• Title/Summary/Keyword: social capital level

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A Study on the Construction and Application of Social Capital Scale in Social Welfare Organizations (사회복지조직의 사회적 자본 척도 구성과 그 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Young-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.381-407
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    • 2011
  • This study set out to construct an social capital scale that could be commonly used by social welfare organizations and to apply it to examine any differences in social capital among social welfare organizations. For those purposes, the study distributed a questionnaire by mail to social welfare organizations in 15 cities and provinces across the nation and conducted latent means analysis. The major research findings were as follows. First, as a result of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the validity and reliability in measurement indicators of social capital were proved to be satisfactory level. Secondly, social capital were found to be interpreted at the organizational level through the review of levels of analysis. Meanwhile, the configural, metric, and scalar invariance of social capital scale were confirmed, which indicates that the social capital scale can be commonly applied to social welfare organizations. Finally, latent means analysis was carried out to examine differences among social welfare organizations in the subindexes of social capital including network connectivity, setting and sharing of vision, reciprocal norm, trust and cooperation, and group participation. As a result, there were significant differences among social welfare organizations in network connectivity, reciprocal norm, trust and cooperation and group participation but no statistically significant differences among them in sharing of vision, goal and core value. Those findings led to implications needed to manage of social welfare organizations.

The Effects of Social Capital and Acculturation Stress on School Adaptation of Adolescents of Multi-cultural Family (다문화가족 청소년의 사회적 자본 및 문화변용스트레스가 학교적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Byeong-Joo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2012
  • This study conducted a survey 185 adolescents in multi-cultural family to measure the level of their social capital and their acculturation stress and examined how it affects them to adapt to school. Followings are the main results of this study. First, after measuring the social capital level of those surveyed, their average was lower than the normal level, showing 2.24(SD=.32), and their acculturation stress showed 2.54(SD=.58), a bit higher than the normal level. Second, their level of adapting to school showed 2.26(SD=.39), which was lower than the normal level, and there was statistically a meaningful difference between the groups depending on their grade, academic level, economic level, parents' marital status, mother's Korean ability. Third, the factors that affected in adapting to school were in the order of their network of social capital(${\beta}$=.225), mother's Korean ability(${\beta}$=.195), acculturation stress(${\beta}$=-.175), interpersonal trust of social capital(${\beta}$=.171), norm of social capital(${\beta}$=.161), parents' marital status(${\beta}$=.156), academic level(${\beta}$=.151), economic level(${\beta}$=.145). Based on these results, this study suggest ways to promote trust building among people and network formation through active use of information communication, and to improve multi-cultural acceptability by developing and using various contents.

The Effects of Community Participation Factors and Social Capital on Empowerment of Single Mother (한부모 여성의 공동체 참여요인과 사회자본이 임파워먼트에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, In-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.207-233
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to understand direct and indirect impact and the paths of community participation and social capital, which affect improvement of single mother's community participation factors, social capital, and empowerment. To accomplish this purpose structural relationships between single mother's community participation factors, social capital and empowerment have been analyzed. For the analysis 420 single mothers, who had participated various types of communities, were surveyed and structural equation modeling had been used and optical theory structure model(χ2=86.851, df=28, GFI=.958, CFI=.944), which explains the structural relationship among the factors, had been chosen. From the result, first, there was differences between empowerment and community participation levels, which is single mothers' community participation factors, of the impact on social capital and empowerment. Empowerment level of community, which was mediated by community participation level and social capital, affected empowerment, in the other hand, community participation level affected empowerment more directly than the impact of social capital. Second, single mothers' community participation factor affected more improvement of empowerment when it mediated by the accumulation of social capital. Third, single mothers' social capital directly affected the most improvement of empowerment. Based on the fact the implications of the study were presented.

An Empirical Study of the Effects of Social Capital on Industrial Relations and Firm Performance (사회적 자본이 노사관계 및 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구)

  • Lee, Young-Chan;Kim, Young Jae;Lee, Seung-Seok
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.133-150
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of social capital on industrial relations and firm performance, and to find out social capital is the antecedent factor of industrial relations. To serve the purpose of this study, we conducted the extensive survey on department managers and labor delegates of 110 Korean manufacturing firms. From the result, we identified that the industrial relations are more cooperative as the level of social capital increases, and the firm which has good relations between labor and management shows high performance. In addition, two factors of social capital (Trust/Participation) directly affect to the firm performance.

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The community Sense in the Community and Social Capital (지역사회 개발과 사회자본과의 관계-지역공동체를 중심-)

  • 김남선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2001
  • The community sense in the community is the important objectives and methods of Community Development. Community Development has been done effectively through improving the community sense in the community. It is necessary to find out what should lead th community sense in the community. It is community organizations that ate making the community sense in the community, and the community organization is more active by social capital. And the community organization is improving social capital. Therefore the relationship between community organization and social capital is very significant, and the more social capital is high by community organization, the more the community sense in the community is high. Therefore if the community organization is more active, the community sense and social capital in the community are more high. It needs to investigate what variables to affect the community organizations more active. The variables affecting the community organization are community subsystems that are administrative, economic, education, culture, family and religious in the community level. It needs to study in detail how the subsystems are affecting the community organizations.

Finding Connection between Social Capital and Physical Space - Looking for Spatial Design Features - (사회적 자본과 공간의 연관성에대한 탐색적 연구 - 공간디자인 요소를 찾아서 -)

  • Seo, Hyun-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • Korea is experiencing unprecedented destruction of communities and crisis of mental health represented by top suicide rate among OECD countries. Its causes are manifold of various factors. One of them is lack of social support and broken communities that are closely related to social capital that is linked to other health indicators such as mortality rates. This studies looks for ways to improve social capital through spatial structure and features especially social capital related to neighborhood. Researchers conducted research literature review and observation on physical features of neighborhood streets and alleys. Review of studies show housing types can affect social capital level. High-rise apartments are related with lower neighborhood related social capital compared to single homes and low-rise multi-housing. Studies that mainly examined the physical features such as street layout showed that social encounters happened around local stores and crossings of small roads. Researchers identified actual streets that are more likely to be related with social activities in the neighborhood. Those streets were with physical elements that helped social exchange such as narrower streets, exposed stairs, street furniture of residents, parks, crossing of streets while other streets were with wider and easier access of cars.

Contribution of Road Capital in Industry and Optimal Level of Road Capital in South Korea (한국 도로 자본의 산업에 대한 영향과 도로자본 스톡의 최적수준 분석)

  • Kook, Woo Kag
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSES: This study is to suggest the Contribution of Road Capital in Industry and Optimal Level of Road Investment in South Korea METHODS: Based on the literature review, This research is empirically estimated using disaggregate and disaggregated data composed of 10-sectors covering the entire korea economy for the period 1970~2000. The relevant policy questions addressed in this report are : cost reduction and Scale elasticities of road, effect of road capital stock on demand for labor, capital and materials, marginal effect of road, industry TFP growth decomposition, Net Social Rates of Returns, optimal of road capital. RESULTS : The marginal benefits of the road capital at the industry level were calculated using the estimated cost elasticities. Demand for the road capital services varies across industries as do the marginal effects. The marginal benefits are positive for the principal industries. This suggests that for these industries the existing stock of road capital may be under supplied. CONCLUSIONS: This results emerges is that the ratio of the optimum to actual road capital, measured by road, was high at beginning of the period 1970s and declined 1990s. There appears to be evidence of under-investment in road capital. That is continuous and premeditated investment for road which lead to saving time and finance.

Structural Influence of SNS Social Capital on SNS Health Information Utilization Level (SNS의 사회적자본이 건강정보 활용수준에 미치는 구조적 영향력)

  • Park, Jaesung;Kim, Kyeong-Na
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to test fitness of the structured model of SNS activities for health information. Methods : A structured questionnaire were administered to 500 subjects. A structural equation model was applied to collected data. Results : The response rate was 73.9%. The respondents mostly used Facebook and KakaoStory. They spent 70 minutes per day and 21~30% of this usage was taken by health information. In the variances, those who has religion more actively exchanged information about diseases and medical institutions. The goodness-of-fit of the model was .81(GFI) and .90(CFI). The main path was bridging capital -> bonding capital -> credibility -> SNS activities for health information. The path from quality of sharing information to SNS activities was not significant. It could be explained by the restriction of digital literacy. Conclusions : SNS activities for health information were determined by credibility, currency and bonding social capital. Bridging social capital, indirectly, influenced SNS activities through bonding social capital. Thus building bonding social capital would be a critical success factor for SNS.

Formation of Social relationship through SNS and adolescents' life satisfaction (SNS를 통한 사회적 관계 형성과 청소년의 삶의 만족)

  • Park, So-Young;Cho, Sung-Hui
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.371-379
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    • 2015
  • The degree of adolescents' life satisfaction is very low and the formation of social relationship through SNS is getting important to adolescents. This study aimed to examine if bridging social capital and bonding social capital through SNS and political-social participation affect the life satisfaction of adolescents. Using 2012 Adolescents Social Media Usage Survey of National Youth Policy Institute, this study analyzed 4708 data by Multiple Regression. The results showed that the life satisfaction of male adolescents was higher than that of female adolescents. And the higher the level of bridging social capital and bonding social capital through SNS and political-social participation was, the higher the level of adolescents' life satisfaction. On the basis of the results, practical suggestions to increase the life satisfaction of adolescents were discussed.

Effects of Social Capital on the Problem-solving Ability of Rural Communities in the Context of Developers (농촌마을 내 사회자본이 주민주도 문제해결에 미치는 영향 : 업무담당자들의 시각을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2014
  • With a shift in the rural development process toward a bottom-up approach, the need to enhance the endogenous capacity of communities has become the core of rural development. In this regard, scholars have paid close attention to social capital to identify ways to facilitate endogenous rural development but focused mainly on relationships between social capital and local environment. That is, few studies have investigated the relationships between social capital and its various dimensions in the context of rural development initiatives. This study examines the effects of social capital on the problem-solving ability of community residents'rural development initiatives and assesses the types of social capital associated with such initiatives to propose optimal path for improving this ability. To distinguish between major dimensions of social capital, a questionnaire was developed by considering various stages of the rural development process. The survey considered a sample of 59 employees from public rural development institutions. According to the results, four paths were significant at the 5% level. Among these four paths, three set common goals. The effective channel was the path [common goals${\Rightarrow}$network${\Rightarrow}$cooperation${\Rightarrow}$problem-solving ability]. The key factor in improving problem-solving skills, the endogenous ability of community residents to facilitate rural development initiatives. The results suggest that governments should strengthen education and training programs to help residents set their common goals.