• Title/Summary/Keyword: stomatal

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Microclimate and Rice Production (수도작의 미기상과 생산성)

  • Uchijima, Zenbei
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.314-339
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    • 1982
  • Fluctuating climate is still most important environmental constrain, although improved modem agricultural technology has succeeded to increase crop production in the world. To stabilize the food production under fluctuating weather conditions, it is very needed to obain the quantitative information of interactions between crops and climate. The main purpose of this paper is three hold. Using the JIBP-data, the dry matter accumulation of rice crops is studied in relation to weather indexes (\SigmaTa and \SigmaSt). Temperature dependence of the yield index of rice is analyzed as to air temperature and water temperature. \SigmaT$_{10}$ -fluctuations are studied using meteorological data at various stations. The possible shift of \SigmaT$_{10}$ -isopleths due to climate fluctuation is evaluated. The second interest is in the plant climate of rice crops. Using results of canopy photosynthesis, it is pointed that the canopy structure has most important implication in plant climate. Leaf-air, stomatal, and mesophyll resistances of rice crops are described in relation to weather conditions. The change in light condition and aerodynamical property of rice crops with the growth is illustrated. The energy partition is also studied at different growing stages. Third point is to show in more detail effective countermeasures against cold irrigation water and cool summer. Heat balance of warming pond and polyethylene tube as a heat exchanger is studied to make nomo-grams for evaluating the necessary area and necessary length. Effects of windbreak net on rice crops are illustrated by using experimental and simulation results.lts.

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Silkworm-food plant-interaction: search for an alternate food plant for tasar silkworm (Antheraea mylitta Drury) rearing

  • Deka, Manabendra;Gargi, Gargi;Kumar, Rajendra;Yadav, Harendra;Sahay, Alok
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2015
  • An experimental rearing of tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury was conducted to study silkworm-food plant-interaction and thereby to search for an alternate silkworm food plant. The silkworm-food-plant-interaction was studied with six different food plant species viz. Terminalia tomentosa, Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula of Combretaceae family and Lagerstroemia speciosa, Lagerstroemia parviflora of Lythraceae family. The rearing performance of silkworm on Lagerstroemia speciosa in terms of cocoons per DFL and silk ratio was found comparable with Terminalia tomentosa and Termonalia arjuna, the primary tasar silkworm food plant species. These three plant species also possessed better results in terms of physiological (leaf moisture content and net photosynthesis rate) and biochemical (Chlorophyll, protein, carbohydrate and crude fibre contents) characteristics to support silkworm rearing than Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula and Lagerstroemia parviflora. The correlation study between silkworm rearing performance and food plant's constituents indicates commercial perspective of Lagerstroemia speciosa as an alternate food plant for tasar silkworm rearing.

Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature on leaf related-physiological responses of Phytolacca insularis (native species) and Phytolacca americana (invasive species)

  • Kim, Hae-Ran;You, Young-Han
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2010
  • In the study, the effects of elevated $CO_2$ and temperature on the photosynthetic characteristics, chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, carbon content, and C/N ratio of Phytolacca insularis and Phytolacca americana were examined under control (ambient $CO_2+$ ambient temperature) and treatment (elevated $CO_2+$ elevated temperature) for 2 years (2008 and 2009). The photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency of two plant species were higher under the treatment than the under the control. The stomatal conductance of P. insularis was higher under the control, but that of P. americana was not significantly affected by $CO_2$ and temperature under the treatment. The chlorophyll contents of two species were decreased about 72.5% and 20%, respectively, by elevated $CO_2$ and temperature. The nitrogen contents of two species were not significantly altered by increase in $CO_2$ and temperature. The carbon contents of the two species were higher under the treatment than under the control. The C/N ratio of P. insularis was higher under the treatment but that of P. americana was not significantly affected by $CO_2$ and temperature. These results demonstrated that the physiological responses of P. insularis native plants might be more sensitively influenced by a $CO_2$-mediated global warming situation than those of the P. americana invasive plants.

Turfgrass Responses to Water Deficit: A Review (물 부족 현상으로 인한 잔디의 생리학적 반응: 리뷰)

  • Lee, Joon-Hee
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2011
  • Drought is a major limiting factor in turfgrass management. Turfgrass responses to water deficit depend on the amount and the rate of water loss as well as the duration of the stress condition. This review paper was designed to understand responses such as photosynthesis, canopy spectral reflectance, plant cell, root, hormone and protein alteration when turfgrass got drought stress. Furthermore, mechanisms to recover from drought conditions were reviewed in detail. However, there are still many questions regarding plant adaptation to water deficit. It is not clear that the mechanism by which plants detect water deficit and transfer that signal into adaptive responses. Turfgrass research should focus on the best management practices such as how to enhance the ability of self-defense mechanism through understanding plant responses by environmental stress.

Comparison of physiological responses soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill] of different irrigation Periods

  • Kim, Eun Hye;Chung, Ill Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.195-195
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    • 2017
  • The water in the crop cultivation shows difference according to the variety of crop, cultivations period and climatic condition. The growth and development, quantity and fruit enlargements are affected by soil water conditions. In previous study, leaf area and photosynthesis are decreased by lower soil moisture. Other research reported that excess moisture condition at vegetative and reproductive growth period in cultivation of soybean caused highest reduction in crop growth rate (CGR) and dry weights of plant parts. In particular, the damage was bigger during vegetative growth stage than reproductive growth period. Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) is useful and popular crop throughout the world. It is very popular crop in Korea, China, Japan and other Asian countries. Soybeans used in various way including soybean sprouts, paste, soymilk, oil and tofu. Two soybean cultivars grown in four different irrigation conditions were determined for physiological responses. In this study, we examined leaf area (LA), leaf dry weight (LDW), specific leaf area (SLA), root dry weight (RDW) and shoot height (SH) in different water conditions. 50mL/9day irrigation periods showed the lowest contents in LA, LDW, RDW, SH. Water deficit caused increase of leaf Water saturation deficits (WSD), Cheongjakong 3 and Taekwangkong showed increase of leaf water saturation deficits (WSD) in drought conditions and leaf water potential and stomatal conductance were decreased. Photochemical efficiency was decreased in 50mL/1day irrigation condition while, there was decrease of growth and development in 50mL/9day with drought.

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Effect of Monosporascus Root Rot Infection on Photosynthetic Activity and Plant Growth of Oriental Melon (검은점뿌리썩음병 감염이 참외의 광합성 및 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Heo, Noh-Youl;Lee, Yong-Bum
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.245-249
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    • 2002
  • Monosporascus cannonballus, a soilborne ascomycetes is recently described in Korea that causes root rot/vine decline of cucurbits. The effect of Monosporascus root rot disease on photosynthetic activity and growth was studied on oriental melon plants. At harvest stage, photosynthetic activity of diseased oriental melon plants was lower and stomatal resistance was higher than healthy plants, while xylem exudates were not observed in diseased plants. There was no difference in mineral contents of the leaves and stems between diseased and healthy plants. Leaf area, fresh and dry weights, and fruit weights of the plants were markedly decreased in diseased plants compared to those of healthy plants.

Analytical Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Reveal a Physical Mechanism of Silicon-Induced Rice Resistance to Blast

  • Kim Ki Woo;Han Seong Sook;Kim Byung Ryun;Park Eun Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Plant Pathology Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2005
  • Locations of silicon accumulation in rice leaves and its possible association with resistance to rice blast were investigated by analytical electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. A blast-susceptible cultivar, Jinmi, and partially resistant cultivars, Hwaseong and Suwon345, were grown under a hydroponic culture system with modified Yoshida's nutrient solution. Electron-dense silicon layers were frequently found beneath the cuticle in epidermal cell walls of silicon-treated plants. Increasing levels of silicon were detected in the outer regions of epidermal cell walls. Silicon was present mainly in epidermal cell walls, middle lamella, and Intercellular spaces within subepidermal tissues. Furthermore, silicon was prevalent throughout the leaf surface with relatively small deposition on stomatal guard cells in silicon-treated plants. Force-distance curve measurements revealed relative hardness and smaller adhesion force in silicon-treated plants (18.65 uN) than control plants (28.39 uN). Moreover, force modulation microscopy showed higher mean height values of elastic Images In silicon-treated plants(1.26 V) than in control plants (0.44 V), implying the increased leaf hardness by silicon treatment. These results strongly suggest that silicon-induced cell wall fortification of rice leaves may be closely associated with enhanced host resistance to blast.

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Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide Production are Involved in Systemic Drought Tolerance Induced by 2R,3R-Butanediol in Arabidopsis thaliana

  • Cho, Song-Mi;Kim, Yong Hwan;Anderson, Anne J.;Kim, Young Cheol
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.427-434
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    • 2013
  • 2R,3R-Butanediol, a volatile compound produced by certain rhizobacteria, is involved in induced drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana through mechanisms involving stomatal closure. In this study, we examined the involvement of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide in induced drought tolerance, because these are signaling agents in drought stress responses mediated by abscisic acid (ABA). Fluorescence-based assays showed that systemic nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide production was induced by 2R,3R-butanediol and correlated with expression of genes encoding nitrate reductase and nitric oxide synthase. Co-treatment of 2R,3R-butanediol with an inhibitor of nitrate reductase or an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase lowered nitric oxide production and lessened induced drought tolerance. Increases in hydrogen peroxide were negated by co-treatment of 2R,3R-butanediol with inhibitors of NADPH oxidase, or peroxidase. These findings support the volatile 2R,3R-butanediol synthesized by certain rhizobacteria is an active player in induction of drought tolerance through mechanisms involving nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide production.

Arabidopsis PYL8 Plays an Important Role for ABA Signaling and Drought Stress Responses

  • Lim, Chae Woo;Baek, Woonhee;Han, Sang-Wook;Lee, Sung Chul
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.471-476
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    • 2013
  • Plants are frequently exposed to numerous environmental stresses such as dehydration and high salinity, and have developed elaborate mechanisms to counteract the deleterious effects of stress. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a critical role as an integrator of plant responses to water-limited condition to activate ABA signal transduction pathway. Although perception of ABA has been suggested to be important, the function of each ABA receptor remains elusive in dehydration condition. Here, we show that ABA receptor, pyrabactin resistance-like protein 8 (PYL8), functions in dehydration conditions. Transgenic plants overexpressing PYL8 exhibited hypersensitive phenotype to ABA in seed germination, seedling growth and establishment. We found that hypersensitivity to ABA of transgenic plants results in high degrees of stomatal closure in response to ABA leading to low transpiration rates and ultimately more vulnerable to drought than the wild-type plants. In addition, high expression of ABA maker genes also contributes to altered drought tolerance phenotype. Overall, this work emphasizes the importance of ABA signaling by ABA receptor in stomata during defense response to drought stress.

Morphological Characteristics and Conceptualization of Guard Cells in Differernt Plants (식물에 따른 공변세포의 형태적 특징과 개념화)

  • Lee, Joon-Sang;Park, Chan-Hee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1289-1297
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    • 2016
  • The walls of guard cells have many specialized features. Guard cells are present in the leaves of bryophytes, ferns, and almost all vascular plants. However, they exhibit considerable morphological diversities. There are two types of guard cells: the first type is found in a few monocots, such as palms and corn, and the other is found in most dicots, many monocots, mosses, ferns, and gymnosperms. In corns, guard cells have a characteristic dumbbell shape with bulbous ends. Most dicot and monocot species have kidney-shaped guard cells that have an elliptical contour with a pore at its center. Although subsidiary cells are common in species with kidney-shaped stomata, they are almost always absent in most of the other plants. In this study, there were many different stomatal features that were associated with kidney-shaped guard cells, but not dumbbell shaped guard cells, which are present in most grasses, such as cereals. Each plant investigated exhibited different characteristic features and most of these plants had kidney-shaped guard cells. However, the guard cells of Chamaesyce supina Mold, were often more rectangular than kidney-shaped. In contrast, Sedum sarmentosum guard cells were of the sink ensiform type and in Trifolium repens, the guard cells exhibited a more rhombic shape. Therefore, kidney-shaped guard cells could be divided into a number of subtypes that need to be investigated further.