• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial decision making

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Landuse and Landcover Change and the Impacts on Soil Carbon Storage on the Bagmati Basin of Nepal

  • Bastola, Shiksha;Lim, Kyuong Jae;Yang, Jae Eui;Shin, Yongchul;Jung, Younghun
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2019
  • The upsurge of population, internal migration, economic activities and developmental works has brought significant land use and land cover (LULC) change over the period of 1990 and 2010 in the Bagmati basin of Nepal. Along with alteration on various other ecosystem services like water yield, water quality, soil loss etc. carbon sequestration is also altered. This study thus primary deals with evaluation of LULC change and its impact on the soil carbon storage for the period 1990 to 2010. For the evaluation, InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) Carbon model is used. Residential and several other infrastructural development activities were prevalent on the study period and as a result in 2010 major soil carbon reserve like forest area is decreased by 7.17% of its original coverage in 1990. This decrement has brought about a subsequent decrement of 1.39 million tons of carbon in the basin. Conversion from barren land, water bodies and built up areas to higher carbon reserve like forest and agriculture land has slightly increased soil carbon storage but still, net reduction is higher. Thus, the spatial output of the model in the form of maps is expected to help in decision making for future land use planning and for restoration policies.

Bayesian-theory-based Fast CU Size and Mode Decision Algorithm for 3D-HEVC Depth Video Inter-coding

  • Chen, Fen;Liu, Sheng;Peng, Zongju;Hu, Qingqing;Jiang, Gangyi;Yu, Mei
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1730-1747
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    • 2018
  • Multi-view video plus depth (MVD) is a mainstream format of 3D scene representation in free viewpoint video systems. The advanced 3D extension of the high efficiency video coding (3D-HEVC) standard introduces new prediction tools to improve the coding performance of depth video. However, the depth video in 3D-HEVC is time consuming. To reduce the complexity of the depth video inter coding, we propose a fast coding unit (CU) size and mode decision algorithm. First, an off-line trained Bayesian model is built which the feature vector contains the depth levels of the corresponding spatial, temporal, and inter-component (texture-depth) neighboring largest CUs (LCUs). Then, the model is used to predict the depth level of the current LCU, and terminate the CU recursive splitting process. Finally, the CU mode search process is early terminated by making use of the mode correlation of spatial, inter-component (texture-depth), and inter-view neighboring CUs. Compared to the 3D-HEVC reference software HTM-10.0, the proposed algorithm reduces the encoding time of depth video and the total encoding time by 65.03% and 41.04% on average, respectively, with negligible quality degradation of the synthesized virtual view.

A Study on the User Evaluation for Media Form of Virtual Environment (가상환경의 미디어 형식에 대한 사용자 평가 연구)

  • Park, Soo-Been;Yoon, So-Yeon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 2008
  • As the use of virtual environment for decision-making interior or architectural design has been increasingly broaden, the choice of media form-physical, objective properties of a display medium-became and important issue to take into consideration. This research deals with the effects and differences between two types of media for a virtual environment; wall projection screen(120") and PC monitor(17"). In addition, efficient adoption of the two media forms was also proposed in this research. A total of 90 subjects participated in pre-designed three experimental groups(A group: experiment with a wall projection screen, B group: experiment with PC monitor, C group: both) and answer the seating preferences, the presence inventory, and the decision confidence using a simulated virtual restaurant environment. The results are as follows: (1) seating preferences for the tables located in frequent traffic area and near other spaces such as restroom and th kitchen are significantly different by the media form. While there is no significant difference found in seating preferences for most tables except high traffic areas near entrances between the two media. This result demonstrates the effects of media type or screen size on user perception for the areas near structural or interior design elements. (2) The presence measure in this research consist of in this research consist of four factors: 'spatial presence,' 'object presence,' 'positive effects,' and 'the factor of negative effects. 'The mean values of the items involving engagement or interaction in the spatial presence factor and the object presence factor are significantly different by the media form. A higher sense of presence of presence was observed in the wall projection screen. (3) PC monitor condition was shown to provide a higher level of decision confidence. Based on the research finding, conclusions and implications are discussed.

Construction of VGIS Using Digital Map and GIS (수치지도와 지형정보를 이용한 VGIS구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, In-Joon;Choi, Hyun;Park, Chang-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2001
  • This paper present to how to make VGIS(Virtual Geographic Information System) using GIS and digital map. Because the development of the GIS has been 2-dimension in the last few years, viewpoint of the high-resolution image estimate was difficult. The geo-spatial information system has lots of errors in the policy decision and the principal decision making because it was displayed as 2 dimension map that the digital map and topographical map, geological map. agronomical map, cadastral map and underground facility map are expressed as a symbol practically in spite that it is spatial topography data. It is utilized as effective administration analyzing, all kinds of discussion, transportation and environmental effect evaluation, various kinds of building discussion and policy decision thorough researching the present condition of region as 3 dimension map using digital map and GIS when drafting and deciding all kinds of urban plaining so it is considered that errors of policy decision will be minimized.

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Optimum Allocation Modelling of Rural Facilities by Decision-Making Technique - With Special Reference to Agricultural-cum-Industrial Complex- (의사결정기법을 이용한 농촌지역시설 적정입지선정 모델 - 농공단지를 중심으로 -)

  • Choe, Su-Myeong;Kim, Yeong-Ju;Hwang, Han-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 1998
  • For efficient development of rural facilities, choice of their optimum locations would be an important issue, however, existing research works concentrated much more an allocation policy of urban industrial complex and public facilities than rural ones. In this study, because agricultural-cum-industrial complex has been the most widely developed representative one of rural facilities, it was selected as a case study facility. As a pre-study to system development, existing governmental location-decision system was checked and interviewing survey carried out to find out on-spot problems. And, being based on literature review and survey analysis results, 4-step optimum locational decision model was developed , formulation of locational goal system, ranking tabulation on components, determination of significance values of components, calculation of component scores. Finally, through the case study works on 3 sites, system applicability was checked, Considering together the simplicity problem of existing guidelines and the interviewing survey results favoring the diversified viewpoints, it would be necessary to develop multifaceted support system for locational decision making. 3-tier classification steps from the higher, middle to lower one were used and their underpinning viewpoints were sorted as on regional development, entrepreneurship, spatial rationality, from which a tentative locational goal system was formulated. Through the expert group checking, final locational goal system was determined having 3 of the higher classification items, 7 of the middle ones, 23 of the lower ogles. For ranking tabulation, 3 types of ranking criteria were arranged which were based on statistical analysis using mean and standard deviation(Type I ), its existence or not 1 good or not(Type E ), and the others(Type E ). From the significance evaluation results, regional development and entrepreneurship aspects were valued much higher than spatial rationality aspect. And, in the middle step, items as spread effects of regional economy, accessibility and social potentialities were highly valued while infrastructural development level and natural condition being low. The application results of the system to 3 case study total. However, the detailed ones differed among study the influencing effects on regional economy, and contrast greater the infrastructural development level. Conclusively, final evaluation values well represented the characteristics of each area. If this system be complemented and applied comprehensively by the successive studies, it would be developed to a general model of locational decision supporting system for rural facilities.

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A Study on the Development and Application of 3Dimensional Spatial Information of Virtual City Using Digital Photogrammetry (수치사진측량 기술을 이용한 3차원 가상도시공간정보 구축 밑 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Bong;Cho, Woo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.421-425
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    • 2007
  • The application of 3 dimensional virtual reality continuously pursues 3 dimensional system implementation in geographical information system, and is applied and studied in various fields like visualization, simulation, and 3 dimensional analysis. Orthoimage produced to construct basic data of virtual city is evaluated in accuracy, to fall in allowable error of the specification of image map generation. In this paper, 3 dimensional virtual city is constructed and evaluated around Bucheon University using 3 dimensional virtual reality technique and digital photogrammetry. Consequently, the constructed 3 dimensional virtual city around Bucheon University can visualize 3 dimensional reality, to help making decision. It can be substituted for existed 2 dimensional GIS in public and private sectors, and be helpful to decision makers.

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To collect the data of deduction of distance Estimating Position of Mobiles by Multi-Criteria Decision Making System (거리추정 데이터를 수집하여 공간적 의사결정을 이용한 이동물체 위치 인식 시스템)

  • Jang, Hae-Suk;Jung, Kyu-Cheol;Lee, Jin-Kwan;Park, Ki-Hong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.1215-1218
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    • 2005
  • 이동물체의 인식기능은 인간을 대신하여 수행하기위한 컴퓨터비젼 시스템이다. 공간적 의사결정지원시스템(SDSS: Spatial Decision Support Systems)을 이용한 이동물체의 위치를 인식하는 시스템은 실세계의 복잡하고 다양한 조건들을 만족시키는 대안들을 도출시키고 보다 객관적이고 과학적으로 평가받는 연구가 될것이다.본 연구에서는 거리 추정 데이터를 수집하여 공간적 의사결정을 이용하여 이동 물체의 위치를 인식하는 방법을 제안한다.

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Stress variation analysis based on temperature measurements at Zhuhai Opera House

  • Lu, Wei;Teng, Jun;Qiu, Lihang;Huang, Kai
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2018
  • The Zhuhai Opera House has an external structure consisting of a type of spatial steel, where the stress of steel elements varies with the ambient temperature. A structural health monitoring system was implemented at Zhuhai Opera House, and the temperatures and stresses of the structures were monitored in real time. The relationship between the stress distribution and temperature variations was analysed by measuring the temperature and stresses of the steel elements. In addition to measurements of the structure stresses and temperatures, further simulation analysis was carried out to provide the detailed relationship between the stress distributions and temperature variations. The limited temperature measurements were used to simulate the structure temperature distribution, and the stress distributions of all steel elements of the structure were analysed by building a finite element model of the Zhuhai Opera House spatial steel structure. This study aims to reveal the stress distributions of steel elements in a real-world project based on temperature variations, and to supply a basic database for the optimal construction time of a spatial steel structure. This will not only provide convenient, rapid and safe early warnings and decision-making for the spatial steel structure construction and operation processes, but also improve the structural safety and construction accuracy of steel space structures.

Image Restoration by Lifting-Based Wavelet Domain E-Median Filter

  • Koc, Sema;Ercelebi, Ergun
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a method of applying a lifting-based wavelet domain e-median filter (LBWDEMF) for image restoration. LBWDEMF helps in reducing the number of computations. An e-median filter is a type of modified median filter that processes each pixel of the output of a standard median filter in a binary manner, keeping the output of the median filter unchanged or replacing it with the original pixel value. Binary decision-making is controlled by comparing the absolute difference of the median filter output and the original image to a preset threshold. In addition, the advantage of LBWDEMF is that probabilities of encountering root images are spread over sub-band images, and therefore the e-median filter is unlikely to encounter root images at an early stage of iterations and generates a better result as iteration increases. The proposed method transforms an image into the wavelet domain using lifting-based wavelet filters, then applies an e-median filter in the wavelet domain, transforms the result into the spatial domain, and finally goes through one spatial domain e-median filter to produce the final restored image. Moreover, in order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method we compare the result obtained using the proposed method to those using a spatial domain median filter (SDMF), spatial domain e-median filter (SDEMF), and wavelet thresholding method. Experimental results show that the proposed method is superior to SDMF, SDEMF, and wavelet thresholding in terms of image restoration.

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Spatial variability analysis of soil strength to slope stability assessment

  • Lombardi, Mara;Cardarilli, Monica;Raspa, Giuseppe
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.483-503
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    • 2017
  • Uncertainty is a fact belonging to engineering practice. An important uncertainty that sets geotechnical engineering is the variability associated with the properties of soils or, more precisely, the characterization of soil profiles. The reason is due largely to the complex and varied natural processes associated with the formation of soil. Spatial variability analysis for the study of the stability of natural slopes, complementing conventional analyses, is able to incorporate these uncertainties. In this paper the characterization is performed in back-analysis for a case of landslide occurred to verify afterwards the presence of the conditions of shear strength at failure. This approach may support designers to make more accurate estimates regarding slope failure responding, more consciously, to the legislation dispositions about slope stability evaluation and future design. By applying different kriging techniques used for spatial analysis it has been possible to perform a 3D-slope reconstruction. The predictive analysis and the areal mapping of the soil mechanical characteristics would support the definition of priority interventions in the zones characterized by more critical values as well as slope potential instability. This tool of analysis aims to support decision-making by directing project planning through the efficient allocation of available resources.