• 제목/요약/키워드: spiritual growth

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호스피스 자원봉사자들의 봉사경험에 대한 심층적 이해 - 질적 사례 연구 - (A Case Study on the Experience of Hospice Volunteers)

  • 심세화
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 2016
  • 목적: 본 연구는 한국 호스피스의 실천 현장에서 자원봉사자들의 세밀한 봉사활동 경험과 호스피스 팀 활동에 따른 상호작용에 대한 깊이 있는 이해를 도모하고자 시행되었다. 보다 구체적으로, 호스피스 정책 입안자들과 행정가들 그리고 관리자들에게 호스피스 자원봉사자의 의미와 자원봉사자 역할의 중요성에 대한 인식을 제고함으로써 향후 한국 호스피스의 발전을 위한 정책적 기여를 행하고자 한다. 방법: 한국 호스피스의 제도화된 4가지 유형(분산형 가정형 병동형 독립형)에 대해 심층 인터뷰와 참여관찰을 시행하였다. 질적 접근의 엄격한 연구방법 중 하나인 "사례 분석"과 관련해서, 연구 참여자들을 선정한 후 심층 인터뷰를 행하였고, 인터뷰 결과는 '사례 내분석'과 '사례 간 분석'으로 정리하였다. 결과: 분석 결과, 호스피스 자원봉사자들은 '종교적 신앙심'에 의해 이 일을 시작하였고, 그토록 힘든 봉사활동을 지속시키는 힘 또한 '신앙심'이라고 했다. 따라서 호스피스 자원봉사자 활동 경험의 본질은 "종교적 신앙심에 의한 일 나를 위한 일"로 분석되었다. 또한 이들의 봉사활동 경험의 특성은 "아무런 대가 없이 행하는 진정한 봉사 아무나 할 수 없는 전문적인 봉사"로 나타났다. 덧붙여서, 호스피스 자원봉사 활동을 통해 스스로가 달라진 점으로는 "내적 성장 - '좋은 죽음'의 의미에 대한 자기 성찰 -과 영적 다양성 존중의 중요성인식"이라고 했다. 결론: 본 연구는 한국 호스피스의 실천가들과 정책 전문가들에게 호스피스 팀의 일원으로서 호스피스 자원봉사자의 의미와 그 중요성에 대한 인식 제고를 위해 시행되었다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로, 한국 호스피스의 성공과 한국인들의 좋은 죽음 성취를 위한 실천적 제언을 하고자 한다.

크리스티나 로제티의 『모드』 : 빅토리아 시대 시인의 자기 단념과 자기표현 (Christina Rossetti's Maude : Self-Abnegation and Self-Expression of a Victorian Poet)

  • 하명자
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제25권
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    • pp.391-420
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    • 2011
  • Christina Rossetti's novella Maude displays Tractarian influences in terms of Holy Eucharist, Puseyism, and the doctrine of Reserve. Tractarianism is High Church revival movement of nineteenth century. In the story a teenage girl, Maude went through hard time receiving Holy Eucharist due to self-consciousness and internal guilt according to Puseyism. She felt guilty when she enjoyed worldly things and outward beauty. Due to guilt Maude refused to receive Holy Communion, which is complete connection to God. Her cousin, Agnes suggested that in refusing Holy Communion Maude is following her own will not God's will. Later Maude overcame Puseyite thought of self-hatred and reconciled with her identity as a poet and a woman. Maude oscillates between concealing and revealing, secrecy and truth, sincerity and affectation, and modesty and display. Her marvelous poetic talent makes people praise her but she withholds private feelings and attempts to divert attention from herself. Like Maude herself, the meaning of her poems is at times reserved and withheld. This tendency goes with the doctrine of Reserve in Tractarianism. The doctrine of Reserve utilizes indirect methods to reveal divine attributes because finite human being can not accept infinite God. The doctrine of Reserve sees to it that the expression will be veiled, indirect, subdued and self-effacing. Rossetti adapts a poetic method of Reserve when Maude has anxiety over 'display and poetry' and generates the reticence, secrecy, mystery, renunciation, modesty and detachment. According to Mary Arseneau, by veiling and expressing herself through symbols she can rise above the self and employ the phenomenal to suggest a noumenal reality. Thus the poetry becomes an expression of longing for the divine. The poem "Three Nuns" exemplifies Maude's maturity and gradual progress in the relationship with God. Rossetti suggests the vision full of hopes and promises of reuniting with God. In conclusion, in some sense, authoritative and conservative Tractarianism affects Rossetti both ways. On the one hand, it makes Rossetti abnegate herself and leads her to asceticism, on the other hand, it makes Rossetti express her faith in God and write amazing devotional poems such as "Three Nuns". A poem within the poem has three voices that are in perfect harmony. In the poem the first and second nun show hesitation to fully commit to God's will and the desire for the world prevents them from having heavenly joy. Third nun reveals spiritual maturity and sings new life in God where their hopes and joys begin. Rossetti expresses the procedure of spiritual growth through the poem "Three Nuns". For Rossetti, self-abnegation and self-expression both are involved in the doctrine of Reserve, Puseyism and Holy Communion.

춤 치유가 외상 후 성장에 미치는 효과 -쉼터거주 가정폭력 피해여성을 중심으로- (Effects of Dancing Healing on Post-traumatic Growth -Focused on Female Victims of Domestic Violence in Shelter-)

  • 신우정;임동호
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.158-168
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 가정폭력 피해여성을 대상으로, 춤을 통한 치유적 신체표현 프로그램을 적용하여, 이들의 외상후 성장에 미치는 효과를 검증하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 서울지역의 가정폭력 피해여성을 위한 쉼터(7개 시설)에 거주하는 가정폭력 피해여성으로서, 실험집단 23명, 통제집단 23명으로 구성하였다. 실험집단에게 적용한 춤 치유 신체표현 프로그램은 총 18회기로 구성하였고, 주 3회, 6주에 걸쳐 진행되며, 각 회기는 90분 동안 실시하도록 하였다. 본 연구의 춤 치유 신체표현 프로그램은 신체표현과 동작 경험을 중심으로 한 춤을 기반으로 삼되, 내면의 표출을 위한 즉흥적 비형식적이고 창조적인 표현에 초점을 두고 있다. 이에 다수의 춤 치유 및 무용치료 선행연구들의 활동과 원리를 참조하고, 가정폭력과 외상 관련 심리 상담 선행연구에서의 상담기법 및 상호작용, 치유적 원리의 특성을 회기 구조 단계마다 적용하였다. 연구 결과, 춤 치유 신체표현 프로그램은 실험집단의 외상 후 성장 전체 및 하위차원인 대인관계깊이, 자기지각, 가능성발견, 영적관심 차원에 향상 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 실험집단과 통제집단의 사후점수 및 향상정도에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 결국 본 연구는 춤의 근원적이고 치유적인 속성을 이해하고, 사회적 차원에서 가정폭력 피해여성과 같이 심리적 고통을 경험하는 대상들에게 스스로 회복할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 선순환적 치유방식 및 춤의 활용성에 관한 기초자료를 제공하였다는데 의의가 있다.

윌리엄 포크너의 『어느 수녀를 위한 진혼곡』: 템플의 도덕적 성장 (William Faulkner's Requiem for a Nun: Temple's Moral Growth)

  • 정현숙
    • 융합정보논문지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구의 목적은 윌리엄 포크너의 "어느 수녀를 위한 진혼곡"에서 템플이 전편인 "성역"에 비해 도덕적으로 성장했는지를 재고해보는 것이다. "성역"에서 템플은 포파이에 의해 옥수수 속대로 강간당했지만 법정에서 위증을 하여 그 결과 억울하게도 리 굿윈이 잔인하게 처형된다. 그러나 8년의 시간이 흐른 뒤 "진혼곡"에서는 템플은 가우언 스티븐스의 아내이자 두 아이의 엄마가 되었지만 과거의 악몽으로부터 벗어나지 못하고 옛 애인인 레드의 동생, 피트와 도망가려고 한다. 템플의 아기를 돌보는 흑인 유모 낸시는 자신도 과거의 트라우마를 지니고 있지만 템플과 그녀의 가정을 지켜주기 위해 아기를 살해하고 그 죄로 인해 법정에서 사형 언도를 받는다. 조금의 주저함도 없이 사형언도를 받아들이는 낸시와의 대면을 통해 템플은 결코 사라지지 않는 과거의 무게와 과거의 현재성을 자각한다. 과거는 결코 과거가 아니라 현재라는 고통스러운 인식과 함께 죄와 벌에 대한 정신적, 도덕적 성찰로 이어진다. 실제의 집필기간이 20년의 차이가 있다는 점을 고려하면 작가 자신의 여성에 대한 인식과 시간에 대한 개념 역시 성장을 했다는 것을 알 수 있다.

한국 개신교 기도 전통과 기독교교육 (Korean Protestant Prayer Traditions and Christian Education)

  • 권진구
    • 기독교교육논총
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    • 제68권
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    • pp.307-344
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    • 2021
  • 1880년대 초기 개신교 선교사들이 한국에 복음을 전한 이후 한국 개신교는 양적 성장에 이은 질적 성장을 추구하고 있다. 신학, 목회, 사회 참여, 윤리, 교육, 상담, 역사, 영성 등 다양한 분야에서 질적 성장을 위한 목회자들과 학자들의 노력이 이어지고 있다. 기도는 한국 개신교의 역사와 신앙에 있어 중요한 영적 자원이자 방법이었다. 한국 개신교 기도전통에 대한 역사적이고 이론적인 연구가 지속하고 있고 시대와 상황에 맞게 재정립할 필요가 대두되고 있다. 이러한 역사적 흐름 속에서 개신교의 변화와 기도 교육을 위해 한국 개신교 기도전통을 정리해 그 의의를 서술할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 한국 개신교 기도전통의 특징적 요소에 대해 분석하고 교회와 기독교교육에 있어 어떤 의의가 있는지 논한다. 또한, 한국 개신교에 특정한 기도의 요소가 자리 잡게 된 원인이나 배경을 분석하고 최근 다루어지는 주제와의 관계를 서술한다. 이러한 시도를 통해 한국 개신교 기도전통이 기독교교육에 어떤 의미가 있으며, 향후 교육의 내용, 방법, 목적 등을 연구하고 고찰할 때 새롭게 논의되고 고려되어야 할 점이 무엇인지 제안한다. 본 연구는 개신교 초기 기도의 교육적 요소와 비교육적 요소를 구분할 수 있다는 점과 개신교 기도전통의 특징을 이해하면서 동시에 기독교 전체 역사와 전통의 관점에서 기도 교육이 이루어져야 함을 주장한다.

슬로우 패션의 소비욕망 (The Consumption Desire for Slow Fashion)

  • 이정순;권혁상;고애란
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated slow fashion consumers from a human desire viewpoint in order to examine the psychological aspects of slow fashion consumption. First, the concept of slow fashion was defined. Second, this study reviewed the concepts of desire found in Oriental philosophies and applied them to slow fashion consumption. This process identified the fundamental desire that motivates consumers of slow fashion. Lastly, the psychological aspects slow fashion consumers were examined through a comparison of fundamental desire and external reasons given by interviewees in regards to personal motivation to purchase slow fashion products. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 10 unmarried women 25 to 37 years old with experience in buying slow fashion products. Exploratory data were classified into external reasons and fundamental reasons to derive the concept of slow fashion. First, slow fashion is defined as sustainable fashion that considers humans and nature. It also seeks to produce morally good products that transcend time and space. Second, we identified the following external reasons: social responsibility, pursuit of healthy products, and pursuit of beauty. Finally, we extracted four factors that reflected fundamental desire: Recognition Desire, Ostentation Desire, Sexual Appeal Desire, and Power Desire. Altruism was emphasized by respondents who expressed social responsibility among external reasons and the desire for recognition among fundamental reasons. However, this goodwill also originated from human desire due to the emotional healing they receive from helping others. Interviewees sought psychological benefits such as self-satisfaction and spiritual growth through slow fashion that implied an Association of slow fashion consumption with human desire. Slow fashion consumption was influenced by moral convictions as well as various desires; in addition, external reasons for slow fashion consumption could be explained by desire.

대학생 흡연자와 비흡연자의 우울인지와 건강증진행위 (Depression Cognition and Health Promoting Behaviors of Smoking and Non-smoking College Students)

  • 김미옥;유미;주세진;김경숙;최정현;김희정
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of depression cognition and health promoting behaviors of smoking and non-smoking college students. Methods: The research design was a descriptive survey study, and 379 college students were selected by convenience sampling. Measurements were Fagerstrom test for Nicotine Dependence, Depressive cognition and Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile-II. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and logistic regression were used to analyze the data. Results: 1) Smoking students showed lower scores in depressive cognitions than non-smoking students, which means that the smoker's depression was higher than the non-smokers. 2) Depressive cognition and health promoting behaviors were negatively correlated for the smokers (r=-.30, p<.01), while they were positively correlated for the non-smokers (r=.45, p<.001). 3) The variables predicting the smoker's health promoting behavior were physical activity (OR .24), health responsibility (OR .25), spiritual growth (OR 5.10), stress management (OR 4.41), extrovert personality (OR .25), and depressive cognition (OR 1.81). Conclusions: Depression and health promoting behavior should be considered in the smoking cessation programs for college students.

미국이민 한국인의 건강증진 행위에 관한 연구 (Health Promoting Lifestyle of Korean Immigrants in the U.S.A)

  • 박정숙;오윤정
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.491-503
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the health promoting lifestyle of Korean immigrants and to develop the health promotion program for Korean immigrants. Method: The subject of the study were 207 adults chosen from Korean religious organizations located in Chicago area. The instrument used in this study was Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) by Walker. Sechrist & Pender(l995). The data were collected between August 1 and October 20. 2000 by using self-administered questionnaire. Analysis of data was done by using descriptive statistics. Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, ANOVA. Duncan test and stepwise multiple regression with SPSS program. Result. 1) The average score of performance in the health promoting lifestyle 2.43 scores. In the subscales, the highest degree of performance was 'spiritual growth', following 'nutrition', 'interpersonal relationship', 'stress management' and 'health responsibility' and the lowest degree of performance was 'physical activity'. 2) Health promoting lifestyle was significantly correlated with such demographic variables as age (F=2.659. p=.049), family income(F=4.696. p = .027), subjective health status(F = 3.882. p=.005), the frequency of pray(F=9.442. p = .000), the frequency of reading the bible(F=8.584. p= .000) and years of residence in the US(F=4.273. p= .015). 3) Health promoting lifestyle was significantly predicted by the frequency of pray, subjective health status. current working status, taking medication, level of education and family income. These variables explained 27.4% of variance of health promoting lifestyle. Conclusion The above findings indicate that it is necessary to develop a health promotion program facilitating exercise and enhancing health responsibility for Korean immigrants. It is suggested that the comparative study to identify the differences and similarities between Korean immigrants in the U.S.A. and Korean residents in Korea.

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농촌노인의 건강증진 생활양식과 건강증진프로그램 요구도에 관한 연구 (Health Promoting Lifestyle and Need assessment of Health Promotion Program for the Rural Elderly)

  • 박정숙;오윤정
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.5-17
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the health promoting lifestyle and need assessment of a health promotion program. and to develop a health promotion program for rural elderly. Method: The subjects of the study were 366 adults chosen from 24 villages located in Geochang Gun, Korea. Data sampling used a quota sampling method. Analysis of the data was done by using descriptive statistics, t test, ANOVA and the Scheffe test with SPSS. Results: 1) The average score of performance in the health promoting lifestyle was 1.85. In the subscales, the highest degree of performance was 'nutrition', followed by 'interpersonal relationships', 'health responsibility', 'stress management', 'spiritual growth', and the lowest degree of performance was 'physical activity'. 2) Health promoting lifestyles were significantly correlated with such demographic variables as age (F=2.684, p=.047), education (F=10.989, p=.000), monthly pocket money (F=3.516, p=.008), religion (F=7.160, p=.000), current health status F=3.375, p=.035), health education (t=2.476, p=.014). 3) Health promoting lifestyles were significantly correlated with such life style pattern variables as milk drinking (F=3.767, p=0.035), hobbies (t=3.072, p=0.002), exercise (t=7.186, p=0.000). 4) There is a high level of need for the need assesment of the health promotion program for the elderly in the rural area. Conclusion: With the above findings. I propose that it is necessary to understand a health promoting lifestyle and need assessment for a health promotion program, and to develop a health promotion program considering regional and environmental elements.

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간호사의 개인적 특성과 건강상태 인지, 신체상, 건강증진행위간의 관계 (The Relationship of Individual Characteristics, Perceived Health Status, Body Image, and Health Promoting Behavior in Hospital Nurses)

  • 김소선;박정숙;노영숙
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2005
  • Objective: The purpose of this study were to: (1) describe the individual characteristics, perceived health status, body image, and health promoting behaviors of staff nurses working in a metropolitan hospital and (2) determine the relationship of perceived health status, body image, and health promoting behaviors. Methods: Data were collected from 311 staff nurses working at one of university affiliated hospitals using a self-administered questionnaire for perceived health status(SF 36 V2), body image(BAQ), and health promoting behaviors (HPLP-II) and using the report of year 2002 employee physical check-up results for health related characteristics. Results: Most of nurses were within the normal range of BMI, total cholesterol, and liver enzymes but 42.2% had systolic BP above 120mmHg and 37.3% hemoglobin below 12g/dL. Although 96.4% of BMI score indicated 'underweight' or 'normal', 'feeling fat' showed the highest. Among health promoting behaviors the most frequently reported one was spiritual growth and the least one was engagement in physical activity. In the correlational analysis, health promoting behaviors had the positive relationships with perceived health status, vitality, mental health, attractiveness, strength and fitness (p=.000 - .004). Conclusion: These findings provide information that is relevant in designing interventions to enhance health promoting behaviors among nurses working in a hospital.

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