• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial perspective

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Exploring the Characteristics of the Content and Organization of Elementary School Science Textbooks from the Perspective of the Astronomical Spatial Concept (천문학적 공간 개념 측면에서 초등학교 과학 교과서의 내용 및 조직의 특징 탐색)

  • Yu, Eun-Jeong;Park, Kyeong-Jin;Jung, Chan-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.480-497
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    • 2021
  • This study intends to explore the content and organization characteristics of elementary school science textbooks in the astronomical domain from the perspective of understanding the astronomical spatial concept. This study analyzed the relevant unit of the achievement criteria in the 2015 revised science curriculum for the 'space' domain in elementary school science textbooks in comparison with that in secondary school textbooks according to the spatial concept analysis criteria by texts, illustrations, and inquiry activities. As a result, elementary school science textbooks were found to be organized around phenomena rather than concepts, targeting observable celestial bodies linked to real life in order to optimize the amount of learning content. However, the learning contents of astronomical observation related to observation and phenomena-centered real life should stimulate the curiosity and imagination of elementary school students and encourage their intellectual participation. Students need to be supported for understanding of the spatial concept to find an answer to the question of 'why'. The content organization for core concepts should be organized around the transferable spatial concept rather than simply focusing on presenting results by accurately describing the phenomena observed by students through scientific practice in order for students to answer various questions that arise in the course of scientific practice.

Spatial Characteristics Shown in Landscape Design -Focusing on Five Winning Design Proposals for the Seoul City Hall Plaza Design Competition (조경설계에 나타난 공간의 특성 -시청 앞 광장 현상공모 입상작을 중심으로-)

  • 김정호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how five winning design proposals for the Seoul City Hall Plaza Design Competition have shown the spatial characteristics by comparing and reviewing them. Each design proposal shown different approaches that reveal the spatial characteristics. Through scrutinizing these design proposals, some similar and different aspects among them were identified. In order to examine these aspects, the winning design proposals were analysed and compared based on five categories such as design concepts, main facilities, representation of historical images, spatial connection, and event programs. Gilles Deleuze explained the spatial characteristics as striated space and smooth space. Striated space could be defined as sedentary space. It is distant vision-optical space that has dimensional, metric, and centered characteristics, whereas smooth space is defined as nomadic, close vision-haptic space that has directional and acentered characteristics. This study focused on the analysis of spatial characteristics according to smooth space and striated space. Based on the analysis of the spatial characteristics according to the smooth and striated space, some design proposals shown more characteristics of striated space while other proposals shown more characteristics of smooth space. Those design proposals that shown more characteristics of smooth space reveal flexible or changeable shape and void space, whereas the others that shown more characteristics of striated space try to suggest apparent guidelines for the future use by retaining the idea of a plaza through the concrete shape. This study, which analyzed the winning design proposals based on the spatial characteristics according to the smooth and striated space, can be used to analyze the designs and could help to develop a new methodology with a different perspective. furthermore, it could provide practical and creative design strategies for landscape design.

Analysis of Determinants of Civilian City Gas Demand Considering Spatial Correlation (공간적 상관성을 고려한 민수용 도시가스 수요결정 요인 분석)

  • Eunbi Park;DooHwan Won
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.59-86
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    • 2024
  • Recently, research on city gas demand is increasing by reflecting the characteristics of each region. The similarity of the social structure of the adjacent region and the density of the supply infrastructure induce spatial correlation with the clustering that has a microscopic relationship between regions. Accordingly, as a result of analyzing the spatial correlation after dividing the demand for city gas for civilian use into a total of 54 regions based on the jurisdiction of 34 city gas companies, it was confirmed that there was a positive spatial correlation from a global and local perspective. In this study, the demand for city gas for civilian use for 54 regions from January 2014 to December 2022 was composed of panel data, and the spatial panel regression analysis and the general panel regression analysis were compared, and it was found that the spatial error model (SEM) was the most suitable model. This presents policy and practical implications by confirming that the demand for city gas for civilian use in one region has a significant relationship with the adjacent region.

The problems of spatial modernization of the economy and new approaches to way out from crisis: Kazakhstan's experience

  • Kireyeva, Anel A.;Nurlanova, Nailya K.
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This study aims to analyze the main problems of spatial modernization of the economy, and to develop new approaches to way out from crisis, to accelerate of innovations process from the cities-centers to the underdeveloped regions. Research design, data, methodology - The application of scientific methods in this research will allow to systematize the available data, from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. The study employs the method of ranking regions, the rate of innovation activity and comparative evaluation of R&D indicator. In addition, the authors proposed the method of modeling of innovation diffusion in the regions. Results - This study confirms that the need help for the underdeveloped regions, but we should clearly understand the limits of opportunities and to choose the right mechanisms. Further, this study shows it's important to maintain the regions with high innovation activity, as they are growth poles, which are play the role of translator's innovations to the periphery. Conclusions - According to the results of this theoretical and empirical study proved that modernization of the economy is realized faster in the regions with the best conditions for the diffusion of innovations, the higher the concentration of the population, a more developed infrastructure and reduced of administrative barriers.

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A Study on the Application Technique of 3-D Spatial Information by integration of Aerial photos and Laser data (항공사진과 레이져 데이터의 통합에 의한 3 차원 공간정보 활용기술연구)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2010
  • A LiDAR technique has the merits that survey engineers can get a large number of measurements with high precision quickly. Aerial photos and satellite sensor images are used for generating 3D spatial images which are matched with the map coordinates and elevation data from digital topographic files. Also, those images are used for matching with 3D spatial image contents through perspective view condition composed along to the designated roads until arrival the corresponding location. Recently, 3D aviation image could be generated by various digital data. The advanced geographical methods for guidance of the destination road are experimented under the GIS environments. More information and access designated are guided by the multimedia contents on internet or from the public tour information desk using the simulation images. The height data based on LiDAR is transformed into DEM, and the real time unification of the vector via digital image mapping and raster via extract evaluation are transformed to trace the generated model of 3-dimensional downtown building along to the long distance for 3D tract model generation.

Change Detection Using the IKONOS Satellite Images (IKONOS 위성영상을 이용한 변화 탐지)

  • Kang, Gil-Seon;Shin, Sang-Cheul;Cho, Kyu-Jon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.2 s.25
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2003
  • The change detection using the satellite imagery and airphotos has been carried out in the application of terrain mapping, environment, forestry, facility detection, etc. The low-spatial resolution data such as Landsat, NOAA satellite images is generally used for automatic change detection, while on the other hand the high-spatial resolution data is used for change detection by image interpretation. The research to integrate automatic method with manual change detection through the high-spatial resolution satellite image is performed. but the problem such as shadow, building 'lean' due to perspective geometry and precision geocorrection was found. In this paper we performed change detection using the IKONOS satellite images, and present the concerning problem.

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The Study of Factors Influencing the Intention of Continuous Usage Using Augmented Reality Games: Comparative Analysis of Korean and Chinese Users

  • Namjae Cho;YanRui Wang;Jeong Hun Lim;Giseob Yu
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.249-274
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    • 2022
  • This study is to focuses on users' attitudes toward augmented reality games. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Flow theory, continuous usage intention was set as a dependent variable, and immersion was set as a mediating variable. As independent variables, spatial presence, perceived interactivity, perceived pleasure, and sickness were set. Besides, this study strived to compare and analyze Korean and Chinese Data. The results of this study were as follows. First of all, Korean users significantly affected spatial presence, perceived pleasure, and immersion. Spatial presence and perceived pleasure had also mediated effects on continuous usage intention through immersion. However, perceived interactivity and sickness did not affect immersion and even no mediating effect to continuous usage intention. In the case of Chinese users, spatial presence, perceived interactivity, and perceived pleasure were grouped into one variable. This variable influenced immersion and also had mediated effect on continuous usage intention. However, sickness, like Korean users, did not affect the set path. This study had implications for analyzing user perspective using immersion, a significant variable in previous research. In addition, this study found similarities and characteristics through a comparative analysis between Korean and Chinese users indirectly.

Local and Global Navigation Maps for Safe UAV Flight (드론의 안전비행을 위한 국부 및 전역지도 인터페이스)

  • Yu, Sanghyeong;Jeon, Jongwoo;Cho, Kwangsu
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2018
  • To fly a drone or unmanned aerial vechicle(UAV) safely, its pilot needs to maintain high situation awareness of its flight space. One of the important ways to improve the flight space awareness is to integrate both the global and the local navigation map a drone provides. However, the drone pilot often has to use the inconsistent reference frames or perspectives between the two maps. In specific, the global navigation map tends to display space information in the third-person perspective, whereas the local map tends to use the first-person perspective through the drone camera. This inconsistent perspective problem makes the pilot use mental rotation to align the different perspectives. In addition, integrating different dimensionalities (2D vs. 3D) of the two maps may aggravate the pilot's cognitive load of mental rotation. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relation between perspective difference ($0^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$, $180^{\circ}$, $270^{\circ}$) and the map dimensionality matches (3D-3D vs. 3D-2D) to improve the way of integrating the two maps. The results show that the pilot's flight space awareness improves when the perspective differences are smaller and also when the dimensionalities between the two maps are matched.

Throughput and Interference for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing: A Malicious Perspective

  • Gan, Jipeng;Wu, Jun;Zhang, Jia;Chen, Zehao;Chen, Ze
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.4224-4243
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    • 2021
  • Cognitive radio (CR) is a feasible intelligent technology and can be used as an effective solution to spectrum scarcity and underutilization. As the key function of CR, cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is able to effectively prevent the harmful interference with primary users (PUs) and identify the available spectrum resources by exploiting the spatial diversity of multiple secondary users (SUs). However, the open nature of the cognitive radio networks (CRNs) framework makes CSS face many security threats, such as, the malicious user (MU) launches Byzantine attack to undermine CRNs. For this aim, we make an in-depth analysis of the motive and purpose from the MU's perspective in the interweave CR system, aiming to provide the future guideline for defense strategies. First, we formulate a dynamic Byzantine attack model by analyzing Byzantine behaviors in the process of CSS. On the basis of this, we further make an investigation on the condition of making the fusion center (FC) blind when the fusion rule is unknown for the MU. Moreover, the throughput and interference to the primary network are taken into consideration to evaluate the impact of Byzantine attack on the interweave CR system, and then analyze the optimal strategy of Byzantine attack when the fusion rule is known. Finally, theoretical proofs and simulation results verify the correctness and effectiveness of analyses about the impact of Byzantine attack strategy on the throughput and interference.

A Study on Advanced Model for GIS Connection and Integration in Local Governments (지자체 GIS 통합.연계 고도화 모델 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Hyung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.189-202
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    • 2007
  • As applications of GIS technology have grown in local governments, the wider and integrated use of spatial information is demanded more than before. Particularly because 70-80% of administrative information in local governments are related spatial, it becomes a key issue to connect and integrate non-spatial information with spatial information for more advanced use of GIS applications in local governments. The purpose of this study is to establish an advanced Implementation model by analyzing obstacles in existing GIS applications and suggesting implementation strategies. The strategy, as an important part of the model, includes efficient information sharing, establishment of commonly usable GIS Database, architectural improvement for Enterprise GIS in terms of database and system implementation, standardization far the model, and establishment of spatial infrastructure in the local governments. The study concludes that administrative collaboration in a horizontal and vertical perspective has a highest priority for the implementation of the model.

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