• Title/Summary/Keyword: structured

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Influence of Workplace Bullying and Resilience on the Organizational Commitment in General Hospital Nurses (병원간호사의 직장내 괴롭힘과 회복탄력성이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Kyeong Jin;Kang, Kyeong Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of workplace bullying experience and resilience on organizational commitment in general hospital nurses. Methods: Participants were 250 nurses of a general hospital in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do and Gangwoen-do. Data were collected using the structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Results: As a result of multiple regression analysis, workplace bullying, resilience, clinical career, and work unit turned out to be variables that explained general hospital nurses' organizational commitment (Adj. $R^2=0.17$, p<.001). Conclusion: These findings suggest that bullying and resilience were defined as the influential variables on organizational commitment of nurses. Therefore strategies and programs about workplace bullying and resilience are needed to be developed.

Self-Structuring Radial -Basis Function Network for Identification of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems

  • Jun, Jae-Choon;Park, Jang-Hyun;Yoon, Pil-Sang;Park, Gwi-Tae
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.26.6-26
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    • 2001
  • In this paper we introduce a new algorithm that enables radial basis function network(RBFN) to be structured automatically and guarantees the stability of the RBFN. Because this new algorithm is efficient and also have the advantage of fast computational speed we adopt this algorithm as online learning scheme for uncertain nonlinear dynamical systems. Based on the fact that a 3-layered RBFN can represent a specific nonlinear function reasonably well by linearly combining a set of nonlinear and localized basis functions, we show that this RBFN can identify the nonlinear system very well without knowing the information of the system in advance.

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Stability of the Robot Compliant Motion Control - Part II : Implementation

  • Kim, Sung-Kwun
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1988.10b
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    • pp.1006-1013
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    • 1988
  • We have shown how unstructured modeling was used to derive a general stability condition in Part 1. In Part 2, we focus on the particular dynamics (structures modeling) of the robot manipulator and environment. Using rigid body dynamics, the stability condition for the direct drive robots has been achieved in terms of the Jacobian and robot tracking controller. Combining the structured and unstructured modeling, a stability condition for a particular application can be obtained. This approach has been used to analyze compliant motion on the University of Minnesota robot using a feedforward torque controller. We have obtained a stability condition for this application. Through both simulation and experiment, the sufficiency of this condition has been demonstrated. For a sufficient stability condition, recall that if the condition is satisfied, then the stability is guaranteed; however, if the condition is violated, no conclusion can be made.

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Moving Object Edge Extraction from Sequence Image Based on the Structured Edge Matching (구조화된 에지정합을 통한 영상 열에서의 이동물체 에지검출)

  • 안기옥;채옥삼
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.425-428
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the IDS(Intrusion Detection System) using a video camera is an important part of the home security systems which start gaining popularity. However, the video intruder detection has not been widely used in the home surveillance systems due to its unreliable performance in the environment with abrupt illumination change. In this paper, we propose an effective moving edge extraction algorithm from a sequence image. The proposed algorithm extracts edge segments from current image and eliminates the background edge segments by matching them with reference edge list, which is updated at every frame, to find the moving edge segments. The test results show that it can detect the contour of moving object in the noisy environment with abrupt illumination change.

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Macroblock-based Pipeline-structured Deblocking-Filter for MPEG-4 Video Codec (MPEG-4 비디오 코덱을 위한 MB 단위 파이프라인 구조의 디블록킹 필터 설계)

  • 구본태;엄낙웅
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.07b
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    • pp.839-842
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문에서는 MPEG-4 디블록킹 필터를 매크로블록 단위의 효율적인 파이프라인 구조를 사용하여 구현하였다. MPEG-4 QCIF/CIF 영상 시퀀스의 디블록킹 필터링 효과를 보일것이며, 디블록킹 필터링의 많은 계산량을 줄임과 동시에 낮은 클록에서 실시간 처리할 수 있는 구조를 제안하였다. 대부분 블록기반의 비디오 코딩 시스템에서, 블록 에지 효과는 블록기반 영상 압축에 치명적인 화질 저하를 나타낸다. 특히 압축 비율이 커질수록 화질 저하는 뚜렷하다. 그래서, 영상 후처리 기술로서 디블록킹 필터를 사용하여 블록 에지 영향을 줄임으로써 영상 화질을 향상시킨다. 그러나 디블록킹 필터의 주요 단점은 많은 계산량을 요구하고 있어서 구현에 어려움이 있다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해, MPEG-4 디블록킹 필터를 매크로 블록단위의 파이프라인 구조로 설계하였고, 실시간으로 동작하는 MPEG-4 SP@L2의 비디오 코덱 칩을 구현하였다.

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A Study on the Fabrication of the Convex Structured MOSFET and Its Electrical Characteristics (Convex 구조를 갖는 MOSFET 소자의 제작 및 그 전기적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gi-Hong;Kim, Hyun-Chul;Kim, Heung-Sik;An, Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics A
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    • v.29A no.8
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 1992
  • To improve the characteristics of sub$\mu$m short channel MOSFET device, a new device having the convex structure is proposed. This device has 3-dimensionally expandable channel length according to the vertical etched silicon height. For the purpose of comparing the DC and AC characteristics, planar device is also fabricated. Comparing the channel length, the convex device with 0.4$\mu$m silicon height is larger about 0.56$\mu$m in NMOS and 0.78$\mu$m in PMOS than planar devices. DC characteristics, such as threshold voltage, operational current, substrate current and breakdown voltage are compared together with AC characteristics using the ring oscillator inverter delay. Also process and device simulation are performed and the differences between convex and pranaldevice are also compared.

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A Methodology for Variable Structure System Specification: Formalism, Framework, and Its Application to ATM-Based Network System

  • Lee, Kyou-H.;Choi, Kil-Y.;Kim, Jae-G.;Vansteenkiste, G.C.
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.245-264
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    • 1997
  • This paper presents a formalism-based methodology and its implemented environment which constitutes a sound framework for real-time systems development. The software and/or hardware systems developed in such a formal manner are well structured and maintainable. We first propose a set-theoretic VSSS (Variable Structure System Specification) formalism. This formalism is the core of the presented methodology which supports a means of formal specification for real-time systems. We then develop the environment, including VSSS language definition, a translator for the language, and supporting libraries for real-time execution. Finally, a demonstration of the methodology in development of a real-time event manager, a subsystem of an ATM-based communication system, shows the correctness and efficiency of the methodology.

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Modality-Based Sentence-Final Intonation Prediction for Korean Conversational-Style Text-to-Speech Systems

  • Oh, Seung-Shin;Kim, Sang-Hun
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.807-810
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    • 2006
  • This letter presents a prediction model for sentence-final intonations for Korean conversational-style text-to-speech systems in which we introduce the linguistic feature of 'modality' as a new parameter. Based on their function and meaning, we classify tonal forms in speech data into tone types meaningful for speech synthesis and use the result of this classification to build our prediction model using a tree structured classification algorithm. In order to show that modality is more effective for the prediction model than features such as sentence type or speech act, an experiment is performed on a test set of 970 utterances with a training set of 3,883 utterances. The results show that modality makes a higher contribution to the determination of sentence-final intonation than sentence type or speech act, and that prediction accuracy improves up to 25% when the feature of modality is introduced.

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Relations among Suicidal Ideation, Parental Attachment, and Self-Identity of College Students (대학생의 자살생각, 부모에 대한 애착과 자아정체감과의 관계)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jeong
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.132-138
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among suicidal ideation, parental attachment, and self-identity of college students. Methods: This study was designed as a descriptive correlational research. The participants were 314 college students in Gyeongbuk province. Data were collected from September 23 to Oct 5 in 2009 using a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient using SPSS WIN (Version 12.0). Results: Suicidal ideation showed negative correlations with maternal and paternal attachment (r=-.20, p<.001; r=-.24, p<.001, respectively) as well as self-identity (r=-.37, p<.001). Self-identity had positive correlations with maternal and attachment (r=.16, p=.006; r=.23, p<.001, respectively). Conclusion: The findings suggest that suicidal ideation may be decreased when college students have higher parental attachment and self-identity. Strategies to improve parental attachment and self-identity are needed in near future.

The evaluation of SDR of Yongdam basin using GIS data (GIS 자료를 이용한 용담호 유역의 유사전달률 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Kim, Yu-Ri;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Lee, Gwang-Man
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.269-270
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    • 2009
  • This study builds a sediment rating curve using the measured sediment yield and the simulated soil erosion by a GIS-embedded empirical model. Then the structured sediment rating curve is used to determine the SDR on a basin scale in southern Korea. The whole data(year of 2002-2008) are divided into two groups and the first group(year of 2002-2005) is used for calibration, while the other is used for validation. Two cases(rainfall amount and rainfall intensity) are analyzed to consider the rainfall runoff erosivity factor in simulating soil erosion. The results show the derived SDR provides reasonable accuracy and rainfall intensity gives better performance in calculating soil erosion than rainfall amount.

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