• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil map

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Classification of Crop Lands over Northern Mongolia Using Multi-Temporal Landsat TM Data

  • Ganbaatar, Gerelmaa;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.611-619
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    • 2013
  • Although the need of crop production has increased in Mongolia, crop cultivation is very limited because of the harsh climatic and topographic conditions. Crop lands are sparsely distributed with relatively small sizes and, therefore, it is difficult to survey the exact area of crop lands. The study aimed to find an easy and effective way of accurate classification to map crop lands in Mongolia using satellite images. To classify the crop lands over the study area in northern Mongolia, four classifications were carried out by using 1) Thematic Mapper (TM) image August 23, 2) TM image of July 6, 3) combined 12 bands of TM images of July and August, and 4) both TM images of July and August by layered classification. Wheat and potato are the major crop types and they show relatively high variation in crop conditions between July and August. On the other hands, other land cover types (forest, riparian vegetation, grassland, water and bare soil) do not show such difference between July and August. The results of four classifications clearly show that the use of multi-temporal images is essential to accurately classify the crop lands. The layered classification method, in which each class is separated by a subset of TM images, shows the highest classification accuracy (93.7%) of the crop lands. The classification accuracies are lower when we use only a single TM image of either July or August. Because of the different planting practice of potato and the growth condition of wheat, the spectral characteristics of potato and wheat cannot be fully separated from other cover types with TM image of either July or August. Further refinements on the spatial characteristics of existing crop lands may enhance the crop mapping method in Mongolia.

Application of Cokriging for the Estimation of Groundwater Level Distribution at the Nanjido Waste Landfill Area (난지도 매립지 일대의 지하수위 분포 추정을 위한 복합 크리깅의 응용)

  • 정상용;이강근
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 1995
  • Cokriging was applied for the estimation of the water levels of the basal leachate and the surrounding groundwater at the Nanjido waste landfill area. When the groundwater level is estimated at the high relief area, it makes a good result to use the data of groundwater level and elevation simultaneously because groundwater level is correlated with topography. This study determined the best semivariogram model of 87 groundwater levels and 144 elevations through cross validation test, and produced the contour maps of groundwater levels using ordinary kriging and universal kiging. Two contour maps don't make big difference at the waste site because this area has a large number of groundwater level data. However, they show big difference at the upper left part of the study area because this area has high relief and a small number of sample data. Their difference is also found at the south area near the Han river. When the topography is considered for the both areas, the contour map of cokriging is thought to be closer to the real groundwater distribution than that of kriging.

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Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis of Breakwater Structures (방파제 구조물의 확률론적 지진위험도 분석)

  • Kim Sang-Hoon;Yi Jin-Hak;Kim Doo Kie
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2005
  • Recent earthquakes over magnitude 5 in the eastern coast of Korea have aroused interests in the earthquake analyses and seismic design of breakwater structures. Most of earthquake analysis methods such as equivalent static analysis, response spectrum analysis, nonlinear analysis, and capacity analysis methods are deterministic and have been used for seismic design and performance evaluation of breakwater structures. However, deterministic methods are difficult to reflect one of the most important characteristics of earthquakes, i.e. the uncertainty of earthquakes. This paper presents results of probabilistic seismic risk assessment(PSRA) of an actual caisson type breakwater structure considering uncertainties of earthquake occurrences and soil properties. First the seismic vulnerability of a structure and the seismic hazard of the site are evaluated using earthquake sets and seismic hazard map, and then seismic risk of the structure is assessed.

Analysis of Scale and Shape of Limestone Cavities using Borehole Drilling and Geophysical Investigations (시추 및 물리탐사를 이용한 석회암 공동의 분포 규모 분석)

  • Song, Gyu-Jin;Yun, Hyun-Seok;Jang, Il-Ho;Choi, Yong-Seok;Seo, Yong-Seok
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.251-263
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    • 2015
  • Geological mapping, borehole drilling, electrical resistivity, and seismic tomography surveys were conducted in order to map underground cavities and better understand the mechanisms driving subsidence in a limestone region in Korea. Limestone outcrops in the study area generally alternate between calcite-rich and calcite-poor rock. The results reveal that in areas experiencing subsidence, cavities occur mainly around soil-rock boundaries at depths of 7~14 m. These results are based on comparative analyses of electrical resistivity, seismic tomography, and borehole logging data. The volumes of the cavities are relatively small in a range of 558~835 ㎥ and they have a shape typical of suffosion sinkholes, which are typically found where sandy soils overlie bedrock cavities.

The Technique of Landslide Hazard Prediction Using Vegetation Interpretation of Aerial Photo (항공사진의 식생 판독에 의한 재해 예측 기법)

  • 강인준;곽재하;정재형
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 1993
  • The vegetation such as grass, shrub, tree has been used to control the erosion and stabilize the slope for a long time. But the effects of vegetation on slope area is usually neglected in traditional stability analyses. There are many errors in slope analyses in thin soil mantles. Therefore the effects of vegetation is an important factor. But it is difficult and complex to represent the vegetation influence quantitatively in stability analysis. In this study, authors choose the landslide region at the Kum sung dong Kum-jung ku Pusan as a model area. Authors analyzed the degree of slope with the aerial photo interpretation and DTM data extracted from the topographic map, and the relationship of D.B.H. (diameter of breast height), height, and age of tree in field investigation data. Finally authors know the fact that landslide take place approximately 10 or 20 years later in arbitrary afforestable area where the degree of slope is 27. The prevention effect must be considered in the control of vegetation.

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Analysis of food availability and food security status in Nepal for forest resource conservation purpose

  • Panta, Menaka;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Neupane, Hari Sharma;Joshi, Chudamani
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2008
  • Agriculture and forest are basis for livelihood in Nepal while both sectors constitute around 40 percent of the national product and over two-thirds of the economically active population is dependent on agriculture. However, radical changes in land use, depletion in crops production and food availability are major threats due to loss of soil fertilityand severe environmental degradation. In this study, we used time series data from 1986/87 to 2005/06 about food crop production and population published by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and Central Bureau of Statistics. Descriptive statistics and ArcGIS were used to assess and map the food security status of Nepalese Terai based on the local food demand and supply system. Food supply to demand ratio(FSDR) was the main idea of assessment. Our results showed that out of 20 districts, only 8 districts were categorised under secured food districts whereas 5 districts were still under food unsecured situation. The analysis further revealed that 7 districts had faced food deficit more than 8-16 times during the last 20 year periods. Data further showed that there was surplus food supply relative to the requirements dictated by FSDR. However, the average FSDR was less than 1.2(less than 20% surplus) exploring fact that most of the districts were not producing sufficient food to cope up the food shock and after 1995 it was relatively stagnant. Our prediction reveals that food supply in Terai even in the future would remain at almost the same level as now, and there will not more than 16-17% surplus by 2021 considering medium vibrant population growth. The findings thus, indicate that Terai may not be a food secure region in the future, even though the region is considered as a food storage house of Nepal. In addition, this paper suggests ways to make future comprehensive case studies more widely comparable in Terai, Nepal.

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Development of Spatial Information System for Regional Ground Stability Assessment near Dam area (댐 주변지역 광역적 지반 안정성 평가를 위한 공간 정보시스템 개발)

  • 장범수;이사호;최위찬;최재원;오영철
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2001
  • Ground failure such as landslide, rock fall land subsidence by heavy rainfall have damaged to people and property. Especially, the damage to important facility such as dam, bridge, tunnel and industrial complex may be possible. Therefore the ground failure must be assessed and counter plan must be prepared. So, the object of this study is to develop the spatial information system for regional ground stability assessment. For this, the topographic, geologic, soil, forest, land use, rainfall frequency map, and satellite image near 40 dams were collected and constructed to the spatial information system. The spatial information system was developed using Avenue in ArcView 3.2 environment and consists of pull down menus and icons. For application of the spatial information system, regional ground stability was assessed in Andong dam. The assessment was ground failure susceptibility and possibility. The spatial information can be used for regional ground stability assessment, prevention and mitigation of hazard, and management of ground as basic data.

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Development of Numerical Model to Analyze Levee Break (하천제방붕괴 해석모형의 개발)

  • Park, Jae-Hong;Han, Kun-Yeun;Ahn, Ki-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.7
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 2009
  • Levee-break Analysis model is developed to predict the variation of breach width according to time and to estimate inundation area and depth in protected lowland. This Model calculate flood depth using 4 point implicit finite difference method in river channel and analyze breach flow based on physical theory introducing soil transport equation and erosion process. Breach analysis model and channel flood model are combined into Levee-Break Model and this model is applied to actual levee break case. Then, this model can simulate reasonably many levee-break parameters such as river stage, breach width, breach formation and so on. If the applicability of this model is proved through applications to more various actual levee-break cases, the suggested model is expected to do more accurate flood analyses on levee break site.

Gravity, Magnetic and VLF explorations in the ubong industrial waste landfill, Pohang (포항 유봉산업 폐기물 매립지에서의 중력, 자력, VLF 탐사)

  • 권병두
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 1999
  • Gravity, magnetic and VLF surveys were conducted to investigat the structural stability and hazards associated with the Ubong landfill in Pohang City, which has been built to dump industrial wastes. In 1994, the collapse of a bank happened in the 6th landfill site due to sudden heavy rain, and a large quantity of waste materials flowed out to the nearby landfill sites, factories and roads. We used $10{\times}10m$ resolution DEM data for gravity reductions. The maximum variation of the terrain effect in the survey area is about 0.5 mgal and the terrain effect is large in the vicinity of bank boundary. The Bouguer gravity anomaly map shows the effect due to the variatino of thickness and type of waste materials. The small negative gravity anomaly increases from the 9th site to the 6th site. The small negative gravity anomaly of the 9th site reflects the relatively shallow dumping depth of average 14.5 m in this site and increased density of waste materials by the repeated stabilization process of soil overlaying. The 6th site is located at the center of the former valley and rainfall and groundwater are expected to flow from south-east to north-west. Therefore, considering the previous accident of mixing waste and bank materials at the north-west boundary of the landfill, there may be some environmental problems of leakage of contaminated water and bank stability. The complex inversion technique using Simulated annealing and Marquardt-Levenberg methods was applied to calculate three-dimensional density distribution from gravity data. In the case of 6th site, it is apparent that the landfill had been dumped in four sectors. However, most part of the 9th site and showed that high magnetic industrial wastes were concentrated in the 6th site. The result of magnetic survey showing low magnetic anomalies along the boundaries of two sites is similar to that of gravity data. The VLF data also reveals four divided sectors in the 6th site, and overall anomaly trend indicates the directio of former valley.

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Molecular Cloning and Expression of Bacillus stearothermophilus $\beta$-D-Xylosidase Gene in E. coli (Bacillus stearothermophilus $\beta$-D-Xylosidase 유전자의 크로닝 및 Escherichia coli에서의 발현)

  • 오세욱;박성수;최용진;박영인
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.136-142
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    • 1992
  • Bacillus stearothemophilus isolated from soil was identified to express multiple extracellular xylanases. Two HindIII restriction fragments of 5.4 and 6.4 kb from B. stearothermophilus genomic DNA were cloned into pBR322 to obtain recombinant plasmids pMG0l and pMG02, respectively, which enabled E. coli HBlOl cells to produce $\beta$-D-xylosidase activity. By subcloning into pUC18 and Southern blotting, the loci of the $\beta$-D-xyiosidase genes were elucidated to be on non-homologous DNA fragments of 2.2 kb from pMGOl(pMG1) and 1.0 kb from pMG02(pMG2), respectively. The two enzymes produced in E. coli cleaved xylobiose, xylotriose, xylotetrose and xylotetrose to produce xylose as a major end product. The gene on pMG1, distinct from that on pMG2 was observed to encode a bifunctional protein that displayed both P-D-xylosidase (EC. and a-L-arabinofuranosidase activities (EC.

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