• Title/Summary/Keyword: support polygon

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A Controllable Ternary Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme

  • Zheng, Hongchan;Ye, Zhenglin;Chen, Zuoping;Zhao, Hongxing
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2005
  • A non-uniform 3-point ternary interpolatory subdivision scheme with variable subdivision weights is introduced. Its support is computed. The $C^0$ and $C^1$ convergence analysis are presented. To elevate its controllability, a modified edition is proposed. For every initial control point on the initial control polygon a shape weight is introduced. These weights can be used to control the shape of the corresponding subdivision curve easily and purposefully. The role of the initial shape weight is analyzed theoretically. The application of the presented schemes in designing smooth interpolatory curves and surfaces is discussed. In contrast to most conventional interpolatory subdivision scheme, the presented subdivision schemes have better locality. They can be used to generate $C^0$ or $C^1$ interpolatory subdivision curves or surfaces and control their shapes wholly or locally.

Design and Implementation of a Mobile Robot with a Variable Structure for Tip-over Prevention (전복방지를 위한 가변 구조 이동 로봇의 설계와 구현)

  • Lee, Sungmin;Park, Jungkil;Park, Jaebyung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.356-360
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we design and implement a mobile robot with variable structure for tip-over prevention. The mobile robot is designed for the purpose of stable drive and work in outdoor terrain. The outdoor terrain is rough and uneven. In this terrain, the tip-over of the mobile robot can occur while driving and working. Therefore, the structure of the mobile robot must be designed in consideration of stable drive and work. The proposed structure is defined as an X-shape for overall balance of the mobile robot. The shape is designed by using a multi-level structure for reducing the size of the robot. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed design, we analyze the tip-over characteristics according to the height of gravitational center and the extension length of the robot. Finally, we develop a prototype of the mobile robot with variable structure, taking the results of the tip-over analysis into consideration.

A Syudy on Applications of Convex Hull Algorithm in the SPH (SPH에서의 Convex Hull 알고리즘 적용연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Sung;Lee, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2011
  • SPH(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) is a gridless Lagrangian technique that is useful as an alternative numerical analysis method used to analyze high deformation problems as well as astrophysical and cosmological problems. In SPH, all points within the support of the kernel are taken as neighbours. The accuracy of the SHP is highly influenced by the method for choosing neighbours from all particle points considered. Typically a linked-list method or tree search method has been used as an effective tool because of its conceptual simplicity, but these methods have some liability in anisotropy situations. In this study, convex hull algorithm is presented as an improved method to eliminate this artifact. A convex hull is the smallest convex set that contains a certain set of points or a polygon. The selected candidate neighbours set are mapped into the new space by an inverse square mapping, and extract a convex hull. The neighbours are selected from the shell of the convex hull. These algorithms are proved by Fortran programs. The programs are expected to use as a searching algorithm in the future SPH program.

Fast Generation of Stereoscopic Virtual Environment Display Using P-buffer

  • Heo, Jun-Hyeok;Jung, Soon-Ki;Wohn, Kwang-Yun
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and information Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 1998
  • This paper is concerned with an efficient generation of stereoscopic views for complex virtual environments by exploiting frame coherence in visibility. The basic idea is to keep visible polygons throughout the rendering process. P-buffer, a buffer of image size, holds the id of the visible polygon for each pixel. This contrasts to the frame buffer and the Z-buffer which hold the color information and the depth information, respectively. For the generation of a consecutive image, the position and the orientation of the visible polygons in the current view are updated according to the viewer's movements, and re-rendered on the current image under the assumption that, when the viewer moves slightly, the visibility of polygons remains unchanged. In the case of stereoscopic views, it may not introduce much difficulty when we render the right(left) image using visible polygons on the (right) image only, The less difference in two images is, the easier the matching becomes in perceiving depth. Some psychophysical experiments have been conducted to support this claim. The computational complexity for generating a fight(left) image from the previous left(right) image is bounded by the size of image space, and accordingly. It is somewhat independent of the complexity of the 3-D scene.

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Extraction of Optimal Interest Points for Shape-based Image Classification (모양 기반 이미지 분류를 위한 최적의 우세점 추출)

  • 조성택;엄기현
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.362-371
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose an optimal interest point extraction method to support shape-base image classification and indexing for image database by applying a dynamic threshold that reflects the characteristics of the shape contour. The threshold is determined dynamically by comparing the contour length ratio of the original shape and the approximated polygon while the algorithm is running. Because our algorithm considers the characteristics of the shape contour, it can minimize the number of interest points. For n points of the contour, the proposed algorithm has O(nlogn) computational cost on an average to extract the number of m optimal interest points. Experiments were performed on the 70 synthetic shapes of 7 different contour types and 1100 fish shapes. It shows the average optimization ratio up to 0.92 and has 14% improvement, compared to the fixed threshold method. The shape features extracted from our proposed method can be used for shape-based image classification, indexing, and similarity search via normalization.

Utilization Plan Research of High Resolution Images for Efficient River Zone Management (효율적 하천구역관리를 위한 고해상 영상의 활용 방안 연구)

  • Park, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Hyoung-Sub;Jo, Yun-Won;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2008
  • The river management in Korea had been focused on line based 2D spatial data for the developing river management application system. In this study, the polygon based 3D spatial data such as aerial photos and satellite images were selected and used through comparing their resolution levels for the river environment management. In addition, 1m detailed DEM (Digital Elevation Model) was constructed to implement the real topography information around river so that the damage area scale could be extracted for flood disaster. Also, the social environment thematic maps such as a cadastral map or land cover map could be used to verify the real damage area scale by overlay analysis on aerial photos or satellite images. The construction of these spatial data makes possible to present the real surface information and extract quantitative analysis to support the scientific decision making for establishing the river management policy. For the further study, the lidar surveying data will be considered as the very useful data by offering the real height information of riverbed as the depth of river so that flood simulation can give more reality.

The Development of Real-time Video Associated Data Service System for T-DMB (T-DMB 실시간 비디오 부가데이터 서비스 시스템 개발)

  • Kim Sang-Hun;Kwak Chun-Sub;Kim Man-Sik
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4 s.29
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    • pp.474-487
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    • 2005
  • T-DMB (Terrestrial-Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) adopted MPEG-4 BIFS (Binary Format for Scene) Core2D scene description profile and graphics profile as the standard of video associated data service. By using BIFS, we can support to overlay objects, i.e. text, stationary image, circle, polygon, etc., on the main display of receiving end according to the properties designated in broadcasting side and to make clickable buttons and website links on desired objects. Therefore, a variety of interactive data services can be served by BIFS. In this paper, we implement real-time video associated data service system far T-DMB. Our developing system places emphasis on real-time data service by user operation and on inter-working and stability with our previously developed video encoder. Our system consists of BIFS Real-time System, Automatic Stream Control System and Receiving Monitoring System. Basic functions of our system are designed to reflect T-DMB programs and characteristics of program production environment as a top priority. Our developed system was used in BIFS trial service via KBS T-DMB, it is supposed to be used in T-DMB main service after improvement process such as intensifying system stability.

An Implementation of 3D Graphic Accelerator for Phong Shading (퐁 음영법을 위한 3차원 그래픽 가속기의 구현)

  • Lee, Hyung;Park, Youn-Ok;Park, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.3 no.5
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    • pp.526-534
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    • 2000
  • There have been many researches on the 3D graphic accelerator for high speed by needs of CAD/CAM,3D modeling, virtual reality or medical image. In this paper, an SIMD processor architecture for 3D graphic accelerator is proposed in order to improve the processing time of the 3D graphics, and a parallel Phong shading algorithm is presented to estimate performance of the proposed architecture. The proposed SIMD processor architecture for 3D graphic accelerator consists of PCI local bus interface, 16 Processing Elements (PE's), and Park's multi-access memory system (NAMS) that has 17 memory modules. A serial algorithm for Phong shading is modified for the architecture and the main key is to divide a polygon into $4\times{4}$ squares. And, for processing a square, 4 PE's are regarded as a PE Grou logically. Since MAMS can support block access type with interval 1, it is possible that 4 PE Groups process a square at a time. In consequence, 16 pixels are processed simultaneously. The proposed SIMD processor architecture is simulated by CADENCE Verilog-XL that is a package for the hardware simulation. With the same simulated results as that of the serial algorithm, the speed enhancement by the parallel algorithm to the serial one is 5.68.

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Evaluating Home Ranges of Endangered Asiatic Black Bears for In Situ Conservation (멸종위기종 반달가슴곰의 현장 내 복원을 위한 행동권 평가)

  • Kang, Hye-Soon;Paek, Kyung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2005
  • A project has recently begun to reintroduce endangered Asiatic black bears to the Jirisan National Park. However, information on home range that is necessary to maintain the Minimum Viable Population (MVP) of those bears does not exist. Based on point data of two bears that were released for trial in Jirisan in 2001, we identified the movement pattern of bears and estimated their home ranges with two different methods Finally, the possibility of conserving the MVP of bears was evaluated by comparing the location and size of the home range with habitats which have been found to be suitable for bears. The frequency of bears' appearance reduced drastically as road densities of both paved roads and legal trails increased. The midpoint of home ranges of the two bears was 376.85 $km^2$ and 50.76 $km^2$ based on 100% MCP (Minimum Convex Polygon) and 95% AK (Adaptive Kernel Home Range Method), respectively, with an overlapped area of 126.0 $km^2$ and 3.99 $km^2$ each. The core areas of their home ranges are located not in the no-entry zone, where major trails were open to the public - despite being designated as no -entry zone - but in areas where most trails were closed to the public. A discrepancy between core areas of home ranges and potentially suitable habitats suggests the effects of vehicles and tracking people through roads within the park. Thus, for the success of in situ conservation of endangered bears, well-planned management of habitats is needed to protect bears and to ensure the home ranges to support the MVP.