Shouchuan
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2001
  • This article summarizes the present developing conditions and achievements in pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) at basic medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine in recent fifty years. The author thinks that the strategy goal of the development of TCM pediatrics is modernization. In the future certain years, culturing persons of ability in all kinds of administrative levels and using modern science and techniques are very necessary. In the aspect of the background of TCM pediatrics, childrens physiology and pathology characteristic, pharmacodynamics, making the four diagnostic methods objective, combining macro differentiation with micro differentiation, reforming the preparation form should be intensively researched. In the aspect of clinic, in order to improve curative effect, accumulate materials, we should go deep into the research on virus diseases, immunity diseases, nutritional diseases and neonatal diseases by taking advantage of the superiority of TCM.

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Analysis on Types of Errors in Learning about Control Structures of Programming using Flowchart (순서도를 활용한 프로그래밍 제어 구조 학습에 나타난 오류 유형 분석)

  • Choe, Hyunjong
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2016
  • Designing algorithms is a very important learning process in computational thinking education because it requires learner's logical and procedural thinking. But the case studies that have topics of algorithms learning and students' types of errors in learning algorithms are not enough. So the purpose of this study is to analyze students' errors that discovered in the process of learning three control structures of programming using flowchart and provide types of errors in designing algorithms. Results about tests of three types of control structures in university student's algorithms learning class showed different cases of types of errors; types of sequential control error are not presented in the class, types of conditional control error are presented in the case of setting the conditions of nested conditional control, and types of iterative control are showed in the many cases of iterative conditions, statements of single and nested iterative control structure. The results of study will be a good case study about teaching designing algorithms of computational thinking education in elementary, secondary school and university.

Effect of Standard Time and Joint Power of Lower Extremity on Different Illuminations in the Elderly Women (조도 변화가 여성노인의 보행 표준시간과 하지 관절파워에 미치는 영향)

  • Hah, Chong-Ku;Yi, Jae-Hoon;Yang, Jeong-Hoon;Seo, Uk-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate walking standard time and joint powers of the lower extremities on the changes of illuminations in the elderly women. Ten older women ($70.90{\pm}3.28$ years, $154.70{\pm}3.47$ cm, $53.80{\pm}5.39$ kg) with normal vision and no gait disabilities participated in this study. All the experiments were performed on a level walkway from low to high lighting (six conditions). A 3-dimensional motion capturing system, force-plate, and EMG were used to acquire and analyze walking motion, force, and muscle activity data; the sampling frequency was 100 Hz, 1000 Hz and 1000 Hz respectively. To test the differences on walking standard time and joint powers of the lower extremities between the six lighting conditions, one-way repeated ANOVAs were evaluated. The following results were drawn: First, mean standard time was about 1.3 sec/stride, and velocities were smaller with lighting increasing except 100 Lx. Second, the joint power patterns of ankle and knee were not consistent, but only hip joint power was a greatest in 6 Lx and a smallest in 400 Lx. Third, standard times(100 Lx<300 Lx, 400 Lx) were statistically significant, and hip joint max powers (100 Lx>others) were also statistically significant. But ankle and knee joint max power were not statistically significant. These results showed that standard times from low to high lighting were not consistent, and hip joint of 100 Lx has a greatest rotational torque. We suggested that gait strategies of them as to changing illuminations were not consistent and findings may represent a lack of adaptability in the elderly women.

A Study on Educational Difficulty in the History of Western Education (가르치기 어려움에 대한 교육현상학적 검토 : 서양교육사에서)

  • GOH, Yo Han
    • Philosophy of Education
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    • no.46
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    • pp.45-70
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is researching on educational difficulty in the history of western education. In other words, the goal and significance of this paper lies in knowing the essential meaning of education based on the norms of difficulty. The major method for this study is hermeneutical-anthropological pedagogy. My fundamental claim is the following: the essential nature of teaching is difficulty at any instructional condition and situations. Such a discrete idea was clearly identified and confirmed in the process of pedagogical anthropology. That is, through the consciousness of educational difficulty and critical review for the history of western education, I can cleary define the concept of educational difficulty. Educational difficulty was various ways for understanding by all audiences. Namely, various formulars were developed for understanding it according to the age, cultures, nations, ideology, etc.. But there are continuous characters on the way for understanding on educational difficulty. The results on research are as followings. In the primitive age, fundamental difficulty of education lies in the initiation ceremony. At the classical ancient time, the purpose of education was 'Politai' with politike arete, in this educational conditions, instruction have a complex dimension politically as well as psychologically. At the medieval age, educational difficulty lies in the 'Askese' for instructional methods. In the modern and conventional age, educational difficulty is more and more complex and confused on goals, methods, evaluations, etc.. Most of all, the major or key concept of educational difficulty in this world is the conflict between the two instructional principles, that is, objectivism and constructivism in education. At now, the schoolworks for instruction over all educational situations and conditions have a difficulty of traditional as well conventional dilemma. In conclusion, educational difficulty have formal, natural, original attribute and it is general and universal phenomenon.