• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial specification

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A Model of Quality Grading Policy for Location Information (위치정보의 품질 등급화 정책 모델)

  • Lee, Jun-Wook;Nam, Kwang-Woo;Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.7 no.3 s.15
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a model for the location information grading policy. Location information grading policy is that government would give a public notice of criterion for location information quality, and location information operators should elucidate the grade of provided location information. As the quality grade of services is provided in the 'terms of use' with the detailed quality specification and quality range, the user can understand the quality of location information, and can select more suitable service for their purposes. Additionally, the qualiy grading policy can enforce the location information operators and location service providers to support more stable and reliable service quality. In this paper, we propose the model of location information grades, the typical classification of quality, and the realitic policy applying model. Recent enacted 'Location Information Law' are expected to activate korean information market. In this situation, proposed location information grading policy take a role in protecting location privacy and improving the reliability of location information services.

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A Study on the Distribution of the Peak Wind Pressure for Rooftop Signboards (건물 옥상에 설치되는 옥상 간판의 피크풍압 분포에 대한 연구)

  • Nam, Byung-Hee;You, Jang-Youl;Lee, Nam-Hun;You, Ki-Pyo
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2018
  • Unlike other types of outdoor advertisements, rooftop signboards are installed on the roofs of buildings, rather than on their outer walls. This means that the area of a rooftop signboard is commonly larger than that of a general outdoor signboard. Moreover, as such signboards are greatly influenced by the wind, they can suffer a lot of damage from typhoons and strong winds every year. However, there is no wind load specification for rooftop signboards. In this study, wind pressure experiments were conducted to investigate the peak wind pressure on each side of rooftop signboards installed on the roofs of 5-15 story buildings in a city center. The minimum peak wind pressure coefficient was -3.0 at the bottom edges of the front and back of the rooftop signboards and -2.0 along the entire length of the sides. As the height of the rooftop signboard increased with the increasing height of the buildings, the peak value was found to be larger than the absolute peak value for the minimum peak wind pressure coefficient. The maximum and minimum peak wind pressure distributions of the rooftop outdoor signboards were influenced by the position of the signboard and the wind angle.

Spatial Aggregation of Contiguous Population Distribution Grid Cells Based on Stepwise Cell Grouping Scenarios (인구분포셀 연접공간 집단화를 통한 기반시설부담구역 검토 사례연구)

  • Choei, Nae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2010
  • In 2008, the Development Impact Fee Zoning has been newly amended and added to the existing National Territory Planning Act. Since the beginning of 2009, many local governments nationwide started to adopt the law as a powerful tool to prepare the prescirbed masterplans for the installment of adequate infrastructure and to procure the financial resources to realize the plan. The study, in this context, tried to build gridded population data and analyzed the population cells that exceed the legal criteria of population increase rate required by the law over the case area of Sooyoung-Ri in Hwasung City. The study further probed to group the selected population cells in five specified increasing steps on which the alternative impact fee zones are built. Throughout the process, the study could properly set a reasonable impact fee zone and suggested a practical examples of the final zone specification applicable by the localities.

A Design of Open GIS Compliant Object Web (개방형 GIS 표준에 따른 오브젝트 웹 시스템 설계)

  • Park, Ki-Ho;Jeong, Jae-Gon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 1999
  • To meet the interoperability requirements associated with geospatial data access and geoprocessing, much efforts to design prototypical systems conforming to $OpenGIS^{TM}$ specification has been made. With respect to Object Web GIS, however, current internet mapping technology mainly focuses on either developing mapping libraries or client applications regardless of the future needs for interoperability such as an integration of $OpenGIS^{TM}$ standard for CORBA. In this paper, we propose an $OpenGIS^{TM}$ compliant mapping kernel. OpenViews, which is designed to meet those requirements. The kernel of OpenViews encapsulates the process of acquiring geospatial data in the format of $OpenGIS^{TM}$ Geometry through ORB(Object Request Broker). OpenViews, being designed based on well-known design patterns, is a highly extensible in that programmers can easily customize it on the object oriented architecture. The components implemented in OpenViews are CORBA/Java objects, and as such are portable and scalable in a networked environment. A companion package, OpenBroker, is also developed as a portable geoprocessing application server to facilitate the implementation and configuration of server side CORBA objects. It can be used for implementing objects for spatial analysis service which would be independent of legacy spatial database systems in many cases. OpenViews, together with OpenBroker, has been successfully prototyped using the technologies including EJB and servlet as the core components of an Open GIS compliant internet mapping.

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Development of Land Management Information System(LMIS) (토지관리정보체계 시스템구축방안 -시스템개발을 중심으로-)

  • 서창완;문은호;최병남;김대종
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2001
  • In the recent rapidly changing technology environment the computerization of administration business using GIS is driven or will be driven to give improved information services for the people by local government or central government with huge budget. Development of GIS for local governments is investigated with huge budge. Development of GIS for local governments is investigated to prevent local government from investing redundant money and to reuse the existing investment at this time. The purpose of this study is finding the development method of Land Management Information System (LMIS) to give service and share data in various computing environment of local governments. To do this, we have to develop LMIS as open system with interoperability and we explain it with a focus to framework of Open LMIS. According to recent trend of technology we developed Open LMIS for convenient maintenance with nationwide LMIS expansion at hand. This system was developed at the $\ulcorner$Land Management Information System Development$\lrcorner$project which was managed by Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MOCT). GIS application was based on OpenGIS CORBA specification for development of standard interface and RUP(Rational Unified Process) for development method and LML(Unified Modeling Language) for system design. Developed systems were land administration system for local government, spatial planning support system for regional government, and land policy support system for MOCT.

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The Optimal GSD and Image Size for Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Training of Drone Images of Winter Vegetables (드론 영상으로부터 월동 작물 분류를 위한 의미론적 분할 딥러닝 모델 학습 최적 공간 해상도와 영상 크기 선정)

  • Chung, Dongki;Lee, Impyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_1
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    • pp.1573-1587
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    • 2021
  • A Drone image is an ultra-high-resolution image that is several or tens of times higher in spatial resolution than a satellite or aerial image. Therefore, drone image-based remote sensing is different from traditional remote sensing in terms of the level of object to be extracted from the image and the amount of data to be processed. In addition, the optimal scale and size of data used for model training is different depending on the characteristics of the applied deep learning model. However, moststudies do not consider the size of the object to be found in the image, the spatial resolution of the image that reflects the scale, and in many cases, the data specification used in the model is applied as it is before. In this study, the effect ofspatial resolution and image size of drone image on the accuracy and training time of the semantic segmentation deep learning model of six wintering vegetables was quantitatively analyzed through experiments. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the average accuracy of dividing six wintering vegetablesincreases asthe spatial resolution increases, but the increase rate and convergence section are different for each crop, and there is a big difference in accuracy and time depending on the size of the image at the same resolution. In particular, it wasfound that the optimal resolution and image size were different from each crop. The research results can be utilized as data for getting the efficiency of drone images acquisition and production of training data when developing a winter vegetable segmentation model using drone images.

Design of User Friendly KML Validation Tool based on OpenLayers (오픈레이어 기반 사용자 친화적 KML 검증도구 설계)

  • Kim, Jung-Ok;Kang, Ji-Hun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.165-177
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    • 2014
  • The KML verification tool supports people who want to produce the highest quality KML file. In other words, it validate that a given KML document is well-formed with respect to XML standard meaning, and conform not only to the KML schema and the specification. Then it's only to notify error code line. People who want to use the KML file written by others would like to know both whether the validity of that file and general summary of feature's location, shape, and number. In this study, we recommended the user-friendly KML validator using OpenLayers and reporting geometries and images of the KML file.

A Study of the Construction and Application of Point of Interest Data for Search and Guide (생활지리정보 검색 및 안내를 위한 POI의 구축 및 활용)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik;Kim, Hyung-Jin;Son, Bong-Soo;Yu, Wann
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.423-430
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    • 2003
  • Generally, elements of DRM(Digital Road Map) consist of road, background and landmark data. The landmark, expressed as text and symbol, on map and additional search data are processed by GISSD(Geo-spatial Information System Service Data). This paper aims to develop the DBMS(Database Management System) for operating landmark and search data, and to discuss the characteristics and application of the DBMS. To accomplish the two objectives, the following four tasks were performed in this study. First, the working scopes of field survey and specification to construct the GISSD were defined. Second, the suggested process of manufacture and design of database were described. Third, the software for required construction and management of the system were developed. Lastly, the properties of developed system and data were analyzed. Especially, the efforts for the GISSD in this study are expected to provide a direct use and practical application to the creation of landmark in DRM and search data.

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Design of CORBA based Standard Data Provider for Interoperability of heterogeneous GIS Data Sources (이질적인 GIS 데이타 소스의 상호운용을 지원하는 CORBA기반의 표준 데이타 제공자 설계)

  • Kim, Min-Seok;An, Kyoung-Hwan;Hong, Bong-Hee
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 1999
  • 기존에는 이질적인 GIS 데이타 소스간의 통합을 위해 랩퍼(wrapper)기술을 사용했다. 랩퍼(wrapper)는 외부 클라이언트 응용프로그램에게 이질적인 데이타 소스들의 통합 데이타 모델을 제공함으로써 데이타와 지리정보처리의 공유를 가능하게 한다. 그러나 데이타 소스들의 통합은 표준 서비스를 포함한 상호운용성을 지원하는 것은 아니다. 표준을 따르는 상호운용을 위해서는 표준화된 데이타 모델과 서비스가 필요한데 OGC (OpenGIS Consortium)의 OpenGIS(Open Geodata Interoperability Specification)가 이를 제공하고 있다. 분산환경에서 상호운용을 위한 기존방법은 각 데이타 소스별로 데이타 제공자를 개발하여 상호운용을 지원하였다. 따라서 중복 구현에 대한 문제와 구현에 따른 노력과 비용이 상당 부분 존재하였다. 본 논문에서는 데이타 제공자에서 공통부분을 추출 및 컴포넌트 화하고 데이타 소스에 종속되는 모듈은 CORBA 구현객체로 작성하여 제시하였다. 따라서 각 데이타 소스들은 표준 데이타 제공자를 통해서 기존의 데이타 지원 기능유지와 상호운용성을 달성할 수 있다. 클라이언트는 OpenGIS Feature모델을 기반으로 한 표준 인터페이스로 데이타 소스에 접근한다. 데이타 소스는 표준데이타 제공자와 정의된 인터페이스를 바탕으로 CORBA의 구현 객체 서버를 작성함으로서 중복구현 및 구현부담을 줄일 수 있다.

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A CORBA Server for Spatial Clearinghouse (공간 정보유통을 위한 CORBA 서버)

  • Oh, Byoung-Woo;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2000.10b
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    • pp.1301-1304
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    • 2000
  • 지리 정보 시스템의 발전으로 공간 데이터의 수요가 늘어남에 따라 공간 데이터의 공급자들이 늘어나고 있다. 일반적으로 공간 데이터의 공급자는 수요자의 요구에 맞는 형식을 사용하여 공간 데이터를 생산한다. 그래서, 생산된 공간 데이터는 다양한 플랫폼에서 다양한 형식으로 저장된다. 최근들어 분산환경에서 다양한 플랫폼에 저장된 공간 데이터를 효율적으로 접근하기 위하여 공간 정보유통의 필요성이 증대되었고 OpenGIS Consortium(OGC)은 공간 데이터의 상호호환성을 위해 ISO와 협력하며 국제 표준화를 추진중이다. 본 논문에서는 공간 정보유통 중 공간 데이터 접근을 위해 OGC의 Simple Features Specification for CORBA 표준을 기반으로 ESRI사의 공간 데이터 저장 형식인 Shape 파일을 위한 CORBA 데이터 프로바이더를 구현한다. CORBA는 언어와 플랫폼에 독립적으로서 분산환경에서의 상호운용성을 제공하고, 특히 Java와 결합하면 웹 브라우저를 통해 어떤 플랫폼에서든지 사용 가능하다. 그러므로, Shape 파일에 대한 CORBA 서버를 개발함으로써 플랫폼에 종속되지 않는 공간 데이터의 접근을 제공할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 설계시 고려사항 및 구현 방법에 대해 살펴보고 OGC 표준을 구현하면서 발견된 문제점 및 성능 향상을 위한 방법에 대해서도 언급하여 다른 공간 데이터 형식을 위한 CORBA 서버를 개발할 때 참조할 수 있도록 한다.

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