A Study on the User Evaluation for Media Form of Virtual Environment

가상환경의 미디어 형식에 대한 사용자 평가 연구

  • Park, Soo-Been ;
  • Yoon, So-Yeon (Graduate Program of Design with Digital Media, Department of Architectural Studies, University of Missouri-Columbia)
  • 박수빈 (부산대학교 생활환경대학 주거환경학과 및 노인생활환경연구소) ;
  • 윤소연
  • Published : 2008.10.31


As the use of virtual environment for decision-making interior or architectural design has been increasingly broaden, the choice of media form-physical, objective properties of a display medium-became and important issue to take into consideration. This research deals with the effects and differences between two types of media for a virtual environment; wall projection screen(120") and PC monitor(17"). In addition, efficient adoption of the two media forms was also proposed in this research. A total of 90 subjects participated in pre-designed three experimental groups(A group: experiment with a wall projection screen, B group: experiment with PC monitor, C group: both) and answer the seating preferences, the presence inventory, and the decision confidence using a simulated virtual restaurant environment. The results are as follows: (1) seating preferences for the tables located in frequent traffic area and near other spaces such as restroom and th kitchen are significantly different by the media form. While there is no significant difference found in seating preferences for most tables except high traffic areas near entrances between the two media. This result demonstrates the effects of media type or screen size on user perception for the areas near structural or interior design elements. (2) The presence measure in this research consist of in this research consist of four factors: 'spatial presence,' 'object presence,' 'positive effects,' and 'the factor of negative effects. 'The mean values of the items involving engagement or interaction in the spatial presence factor and the object presence factor are significantly different by the media form. A higher sense of presence of presence was observed in the wall projection screen. (3) PC monitor condition was shown to provide a higher level of decision confidence. Based on the research finding, conclusions and implications are discussed.



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