• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial specification

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Dimensional Syntheris and Kinematic Analysis of RSCS-SSP Spatial Mechanism with use of the Displacement Matrix Method (변위행렬법을 이용한 RSCS-SSP 공간기구의 치수합성과 운동해석)

  • 강희용
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 1997
  • This paper presents the dimensional synthesis and kinematic analysis of the RSCS-SSP motion generating spatial mechanism using the displacement matrix method. This type of spatial mechanisms is used for the Mcpherson suspension in small automobiles. It is modeled for the wheel bump/rebound and steering motion. First, the suspension is modeled as a multiloop spatial rigid body guidance mechanism for the two major motions. Then the design equations for SSP, RS, and SC strut links are applied to synthesize an RSCS-SSP for up to three prescribed positions for the steering motiom from the suspension design specification. Thus a RSCS-SSP mechanism which is synthesized is also analyzed for the displacement during the steering motion.

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Development of Spatial Reference System Component with Open GIS Simple Features Specification (개방형 GIS의 단순개체 사양을 이용한 공간 기준 좌표계 컴포넌트의 개발)

  • Lee, Dae-Hee;Biun, Su-Yun;Lim, Sam-Sung
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.2 no.1 s.3
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2000
  • Open GIS Consortium(OGC) provides with Simple Features Specification for OLE/COM which is a system object technology of interoperability and reusable capability. In this research, the Spatial Reference System(SRS) component is developed based on the OGC specification using ATL. The component presents 44 map projections and transformations between different geographic coordinate systems utilizing the seven parameter(Bursa Wolf) and Molodenski's methods, a user can set up all objects and its attributes comprising SRS and can create SRS and save its setting using predefined text, WellKnownText. The Spatial Reference System component can be easily implemented into the variety of GIS software so that it reduces the developing time for a system and defines new reference system without difficulty.

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Design of Spatial Data Synchronization System in Mobile Environment

  • Lee Hyejin;Kim Jinsuk
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.245-248
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a framework for synchronization of spatial data between mobile devices and a server by using SyncML(Synchronization Markup Language) that is standard specification for synchronization protocol. We used GML (Geographic Markup Language) to support interoperability of spatial data between various data sources. We also used metadata and catalog service to access and integrate distributed spatial data, considering relationships of spatial data and non-spatial data.

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  • Choi, Hae-Ock;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.188-193
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    • 1999
  • Technology of GIS evolved as a means of assembling and analyzing diverse spatial data. Many systems have been developed, and almost of systems are proprietary. There is a lots of lack of interoperability and reusability between them. This paper describes the development of Open GIS component software. The developing system have an end in view of GIS tool software which is interoperable and reusable. To increase the interoperability and reusability, the system is based on the OGC(Open GIS Consortium)'s Open GIS Simple Features Specification for OLE/COM. The OGC's specification is announced to increasing the full interoperability of various geospatial data and geoprocessing resources. With the Open specification, component based software ensures the reusability. We implement three kinds of component: Geometry component, Spatial Reference System Component, and MapBase Component. The first two components are compatible to the OGC's specification and the third one is designed to GIS tool software for variant GIS applications. The Open GIS component software system is developed on object-oriented computing environment, ATL/COM and Visual C++. As we made application programs using Visual Basic, the advantages of component based Open GIS software was proved.

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Interoperability of OpenGIS Component and Spatial Analysis Component (개방형 GIS 컴포넌트에서의 공간분석 컴포넌트 연동)

  • Min, Kyoung-Wook;Jang, In-Sung;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2001
  • Recently, component-based software has become main trends in designing and developing computer software products. This component-based software has advantage of the interoperability on distributed computing environment and the reusability of pre-developed components. Also, GIS is designed and implemented with this component-based methodology, called Open GIS Component. OGC(OpenGIS Consortium) have announced various implementation and design specification and topic in GIS. In GIS, Spatial analysis functions like network analysis, TIN analysis are very important function and basically, estimate system functionality and performance using this analysis methods. The simple feature geometry specification is announced by OGC to increase the full interoperability of various spatial data. This specification includes just geometry spatial data model. However, in GIS which manages spatial data, not only geometric data but also topological data and various analysis functions have been used. The performance of GIS depends on how this geometric and topological data is managed well and how various spatial analyses are executed efficiently. So it requires integrated spatial data model between geometry and topology and extended data model of topology for spatial analysis, in case network analysis and TIN analysis in open GIS component. In this paper, we design analysis component like network analysis component and TIN analysis component. To manage topological information for spatial analysis in open GIS component, we design extended data model of simple feature geometry for spatial analysis. In addition to, we design the overall system architecture of open GIS component contained this topology model for spatial analysis.

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Specification Validation Method for Improving KML Interoperability (KML 호환성 개선을 위한 명세서 검증 방안)

  • Kang, Jihun;Kim, Jung Ok;Lee, Jun Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.4_1
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2014
  • The study has planned to analyze the most typical specification validation in Korea and the other countries, which shows the well-formed and schema validation, in purpose to enhance users' conveniences. Also, we suggested the validation system to provide the information compatibility regarding to application programs for non-expert. The featured KML specification supported by the VWorld 3D Desktop and the Google Earth. Based on this above estimation, the system has been designed to inform potential problems and the applicability in 3D Desktop and Google Earth for the user. The KML information passed through the proposed validation is simply expressed on the map, so as instructed the information on the program selection and additional details instruct users as a text file. When not being suitable for the proposed program, another program can be considered, and the problems which may be occurred are also announced to increase the compatibility of KML.

Main-Memory Based Spatial Data Manager for Mobile Service (모바일 서비스를 위한 메인 메모리 기반 공간 데이터 관리자)

  • Oh, Byoung-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.8 no.1 s.16
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes an efficient spatial data manager for map services in mobile environment. It is designed to provide interoperability and efficient performance at once. To provide interoperability and reusability, the spatial data manager conforms to international standards such as the OpenGIS Simple Features Implementation Specification for OLE/COM, OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Specification developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The spatial data manger exploits physical main memory using Address Windowing Extensions supported by Microsoft Windows to manage spatial data for efficient performance by reducing time to read data from disk on user's request. The format of the spatial data in main memory is target data (GML) to reduce conversion time from source data to it. Progressive transmission is also provided to reduce latency time by representing only received partial data for mobile environment without waiting whole transmission.

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Design and Implegmentation of an Enterprise Server for Component-based Geographic Information Systems (컴포넌트 기반 지리 정보 시스템을 위한 엔터프라이즈 서버의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Kang-Jun;Hong, Dong-Suk;Park, Ji-Woong;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 1999
  • Recently, the new software paradigm in information technology (IT) is the component-based development (CBD) technology that has brought as a result of the distributed computing environment (DCE). The CBD has reduced a program developing time and has been designed to make a distributed computing environment easier in the Internet and Intranet environments. These changes of software technology have influence on the geographic information system (GIS) and the CBD technology is highly needed as a point of view of the technique and policy of the geographic information system. In this paper, we designed and implemented an Enterprise Server for the efficient development and management of GIS components. Especially, the Enterprise Server was developed with the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification 1.1 that had been proposed as an industry standard by the Sun Microsystems. The Enterprise Server can allows users to manage the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Design Patterns for the development of GIS components, develop a GIS component container which obeyed the Open Geodata Interoperability Specification (OpenGlS), manage spatial metadata through a spatial XML (eXtensible Markup Language) engine, and implement a TESTBED server for testing and verification of developed GIS components.

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Development of a GML 3.0 Encoding System Using Mapping Rules (매핑 규칙을 활용한 GML 3.0 엔코딩 시스템의 개발)

  • Lee, Yong-Soo;Kim, Dong-O;Son, Hoon-Soo;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.5 no.1 s.9
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2003
  • Recently, because of the extensive use of geographic information in the various fields, the requirement for the easy circulation and utilization of the various geographic information among the individuals, organizations, societies and countries is raised. In order to support the interoperability of the heterogeneous geographic information in the various fields, OGC(Open GIS Consortium) proposed the GML(Geography Markup Language) specification that defines the XML encoding rule about the heterogeneous geographic information. In addition, ISO/TC 211 adopted the GML specification to make it as the international standard. Therefore, in this paper we first analyzed the GML 3.0 specification in detail that can support the interoperability of the heterogeneous geographic information. And then we suggested and applied the mapping rule that define the encoding method to improve the encoding process easily and efficiently. Finally we designed and implemented the GML 3.0 encoding system using the mapping rule to encode the geographic information that was constructed in spatial databases into the GML 3.0 document. Especially, we used ZEUS as a spatial database system to test our encoding system in this paper.

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Development of a GML 3.0 Encoding System Using Mapping Rules

  • Lee Yong Soo;Kim Dong O;Hong Dong Sook;Han Ki Joon
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2004.08c
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    • pp.723-728
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    • 2004
  • Recently, because of the extensive use of geographic information in the various fields, the requirement for the easy circulation and utilization of the various geographic information among the individuals, organizations, societies and countries is raised. In order to support the interoperability of the heterogeneous geographic information in the various fields, OGC(Open GIS Consortium) proposed the GML(Geography Markup Language) specification that defines the XML encoding rule about the heterogeneous geographic information. In addition, ISO/TC 211 adopted the GML specification to make it as the international standard. Therefore, in this paper, we first analyzed the GML 3.0 specification in detail that can support the interoperability of the heterogeneous geographic information. And then we suggested and applied the mapping rule that define the encoding method to improve the encoding process easily and efficiently. Finally, we designed and implemented the GML 3.0 encoding system using the mapping rule to encode the geographic information that was constructed in spatial databases into the GML 3.0 document. Especially, we used ZEUS as a spatial database system to test our encoding system in this paper.

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