• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial coordinate feature

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Hybrid Affine Registration Using Intensity Similarity and Feature Similarity for Pathology Detection

  • June-Sik Kim;Ho-Sung Kim;Jong-Min Lee;Jae-Seok Kim;In-Young Kim;Sun I. Kim
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2002
  • The objective of this study is to provide a Precise form of spatial normalization with affine transformation. The quantitative comparison of the brain architecture across different subjects requires a common coordinate system. For the common coordinate system, not only global brain but also a local region of interest should be spatially normalized. Registration using mutual information generally matches the whose brain well. However. a region of interest may not be normalized compared to the feature-based methods with the landmarks. The hybrid method of this Paper utilizes feature information of the local region as well as intensity similarity. Central gray nuclei of a brain including copus callosum, which is used for feature in Schizophrenia detection, is appropriately normalized by the hybrid method. In the results section. our method is compared with mutual information only method and Talairach mapping with schizophrenia Patients. and is shown how it accurately normalizes feature .

Design of a Feature-based Spatial Data Management System for Digital Map (수치지도를 위한 피처 기반 공간자료 관리 시스템 설계)

  • Chi, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Seung-Kwan;Ryu, Keun-Ho;Kim, Myung-Jun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.7 no.3 s.15
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2005
  • Various spatial data are utilized, through geographic information system, for the process to make a decision related to space. Generally, spatial data is large in quantity and it costs high and takes quite a long time for producing and maintaining it. An existing spatial data management system, tile-based one, for digital map manages spatial data being separated by a uniform data unit called tile. These systems can be implemented easily but have many problems such as they can directly store and manage feature included in tile. Therefore, in this paper, we suggest a feature-based spatial data management system for digital map. The proposed system is able to store and manage spatial data in the unit of feature directly. Hence this system is able to immediately update any change in the data and to supply users with the updated data without any delay. The proposed system can not only support a function of data input, management, supplying and update but also support unity origin coordinate conversion, UFID creation, feature unifying, feature dividing and metadata input which is not supported by the existing tile-based system. The proposed system can easily manage spatial data and can increase efficiency in processing and application.

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Vision Based Outdoor Terrain Classification for Unmanned Ground Vehicles (무인차량 적용을 위한 영상 기반의 지형 분류 기법)

  • Sung, Gi-Yeul;Kwak, Dong-Min;Lee, Seung-Youn;Lyou, Joon
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.372-378
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    • 2009
  • For effective mobility control of unmanned ground vehicles in outdoor off-road environments, terrain cover classification technology using passive sensors is vital. This paper presents a novel method far terrain classification based on color and texture information of off-road images. It uses a neural network classifier and wavelet features. We exploit the wavelet mean and energy features extracted from multi-channel wavelet transformed images and also utilize the terrain class spatial coordinates of images to include additional features. By comparing the classification performance according to applied features, the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a promising result and potential possibilities for autonomous navigation.

Rotated Face Detection Using Polar Coordinate Transform and AdaBoost (극좌표계 변환과 AdaBoost를 이용한 회전 얼굴 검출)

  • Jang, Kyung-Shik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.896-902
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    • 2021
  • Rotated face detection is required in many applications but still remains as a challenging task, due to the large variations of face appearances. In this paper, a polar coordinate transform that is not affected by rotation is proposed. In addition, a method for effectively detecting rotated faces using the transformed image has been proposed. The proposed polar coordinate transform maintains spatial information between facial components such as eyes, mouth, etc., since the positions of facial components are always maintained regardless of rotation angle, thereby eliminating rotation effects. Polar coordinate transformed images are trained using AdaBoost, which is used for frontal face detection, and rotated faces are detected. We validate the detected faces using LBP that trained the non-face images. Experiments on 3600 face images obtained by rotating images in the BioID database show a rotating face detection rate of 96.17%. Furthermore, we accurately detected rotated faces in images with a background containing multiple rotated faces.

A Feature Tracking Algorithm Using Adaptive Weight Adjustment (적응적 가중치에 의한 특징점 추적 알고리즘)

  • Jeong, Jong-Myeon;Moon, Young-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.36S no.11
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 1999
  • A new algorithm for tracking feature points in an image sequence is presented. Most existing feature tracking algorithms often produce false trajectories, because the matching measures do not precisely reflect motion characteristics. In this paper, three attributes including spatial coordinate, motion direction and motion magnitude are used to calculate the feature point correspondence. The trajectories of feature points are determined by calculation the matching measure, which is defined as the minimum weighted Euclidean distance between two feature points. The weights of the attributes are updated reflecting the motion characteristics, so that the robust tracking of feature points is achieved. The proposed algorithm can find the trajectories correctly which has been shown by experimental results.

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Automatic Registration of High Resolution Satellite Images using Local Properties of Tie Points (지역적 매칭쌍 특성에 기반한 고해상도영상의 자동기하보정)

  • Han, You-Kyung;Byun, Young-Gi;Choi, Jae-Wan;Han, Dong-Yeob;Kim, -Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.353-359
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose the automatic image-to-image registration of high resolution satellite images using local properties of tie points to improve the registration accuracy. A spatial distance between interest points of reference and sensed images extracted by Scale Invariant Feature Transform(SIFT) is additionally used to extract tie points. Coefficients of affine transform between images are extracted by invariant descriptor based matching, and interest points of sensed image are transformed to the reference coordinate system using these coefficients. The spatial distance between interest points of sensed image which have been transformed to the reference coordinates and interest points of reference image is calculated for secondary matching. The piecewise linear function is applied to the matched tie points for automatic registration of high resolution images. The proposed method can extract spatially well-distributed tie points compared with SIFT based method.

A Novel Automatic Algorithm for Selecting a Target Brain using a Simple Structure Analysis in Talairach Coordinate System

  • Koo B.B.;Lee Jong-Min;Kim June Sic;Kim In Young;Kim Sun I.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.129-132
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    • 2005
  • It is one of the most important issues to determine a target brain image that gives a common coordinate system for a constructing population-based brain atlas. The purpose of this study is to provide a simple and reliable procedure that determines the target brain image among the group based on the inherent structural information of three-dimensional magnetic resonance (MR) images. It uses only 11 lines defined automatically as a feature vector representing structural variations based on the Talairach coordinate system. Average characteristic vector of the group and the difference vectors of each one from the average vector were obtained. Finally, the individual data that had the minimum difference vector was determined as the target. We determined the target brain image by both our algorithm and conventional visual inspection for 20 healthy young volunteers. Eighteen fiducial points were marked independently for each data to evaluate the similarity. Target brain image obtained by our algorithm showed the best result, and the visual inspection determined the second one. We concluded that our method could be used to determine an appropriate target brain image in constructing brain atlases such as disease-specific ones.

The Implementation of Spatial Database Transaction Model (FTMSD) supporting Mobile Host (이동 호스트를 지원하는 공간 데이터베이스 트랜잭션 모델(FTMSD)의 구현)

  • Lee, Young-Geol;Kim, Sung-Hee;Bae, Young-Ho;Jeong, Mi-Young;Jung, Hyun-Meen
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.11 no.5 s.43
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2006
  • AMobile-supported spatial database systems have been introduced with development of mobile computing technology, they offer an advantage that we can access the data wherever we are. However, the studies on database system in traditional distributed environments must be reconsidered again, because of characteristics of mobile database system such as mobility and instability of wireless network. A new transaction model should be required for considering the characteristics, since especially a mobile computing environment is location-dependent, compared with the location transparency in a distributed computing environment. In other aspect, normally mobile host may be moving not in all space, but in some limited path. That is, a host is moving along the roads or the geographical features adjacent to the roads. The transaction processing should be considered not on the spatial coordinate but on the geographical features. In this paper, the feature based transaction processing model is proposed to process location-dependent transaction efficiently.

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Heterogeneous Sensor Coordinate System Calibration Technique for AR Whole Body Interaction (AR 전신 상호작용을 위한 이종 센서 간 좌표계 보정 기법)

  • Hangkee Kim;Daehwan Kim;Dongchun Lee;Kisuk Lee;Nakhoon Baek
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 2023
  • A simple and accurate whole body rehabilitation interaction technology using immersive digital content is needed for elderly patients with steadily increasing age-related diseases. In this study, we introduce whole-body interaction technology using HoloLens and Kinect for this purpose. To achieve this, we propose three coordinate transformation methods: mesh feature point-based transformation, AR marker-based transformation, and body recognition-based transformation. The mesh feature point-based transformation aligns the coordinate system by designating three feature points on the spatial mesh and using a transform matrix. This method requires manual work and has lower usability, but has relatively high accuracy of 8.5mm. The AR marker-based method uses AR and QR markers recognized by HoloLens and Kinect simultaneously to achieve a compliant accuracy of 11.2mm. The body recognition-based transformation aligns the coordinate system by using the position of the head or HMD recognized by both devices and the position of both hands or controllers. This method has lower accuracy, but does not require additional tools or manual work, making it more user-friendly. Additionally, we reduced the error by more than 10% using RANSAC as a post-processing technique. These three methods can be selectively applied depending on the usability and accuracy required for the content. In this study, we validated this technology by applying it to the "Thunder Punch" and rehabilitation therapy content.

Implementation of Vertigo Warning function for FA-50 aircraft

  • You, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Hyeock-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • Fighter pilots are taking 'Advanced Pilot Training' courses to perform their missions perfectly even under adverse conditions. However, there are accidents that fall due to problems with the human body's equilibrium in the acceleration of flight, falling into the 'Vertigo, Spatial disorientation' phenomenon. As such, accidents that fighters fall due to spatial disorientation frequently occur not only in Korea but also abroad. In this study, we implemented the 'Vertigo' warning function in the fighter. First, we analyzed the aircraft's mission computer and the currently implemented warning functions. And we studied the coordinate system to utilize the aircraft attitude information. Based on this, we wanted to provide a visual warning to the HUD when the fighter flies over a certain time in the inverted flight position. Implementing this feature is expected to improve pilot flight safety. In addition, based on the results of this study, we propose a method to implement warning functions through linkage with other subsystems.