• Title/Summary/Keyword: state coupling

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Identification of Aerodynamic Model CFD-Based for Gust Response Analysis

  • Nie, Xueyuan;Yang, Guowei
    • International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.43-46
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    • 2015
  • Aeroelastic gust response analysis plays an important role in design of aircrafts. For gust response analysis, frequency domain aerodynamics method has been typically used with generalized aerodynamic influence coefficient matrices at various reduced frequencies. However, it cannot be applied to the aeroservoelastic analysis, such as gust alleviation control. Time-domain state space (SS) models must be built. It attacks little attention that gust response analysis relies on continuous gust time-domain input signal in terms of its PSD function. The aim the current study is to provide a reduced-order modeling (ROM) method based on CFD to model gust responses for continuous gust responses for continuou gust inputs in time domain. The paper analyzed the gust response of AGARD445.6 wing subjected to the Dryden gust with ROMs and compared the difference between the rigid structure and elastic one. The results demonstrate that structure elastic effect effect should be considered in the design of aircraft.

Design, test and numerical simulation of a low-speed horizontal axis hydrokinetic turbine

  • Tian, Wenlong;Mao, Zhaoyong;Ding, Hao
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.782-793
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    • 2018
  • A small-scale horizontal axis hydrokinetic turbine is designed, manufactured and studied both experimentally and numerically in this study. The turbine is expected to work in most of China's sea areas where the ocean current velocity is low and to supply electricity for remote islands. To improve the efficiency of the turbine at low flow velocities, a magnetic coupling is used for the non-contacting transmission of the rotor torque. A prototype is manufactured and tested in a towing tank. The experimental results show that the turbine is characterized by a cut-in velocity of 0.25 m/s and a maximum power coefficient of 0.33, proving the feasibility of using magnetic couplings to reduce the resistive torque in the transmission parts. Three dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, which are based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations, are then performed to evaluate the performance of the rotor both at transient and steady state.

Variation of Electrical Properties by E-field Induced Phase Transition in PZN-PT Crystals (전계유기 상전이에 의한 PZN-PT 단결정의 전기적 특성변화)

  • 백동수;김영호;조봉희
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.892-897
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    • 2001
  • Variations of dielectric and piezoelectric properties and associated phase transformation of <001> -oriented rhombohedral 0.92Pb (Zn$\sub$1/3/Nb$\sub$2/3/)O$_3$-0.08PbTiO$_3$ single crystals were investigated. The longitudinal strain level was found to abruptly increase at 15 kV/cm, corresponding to that where an induced phase appears within a multidomain matrix. Drastic decreases in the dielectric constant, transverse coupling, and transverse piezoelectric coefficient associated with the E-field induced phase were the result of increased crystal anisotropy in PZN-PT crystals. By contrast, the thickness coupling increased from 53 % at 0 kV/cm to 64 % at 45 kV/cm, also associated with this phase transition under the E-field. The measured dielectric and piezflelectric properties found for the induced phase state were nearly identical to those of <001> poled tetragonal (1-x)PZN-xPT (x>0.1) crystals. Based on these results, it is evident that the symmetry of induced phase is tetragonal.

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Design of Supertall Structures with Connected Towers the Structural Solution to the Development of Sky Cities

  • Wenwei, Jiang;Qi, Yu;Lianjin, Bao;Mingguo, Liu;Jun, Ji;Dasui, Wang
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2019
  • Three cases of supertall connected structures are presented and each of them represents a quite style. The first case is a strong-connected structure. The coupling function of towers and connector contributes a lot to the structural stiffness and stability. Its special construction scheme had great impact on the construction quality and the structural safety, and must be accurately considered. For the second case which is a weak-connected structure, the influences of different connecting modes to the structural dynamic characteristic were explained. Then the combined bearings were proposed to achieve the design presume. In the third case which represents the multi-supported structures, the structural distinctive mechanical properties were discussed. For the structural state during construction process is quite different from that in final service condition, two construction procedures were simulated to get an optimal one. Although there are great challenges to designers, the advantages of the supertall connected buildings are obvious. Further work is needed in this area to adapt to the development of future cities.

The influence of the coupling effect of physical-mechanical fields on the forced vibration of the hydro-piezoelectric system consisting of a PZT layer and a viscous fluid with finite depth

  • Zeynep Ekicioglu, Kuzeci;Surkay D., Akbarov
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.85 no.2
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    • pp.247-263
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    • 2023
  • The paper deals with the study of the mechanical time-harmonic forced vibration of the hydro-piezoelectric system consisting of the piezoelectric plate and compressible viscous fluid with finite depth. The exact equations of motion of the theory of linear electro-elasticity for piezoelectric materials are employed for describing the plate motion, however, the fluid flow is described by employing the linearized Navier-Stokes equations for a compressible (barotropic) viscous fluid. The plane-strain state in the plate and the plane flow of the fluid are considered and the corresponding mathematical problems are solved by employing the Fourier transform with respect to the space coordinate which is on the coordinate axis directed along the platelying direction. The expressions of the corresponding Fourier transform are determined analytically, however, the inverse transforms are found numerically. Numerical results on the interface pressure and the electrical potential are obtained for various PZT materials and these results are discussed. According to these results, in particular, it is established that the electromechanical coupling effect can significantly decrease the interface pressure.

Research Trend of Topological Insulator Materials and Devices (위상절연체 소재 및 소자 기술 개발 동향)

  • W.J. Lee;T.H. Hwang;D.H. Cho;Y.D. Chung
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2023
  • Topological insulators (TIs) emerge as one of the most fascinating and amazing material in physics and electronics. TIs intrinsically possess both gapless conducting surface and insulating internal properties, instead of being only one property such as conducting, semiconducting, and insulating. The conducting surface state of TIs is the consequence of band inversion induced by strong spin-orbit coupling. Combined with broken inversion symmetry, the surface electronic band structure consists of spin helical Dirac cone, which allows spin of carriers governed by the direction of its momentum, and prohibits backscattering of the carriers. It is called by topological surface states (TSS). In this paper, we investigated the TIs materials and their unique properties and denoted the fabrication method of TIs such as deposition and exfoliation techniques. Since it is hard to observe the TSS, we introduced several specialized analysis tools such as angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, spin-momentum locking, and weak antilocalization. Finally, we reviewed the various fields to utilize the unique properties of TIs and summarized research trends of their applications.

A wind-induced snow redistribution study considering contact based on a coupling model of wind and discrete snow particles

  • Bin Wang;Shengran Hao;Shu Liu;Duote Liu;Yongle Li;Haicui Wang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.207-222
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents a numerical simulation method for snow drift that takes into account the cohesion effect of snow particles. The critical state of free collapse accumulation of idealized snow particles is used to indirectly infer the effect of interparticle interactions on snow transport and re-accumulation. With the help of the Hertz-Mindlin with JKR cohesion contact model, the particle angle of repose is calibrated with a number of contact parameters through numerical experiment. The surface energy for a given property of snow particles is determined using the observed snow angle of repose, and a continuous-discrete snow drift two-way coupled numerical model incorporating these optimized contact parameters is developed. The snow redistribution pattern on a stepped flat roof structure is simulated, and the results are found to be consistent with those of the field measured in terms of phenomena and general laws, verifying the achievability and effectiveness of the presented method. To eliminate the influence of environmental conditions, wind tunnel tests are also conducted, and it is found that the reconstructed depth and reaccumulated angle of snowdrift resulting from the numerical simulation are in closer agreement with the experimental results, further confirming the enhancement achieved by introducing the contact effect.

Computational study of the Nitrogen-16 source term in the ITER vacuum vessel cooling circuit through the coupling of system-level analysis code and CFD

  • M. De Pietri;C. Fiorina;Y. Le Tonqueze;R. Juarez
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.8
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    • pp.2990-2998
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    • 2024
  • In ITER, the evaluation of the activated water radiation source and its impact on the radiological levels is necessary to demonstrate compliance with the safety requirements. The use of simplified or conservative approaches often results in the application of expensive constraints on the installation that impact its economics, operations, and construction schedule. In this work, we propose a novel methodology to calculate the activated water source term with a higher degree of realism. The methodology is based on the coupling of a system-level code with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code in an explicit, one-way approach. We apply this methodology to the evaluation of the16N radioisotope within the ITER Vacuum Vessel Primary Heat Transfer System (VV-PHTS) cooling circuit in a steady-state and transient scenarios. We chose this system since previous analyses of the VV-PHTS were done with simple, ad-hoc calculations that yielded results that differed by up to a factor of five, underscoring a higher level of uncertainty. As a result, we generate a computational model of the source term that can be used to evaluate the radiological condition surrounding the cooling systems during the operations.

First-principles Study for Ferromagnetism of Al[Si,Ge]P2 with 3d-elements Doping (3d금속이 도핑된 Al[Si,Ge]P2강자성의 제일원리 연구)

  • Byung-sub Kang
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2024
  • The electronic and magnetic properties for 3d-elements doped chalcopyrite (CH) AlSiP2 and AlGeP2 ternary alloys are investigated by using a first-principles method. It is noticeable that the half-metallic characteristic of CH-Al(GeV)P2 and CH-Al(GeCr)P2 quaternary alloys is appeared. However it does not appear for other Mn, Fe, and Co 3d-elements doped alloys. The clean CH-AlSiP2 and CH-AlGeP2 alloys without doped 3d-elements have a quasi energy-gap below the Fermi level. The 3d-elements doped CH-Al[Si,Ge]P2 ternary alloy exhibits the ferromagnetic state. It is more energetically stable than the other magnetic ones. In the case of V or Cr-doped AlGeP2 alloy, it is induced a strong coupling between V-3d, Cr-3d and neighboring P-3p (or Ge 4s) electrons. Thus a high magnetic moment of V and Cr is sustained by holes-mediated double-exchange coupling. The holes of partially unoccupied minority Fe-3d (or Mn-3d, or Co-3d) and majority (or minority) P-3p (or Ge-4s) states are hybridized.

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Increase of Operational Current in a SFCL using Series or Parallel Coupling of Coils (코일의 직.병렬결합을 이용한 초전도 사고전류제한기의 동작전류 증가)

  • Lim, Sung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 2007
  • The fault current limiting characteristics of superconducting fault current limiter(SFCL) using magnetic coupling of two coils were investigated. This SFCL consists of a high-TC superconducting(HTSC) element and two coils with series or parallel connection on the same iron. In normal time, the inner magnetic fluxes generated by two coils are canceled in case that the HTSC element keeps superconducting state. However, in case that the resistance of the HTSC element happens by a short-circuit the magnetic fluxes, not cancelled, induce the voltages across two coils and the fault current can be limited by the impedance of this SFCL. This SFCL has the merit that the operational current of SFCL can be increased higher than the critical current of the superconducting element by adjusting the inductance ratio between two coils. To confirm its operation, the circuit for the fault simulation was constructed. From the measured voltage and current of the SFCL, it was confirmed that the operating current of this SFCL increased more than that of HTSC element's independent operation.