• Title/Summary/Keyword: surface areas

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Change of Road Surface Design and Perception of Streetscape in Urban Areas (노면 디자인 차이가 가로경관 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Hoyeon Lim;ChoHye Youn;Sangbin Han;Yeowon Lee;Juyoung Lee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate the impact of pavement design changes on user perceptions, with the objective of enhancing safety in urban streetscape. A total of 72 participants were recruited, and the study focused on alleyways in areas with a high risk of crime. Employing the Semantic Differential (SD) methodology, an assessment was conducted to gauge participants' perceptions of three different pavement types (A-type, B-type, C-type) as well as the existing pavement. The results indicated that the C-type pavement, characterized by vibrant and harmonious color palettes and patterns, elicited the highest levels of perceived safety, comfort, and openness among users. This signifies that physical environmental improvements through color design can mitigate the feelings of insecurity and foster emotional stability. Therefore it is recommended to implement various color schemes and pattern designs to road surface for enhancing user safety in high-risk urban areas.

Are the conservation areas sufficient to conserve endangered plant species in Korea?

  • Kang, Hye-Soon;Shin, Sook-Yung;Whang, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.377-389
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    • 2010
  • Understanding the factors relevant to endangerment and the patterns of habitat locations in relation to protected areas is critically important for the conservation of rare species. Although 64 plant species have recently been listed as endangered species in Korea, this information has, until now, not been available, making appropriate management and conservation strategies impossible to devise. Thus, we collected information on potentially threatening factors, as well as information on the locations in which these species were observed. The potentially threatening factors were classified into seven categories. National parks, provincial parks, ecosystem conservation areas, and wetland conservation areas were defined as protected conservation areas. Korean digital elevation model data, along with the maps of all protected areas were combined with the maps of endangered plant species, and analyzed via Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Excluding the category of "small population", endangered plant species in Korea were associated more frequently with extrinsic factors than intrinsic factors. Considering land surface only, all conservation areas in Korea totaled 4.9% of the land, far lower than International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)'s 10% coverage target. At the species level, 69% of the endangered plant species were detected in conservation areas, mostly in national parks. However, this result demonstrates that 31% of endangered species inhabit areas outside the conservation zones. Furthermore, at the habitat level, a large proportion of endangered species were found to reside in unprotected areas, revealing "gaps" in protected land. In the face of rapid environmental changes such as population increases, urbanization, and climate changes, converting these gap areas to endangered species' habitats, or at least including them in habitat networks, will help to perpetuate the existence of endangered species.

Study on Detailed Air Flows in Urban Areas Using GIS Data in a Vector Format and a CFD Model (벡터 형식의 GIS 자료와 CFD 모델을 이용한 도시 지역 상세 대기 흐름 연구)

  • Kwon, A-Rum;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.755-767
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    • 2014
  • In this study, detailed air flow characteristics in an urban areas were analyzed using GIS data and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model. For this, a building construction algorithm optimized for Geographic Information System (GIS) data with a vector format (Los Angeles region imagery acquisition consortium 2 geographic information system, LARIAC2 GIS) was used. In the LARIAC2 GIS data, building vertices were expressed as latitude and longitude. Using the model buildings constructed by the algorithm as the surface boundary data in the CFD model, we performed numerical simulations for two building-congested areas in Los Angeles using inflow information provided by California Air Resources Board. Comparing with the inflow, there was a marked difference in wind speed and direction within the target areas, which was mainly caused by the secondarily induced local circulations such as street-canyon vortices, horse-shoe vortices, and recirculation zones. In street canyons parallel to the inflow direction, wind speed increased due to a channeling effect and, in street canyons perpendicular to the inflow direction, vertically well developed vortices were induced. In front of a building, a horse-shoe vortex was developed near the surface and, behind a building, a recirculation zone was developed. Near the surface in the areas where the secondarily induced local circulations, wind speed remarkably increased. Overall, wind direction little (largely) changed at the areas where wind speed largely increased (decreased).

Analysis of Relationship between Vegetation Cover Rates and Surface Temperature Using Landsat TM Data (Landsat TM 데이터에 의한 식생피복율과 지표면온도와의 관계 해석)

  • Park, Jong-Hwa;Na, Sang-Il;Kim, Jin-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.569-573
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    • 2005
  • Land surface temperature(LST) is one of the key parameters in physics and meteorology of land-surface processes on regional and global scales. Urban Heat Island(UHI), a meteorological phenomenon by which the air temperature in an urban area increases beyond that in the suburbs, grows with the progress of urbanization. Satellite remote sensing has been expected to be effective for obtaining thermal information of the earth's surface with a high resolution. The main purpose of this study is to produce LST map of Cheongju and to analyze the spatial distributions of surface heat fluxes in urban areas. This study, taking Cheongju as the study area, aims to examine relationship between vegetation cover rates and surface temperature, and to clarify a method for calculation surface temperature with Landsat TM thermal images.

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Generating a Rectangular Net from Unorganized Point Cloud Data Using an Implicit Surface Scheme (음 함수 곡면기법을 이용한 임의의 점 군 데이터로부터의 사각망 생성)

  • Yoo, D.J.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.274-282
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, a method of constructing a rectangular net from unorganized point cloud data is presented. In the method an implicit surface that fits the given point data is generated by using principal component analysis(PCA) and adaptive domain decomposition method(ADDM). Then a complete and quality rectangular net can be obtained by extracting voxel data from the implicit surface and projecting exterior faces of extracted voxels onto the implicit surface. The main advantage of the proposed method is that a quality rectangular net can be extracted from randomly scattered 3D points only without any further information. Furthermore the results of this works can be used to obtain many useful information including a slicing data, a solid STL model and a NURBS surface model in many areas involved in treatment of large amount of point data by proper processing of implicit surface and rectangular net generated previously.

Waviness measurement of workpiece with a Large Surface Area (대면적 공작물의 기하학적 Waviness 측정)

  • Kang D.B.;Son S.M.;Ah J.H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.115-118
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    • 2005
  • A workpiece with a large surface area is likely to be uneven due to form error and waviness. These geometric disturbances can cause inaccurate micro shapes to be formed when micro features are micro-grooved into the surface and cause the resulting workpiece to fail to function as desired. Thus, real-time measurement and compensation is required to guarantee the form accuracy of micro features while machining a workpiece with a large surface area. In this study, a method is suggested for real-time measurement of geometric error for the micro grooving of a large flat surface using a laser displacement sensor. The measurements are demonstrated for the workpieces with large surface areas and the experimental results show that the waviness and form error are well detected.

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Estimation of Solar Energy Resources for Arbitrary Areas in Korea (국내 임의의 지역에 대한 태양자원 예측)

  • Jo, Dok-ki;Yun, Chang-Yeol;Kim, Kwang-Deuk;Kang, Young-Heak
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.235-238
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    • 2009
  • It is necessary to estimate empirical constants in order to predict the monthly mean daily global radiation on a horizontal surface in the developing areas for alternative energy. Therefore many different equations have proposed to evaluate them for certain areas. In this work a new correlation has been made to predict the solar radiation for any areas over Korea by calculating the regression models taking into account latitude, percentage of possible sunshine, and cloud cover. From the results, the single linear equation proposed by using percentage of possible sunshine method shows reliable results for estimating the global radiation with average annual deviation of -3.1 to +0.6 % from measured values

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Concentrations and Distributions of PAHs in Soils Sampled at the Roadsides in Seoul (서울시 도로 퇴적토사중 PAHs의 농도 및 분포)

  • 조기철;황경철;임철수;조강래;김희강
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.517-521
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    • 1996
  • Surface soils sampled at several sites in Seoul, Korea were analyzed to determine the concentrarions and distributions of PAHs. Results are as follow; 1) The Bap concentration in soils was found to be the highest in the industrial area (128 ng/g) and lowest in the residential area(19 ng/g). 2) The Py concentration in soils was highest in the tunnel area (1,110 ng/g) and the lowest in the Achasan area(18 ng/g). 3) The BghiP concentration in soils was higher in road (538 ng/g) and tunnel (532 ng/g) areas than in others areas. 4) It was shown that the PAHs concentrations in residential areas were affected by combution of fossil fuel, those in industrial, road, tunnel, terminal and commercial areas were affected by vehicle exhaust.

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High-resolution seismic reflection surveying at paved areas using an S-wave type land streamer

  • Inazaki Tomio
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2004
  • High-resolution S-wave reflection surveying has been successfully conducted on paved areas using a Land Streamer originally designed by the author. The main feature of the Land Streamer tool is the non-stretch woven belt on which geophone units are mounted to form a multichannel geophone array similar to a marine streamer. Because it is easily towed by a vehicle or by hand, the tool leads to high performance in field measurements and resultant cost-effectiveness of high-resolution reflection surveys. Although each geophone unit is coupled to the pavement through a metallic baseplate instead of being firmly planted in the ground, the Land Streamer tool provides comparatively clean data, unaffected by traffic noise even on the pavement. Thus, the tool is capable of expanding the opportunity for S-wave reflection surveys in urban areas where many surfaces are paved and traffic noise is severe. A series of high-resolution S-wave reflection surveys on paved areas delineated detailed structures of surface layers shallower than 60 m, and proved the wide applicability of the tool to engineering, environmental applications, and earthquake disaster prevention projects.

Histological Study on the Interface of Bone and Implant (골과 임플란트 접촉면의 조직학적 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2005
  • This paper reports the morphological nature of the remodelled interface process between implants and surrounding bone after 1, 4, 6, 8 and 12 weeks of implantation of smooth machined implants into rat tibias. After 4 weeks of implantation, histochemical analysis showed that the new bone was growing in direct contact with the implant. In the forming process, the activatived osteoblast cells migrated toward the interface and colonized the surface at the contact areas. This immature woven bone, rich in osteocyte lacunae, was deposited directly onto the implant surface. Osteoblast activity was found to continue ill 12 weeks of implantation The osteoblasts in lacunar areas developed numerous processes and synthesized bone matrix, after all, surrounded by secreting matrix. At the 12th week, the amount of newly formed bone matrix between bone and implant increased in mineralization. The mineralized mature bone contained well organized collagen fibers with characteristic banding pattern bone tissue formation around the implant.

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